Basic Operations

SWISSLOG is a MDI application (Multiple Document Interface). It consists of a Main Window and various Child Windows that reside within the Main Window.

The Main Window consists of the Main Menu, the Main Toolbar at the top of the window, and the Status Line at the bottom of the window. In some instances, when the mouse cursor is placed over an item, ‘hints’ will be displayed on the status line. As an example: when the mouse cursor is placed over the QTH Locator cell in the QSO Edit window, the following hint appears on the Status Line: “Double-Click to calculate the QTH-Locator”.

You may access SWISSLOG functions by using any of the following methods:

Main Menu

The Main Menu is the primary way to access SWISSLOG functions. If you click on any of the items shown on the Main Menu, a submenu will appear offering additional choices related to the main item. As an example: On the Main Menu, click on Edit and a submenu will drop-down showing functions related to editing; such as “Add/Edit Bands, Add/Edit Modes, Edit Bandplan” and so on.

Hint: If you click on one of the items listed on the Main Menu and then move the mouse to another item on the Main Menu, the corresponding submenus will appear automatically.

When you select an item from one of the submenus, the function is activated and (in most cases) a child window appears for the selected function.

The Functions item on the Main Menu is special; it has multiple uses and requires further explanation below.

Many child windows have unique options associated with them. These options are presented on a submenu, which is displayed under Functions on the Main Menu, rather than inside the child window. Therefore, the Functions submenu is specific to the child window that is presently active. In some cases, the active window does not have any options – in this case Functions does not appear on the Main Menu.

As an example: Make the QSO Entry window active by clicking somewhere in the window (preferably on the title bar), then select Functions from the Main Menu, the drop-down submenu appears and lists the following choices “Options, Turn Antenna To Short Path, Turn Antenna To Long Path etc.”

Next, make the View Logbook window active; then select Functions from the Main Menu and the drop-down submenu appears which lists numerous functions that are specific to working with your logbook.  As you can see in each case, the menus are specific to each active child window.

For most child windows, the Functions menu and the Pop-up menu contain the same menu items. This is important to know because if do a multiple select in a child window you can modify the selection if you open the Pop-up menu. This is an odd behavior I was unable to fix.

Pop-up Menus

Pop-up menus are very important! They are the most expedient method for accessing menus – always   check the pop-up menus when you are looking for a function or option.

Activate the pop-up menus by clicking the right mouse button (right-click).

Most of the child windows have at least one pop-up menu used to access numerous functions or options –other windows have multiple pop-up menus associated with them. The pop-up menu that appears is dependent on where the mouse cursor is presently located when you click the right mouse button.

As an example: Place the mouse cursor anywhere within the QSO Entry window, then right-click with the mouse button. A pop-up menu appears and lists the options or functions available.

Hint: When you try the example above, a few details may not be immediately obvious. First, notice the QSO Entry window did not need to be active – when you place the mouse cursor in a window (whether it is active or not) and right-click, the pop-up menu appears.

Second, within the QSO Entry window you will notice the pop-up menus are specific to the Tab that is presently selected. As an example: Select the QTH tab, then right-click anywhere inside the QSO Entry window. Note the options presented on the pop-up menu. Now select the Prev.QSO Tab and place the mouse cursor in the upper portion of the window and right-click; the same pop-up menu appears. Now move the mouse cursor to the lower portion of the window in the area displaying log information; right-click and a different menu of options appears which is specific to this area of the QSO Entry window.

You will also find multiple pop-up windows associated with the Logbook window. As an example:  Right-click on a column heading or an entry in the log to view the different pop-up menus.


Many of the windows have a Toolbar with several buttons, which allow fast access to several sub-functions. In most windows, the buttons are located along the top edge of the window just below the title bar. In the QSO Entry window, the buttons are located along the bottom edge of the window below the Tabs.

Hint: In most cases, placing the mouse cursor over a button on the Toolbar will display a brief description of the button function.

Hint: Use the Close button on Main Toolbar to close any active window – be sure the window you want to close is active; otherwise you may close another window accidentally.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Many functions have an associated keyboard shortcut, which allows fast access to the function without requiring opening a menu. For reference, the keyboard shortcuts are displayed at the right side of the menus.  As an example: Select View from the main menu, the submenu appears and lists several functions and their keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl+A means that pressing the “Ctrl” key and the “A” key at the same time will activate the QSO Entry window.

It's important to know that you can get help from most functions by pressing the Help button (if available) or by pressing the F1 key. In some specific functions (such as K1EL WinKeyer window) the F1 key is used for macros so it's disabled for help. In this case a Help button is available to get help for that function. You can also go to Help | Contents and read the chapter you need.

Copyright © 2004 SWISSLOG
Last modified: 15 dic. 2016