
You can configure up to 4 different rotor interfaces and switch between them easily. SWISSLOG supports the following Rotor Interfaces:

Configure the Rotor Interface

Select Option ¦ Rotor interface > Rotor 1 from the main menu (repeat for rotor 2, 3 and 4 when needed). The following dialog is displayed:


NOTE: You can also enter the end position manually and press Enter.

Some Rotor Interfaces are directly controlled via a Com-Port. Press this button to select the Com-Port and set the Speed an other options.

Check which bands are handled by this rotor (none checked = ALL bands). The "Turn antenna" function implemented in the QSO Entry, DX Cluster windows or Band Maps will only work if transceiver is tuned in any of the selected bands (transceiver control must be started).

IMPORTANT: If you have configured more than 1 rotor, Swisslog provides a very useful feature: it will automatically select the corresponding rotor according the band tuned on your transceiver! You only need to set the bands supported by each rotor and the transceiver control must be configured and started.

For some Interfaces you need software drivers or programs provided by the manufacturer of the Rotor. Enter the location of the program in this field or press the Search button. (i.e.: ARSWIN.EXE for EA4TX ARS-LPT, LPROTOR.EXE for LP-Rotor, PSTROTATOR.EXE or PSTROTATORAZ.EXE for PSTRotator, etc).

Configuring PstRotator

PstRotator is available in 2 versions (Swisslog supports both versions):

You can handle up to 4 rotors (4 program instances working at once).

Configuring a single rotor:

Configuring Rotor 2 to 4:

Rotor Control Window

A small window is available which allows you to control manually the currently selected Rotor. From the main menu select View ¦ Rotor-Interface :

If the Rotor supports also Elevation you can also control the vertical rotor. Press on the direction button to start the motion in the corresponding direction. Press the center button to stop the motion. You can also enter the end position manually in the azimuth/elevation fields and press Enter to turn. Window can be set as standalone via pop-up menu.

Azimuth Indicator

A window is available as azimuth indicator. It's resizable and it offers different features whether a rotor interface is used or not. From the main menu select View | Azimuth Indicator.

If using a rotor interface it has the following features:

It will look like this:

If no rotor interface is used, it will display the bearing of the current station entered in the QSO Entry window. The window title will display the azimuth and also the long path bearing:

Copyright © 2004 SWISSLOG
Last modified: 19 ene. 2024