Version 5 News and History
Version 5.111 25/12/2024
Version 5.110 24/07/2024
Version 5.109 27/03/2024
Version 5.108 25/12/2023
Version 5.107 01/07/2023
Version 5.106a 27/12/2022
Version 5.106 25/12/2022
Version 5.105 17/08/2022
Version 5.104 13/06/2022
Version 5.103 25/12/2021
Version 5.102b 02/07/2021
Version 5.102a 01/07/2021
Version 5.102 29/06/2021
Version 5.101a 24/01/2021
Version 5.101 25/12/2020
Version 5.100e 27/09/2020
Version 5.100d 13/08/2020
Version 5.100c 07/08/2020
Version 5.100b 02/08/2020
Version 5.100a 19/07/2020
Version 5.100 19/07/2020
Version 5.99g 19/04/2020
Version 5.99f 04/01/2020
Version 5.99e 25/12/2019
Version 5.99d 03/09/2019
Version 5.99c 26/08/2019
Version 5.99b 25/05/2019
Version 5.99a 26/03/2019
Version 5.99 25/12/2018
Version 5.98c 12/10/2018
Version 5.98b 06/09/2018
Version 5.98a 01/09/2018
Version 5.98 03/08/2018
Version 5.97k 26/04/2018
Version 5.97j 14/04/2018
Version 5.97i 05/04/2018
Version 5.97h 16/02/2018
Version 5.97g 04/02/2018
Version 5.97f 30/01/2018
Version 5.97e 28/01/2018
Version 5.97d 26/01/2018
Version 5.97c 05/01/2018
Version 5.97b 02/01/2018
Version 5.97a 08/12/2017
Version 5.97 04/12/2017
Version 5.96 25/03/2017
Version 5.95 17/01/2017
Version 5.94 16/12/2016
Version 5.93 22/07/2016
Version 5.92 20/04/2016
Version 5.91a 11/01/2016
Version 5.91 03/12/2015
Version 5.9d 16/07/2015
Version 5.9c 06/05/2015
Version 5.9b 01/04/2015
Version 5.9a 12/02/2015
Version 5.9 25/12/2014
Version 5.8 14/02/2010
Version 5.7 04/01/2010
Version 5.6b 09/10/2009
Version 5.6 10/06/2009
Version 5.5 15/04/2009
Version 5.4 27/11/2008
Version 5.2 24/06/2005
5.2 Ecb 15/10/2007 (thank you to
5.2 Eca 19/04/2006
5.2 Ec 13/04/2006
5.2 EA 03/04/2006
5.2 Dc 13/06/2006
5.2 Db 28/02/2006
5.2 Ck 27/12/2005
5.2 Ch 24/11/2005
5.2Cc 27/09/2005
5.2 c 07/07/2005
5.2 b 26/06/2005
Version 5.1 10/01/2005
Version 5.09 01/10/2004
Version 5.08 24/09/2004
Version 5.07 06/09/2004
Version 5.06 26/08/2004
Version 5.05 16/08/2004
Version 5.04 10/08/2004
Version 5.03 27/07/2004
Version 5.02 23/07/2004
Version 5.01 15/07/2004
Version 5.0 25/06/2004
This page briefly documents Changes and New Functions added to the various
Version 5.111 25/12/2024
This version includes the following
This option is enabled by default. If you don't work
POTA you can disable it
in Options / Query POTA Activators.
NEW: WWFF: Swisslog now updates the
directory from the WWFF website which is updated daily and included full
details. After entering a WWFF reference in the QSO entry window, IOTA, Grid
and DXCC fields are set according the info from the WWFF Directory.
NEW: QSO Entry: now the
QTH-Name field will automatically select the QTH-Name from the last QSO
worked with this station (if more than one QTH Name has been found in the
PQTH table for such call).
NEW: QSO Entry > QTH tab: added a
button below Diploma fields to Clear all Diploma fields contents. This is
very useful when working very active POTA, SOTA and other award activators
to avoid setting previous references to current QSO if you have many QSOs
with the same station.
NEW: QSO Entry > Operator and
QTH fields: Copy text to the clipboard is allowed by pressing Ctrl+C keys
NEW: QSO Entry > Release a beep sound when a
QSO is dupe: when you enter a callsign in you have
enabled the option to warn dupe QSO, you can also listen to the sound
specified as the Windows Exclamation sound by adding this key in the COMMON
section of the SwisslV5.ini file: Beepondupe=1
NEW: Added FSKH105, FSKH245, HELLX5
and HELLX9 modes.
NEW: Now beta versions are
indicated beside the Swisslog version as *BETA*.
Improved: Band buttons in Band Maps: if CAT is
enabled, the tuned frequency will be set according the selected radio mode
and the band plan for the mode, instead the band center as it was
previously. This is useful for CW and SSB (and also FM for 10m, 6m, 2m and
70cm). When radio mode is different from these modes the tuned frequency
will be the standard FT8 frequency for the selected band.
Changed: when displaying QSOs by double clicking on
a cell from any statistic view, listing will be now sorted by date/time in
descending order.
Corrected: if a diploma field is changed a new
HomeQTH will always be added. This must be performed this way otherwise new
references will replace old ones in previous HomeQTH. This specially
affect QSO with EA stations where there are many awards.
Corrected: ADIF Export: now all special or accented letters such as á,à,Ä,ô,ç,Ñ etc. will be converted to the regular letter with no
accent. ADIF only accepts ASCII characters in the range from 32 through 126
(inclusive) not allowing international characters.
Corrected: Rotor options: when entering rotor
options for the first time, the EA4TX ARS-LPT (via ARSWIN) was the default
option and it was selected even closing the Window. This caused Swisslog to
behave as if EA4TX ARS-LPT interface was used. Now the default option will
be NONE and user must select a rotor option specifically.
Corrected: Transceiver control for Kenwood TS-570:
"xxx is not a valid integer value" error message.
Corrected: passwords used for online services such
as LoTW, eQSL, QRZ, Club Log etc.: password didn't work from Swisslog if
including some special characters (i.e: Ñ).
Corrected: QSO Entry: "Invalid floating point
operation" error message after entering some calls.
Corrected: DX Windows / Band Maps: Swisslog locks up
when logging from these windows if displaying the image profile from
Callbook databases with animated GIFs (i.e. S9Z).
Corrected: Update FOC member list from Internet: web
link changed. TNX LB2TB!
Corrected: Saving from DX Windows or Band Maps
caused the "Do not set TX mode" option checked.
Corrected: FOC member list: web link has changed.
Corrected: Update IOTA references from internet: IOTA link and file format
Corrected: "208: no such child" error message and
UDP connection stops when enabling receiving data from the DM780/N1MM option
and receiving a XML structure not including some fields.
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
to Erik, EI4KF.
Erik is again the country table maintainer. Former maintainer, Senio, EA1AHY
recently passed away...
Version 5.110 24/07/2024
This version includes the following
- NEW: Swisslog can now work in a local network!
PLEASE read carefully the "Using Swisslog in a local network"
chapter under "Other features" in the Swisslog help.
- NEW: Support for SDC Skimmer by Yuri UT4LW. Please read
the CW Interfaces chapter in the Swisslog help.
- NEW: UDP link to help QO-100 users: when Swisslog
receives a Log QSO request from WSJT-X, JTDX or MHSV in 2400.040 MHz (QO-100
Uplink frequency), QSO will be saved with SAT as Prop Mode and satellite
name as QO-100 automatically.
- NEW: Transceiver control window: added 4 more custom
buttons. Now there are 16 buttons available.
- Improved: WSJT-X Band Maps: improved performance.
- Improved: transceiver control for TRX Manager: improved
- Improved: QSO Entry > My QTH: Latitude/Longitude fields. Changed
precision from 2 to 3 digit for a more accurated QTH Locator calculation.
This also applies for these fields in the QTH tab.
- Enhanced: CW Type link: In order to have a fluent operation, no "QSO is
not saved" message when callsign is changed manually in the QSO Entry
- Enhanced: Swisslog is now able to retrieve not only WWV info but WCY
info from Cluster.
- Changed: Export dialog: the "Export colum headers" option is unchecked
by default.
- Corrected: Error message "QTH Name: a value is required for this field"
when saving from external programs specially FT8 programs. Now, even if QTh
Name field is blank after entering a callsign, Swisslog will assign the
proper content to this field when saving the QSO. No more errors regarding
this unless user leave it blank manually.
- Corrected: Telnet window: messages were displayed in 2 lines depending
the Telnet server.
- Corrected: WSJT-X Band Maps: "No values have been specified for
any of the required parameters" error message.
- Corrected: Realtime Logging: if frequency was equal or higher than 1GHz,
frequency was not set properly in ADIF format.
- Corrected: Swisslog startup with no internet connection: "11001: [11001]
Host not found" and " An Error occoured Swisslog will be terminated ,
Initializing failed" error messages.
- Corrected: QSO Entry: no incremental search in mode field.
- Corrected: Logbook view: deleting a QSO when grouped by a field causes
"Index is out of boundaries" continuous error message being necessary to
force a Swisslog shutdown with Ctrl+Alt+Del.
- Corrected: ADIF Export: If frequency was lower than 10MHz, FREQ field
contained a spurious leading space. Thanks Graham G3ZOD!
- Corrected: Band Maps: Logging QSO from Band Maps if a WFF reference was
detected it was not copied in the WWFF field in the QSO Entry.
- Corrected: Dx Cluster: lots of reconnections and long periods not
receiving any data.
- Corrected: DX Cluster: certain statistics gives no status info such as
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
to Arsenio, EA1AHY.
Version 5.109 27/03/2024
This version includes the following
NEW: Dx Messages and Band Maps: Swisslog is now able to
identify the references of the following awards if found in the spot
comments: Spanish awards: DCE, DEE, DEFE, DME, DMVE and DVGE. International
awards: IOTA, POTA, RDA, SOTA, WCA and WFF. This powerful feature allows the
- Add these statistics to know the statistic status in realtime the
same way already works for others awards such as DXCC, WAZ, WPX, etc.
- If user logs the QSO from the DX message (spot), all recognised
references will be automatically set to the corresponding fields.
- The use of Statistic Quick Views for these awards. Clicking on a
spot will give you realtime information of the reference for the
selected bands/modes, as well as the reference description, if found in
the associated info table.
spotters tend to write these awards references in a different format
from the original award reference. i.e. for WFF EAFF0001 instead of
EAFF-0001 or delimiting the reference by dots, commas, slahes instead of
using blanks, etc. A complex algorithm searches for the different wrong
patterns usually found in cluster. Although the accuracy is very high
(100% if the reference is written as it is or more than 90% in other
cases) , there will be cases where is not possible to identify the
reference. If you find a spot having a reference of any of these awards
and it's not recognised by Swisslog, please send me a screenshot or the
full details of the specific spot to try to improve the algorithm (if
- NEW: Support for CW decoder MRP40.
- NEW: Support for SPID rotors.
- NEW: Online logbooks: added UDP. You can now send basic
QSO fields to external programs or services via UDP to any IP/port in N1MM
XML and/or ADIF Format (selectable).
NEW: Membership panel: Added
RRDXA (Rhein Ruhr DX Association).
- NEW: Added FREEDV and M17 modes.
- NEW: TCI: Now you can configure several Expert SunSDR
units working in different IP/Ports.
- Enhanced: Rotor interface window: new look with digital display showing
azimuth and elevation (where supported). Now this window can be set as
- Enhanced: CW Type / TrueTTY: now the macro panel will be displayed
automatically when Cw Type or TrueTTY is started from within Swisslog. It
will be hidden when the program is closed.
- Enhanced: Cw Interfaces: CW Get: the CW button will become green when CW
Get is running and linked to Swisslog. It will become red when CW Get is
- Enhanced: CW interface menu: now there is a tick besides the current CW
program used. Also a splitter has been added to differentiate CW decoder and
CW generators.
- Enhanced: Pending QSO Log request: improved queue handling to
avoid losing QSOs during saving process.
Corrected: Transceiver
Control: FlexRadio TCP CAT not working.
Corrected: Transceiver Control: low
performance or not working smoothly in Yaesu transceivers.
Corrected: Transceiver control for Yaesu new models: if the "Shutdown
transceiver at exit" option was checked, transceiver was not switched off
most times.
Corrected: Transceiver toolbar: if frequency was higher or equal to 1GHZ
frequency was not centered vertically. The same applied to modes wider than
4 characters.
Corrected: DX Lab Commander: only one or two first digits of frequency were
displayed if Windows Regional settings used a space as thousand separator.
Corrected: Rotor interface window: was not possible to manually set any
azimuth/elevation. Some error message when using certain rotor options.
Corrected: NDG
Update: link to download member list and data format changed.
Corrected: Deleted the Help / Search.. option because didn't work (obsolete option).
Corrected: Logbook view: wildcards didn't work in Custom filters
Corrected: Logbook view > Manual tab: LoTW/eQSL filters didn't
Corrected: added Gabriele Riva, IU2RON in Help / About / Credits.
Corrected: Help contents / News of current version didn't work if Italian
language was selected. English help will be displayed when current language
help is not available.
Corrected: Export log to WSJT/JTDX: when QTH Locator length is 6, latest 2
characters must be set in lowercase. This is a requisite of latest versions
of JTDX in order to determine the US State properly.
Corrected: the "Statistic XXX is empty" message will only be displayed
for statistic reports, not for Statistic Quick-Views or DX Message windows.
Corrected: DX Messages / Band Maps: spots didn't disappear after defined
spot lifetime if no new spot entered passing the defined selection criteria.
Corrected: Online logbooks (UDP): 70cm and 13cm were not sent properly in
XML N1MM format. Added 3cm band.
Corrected: Import QSO: under certain scenarios the HomeQTH name were not set
Corrected: TCI: when using a transverter option to work the QO-100
satellite, a kind of "2400040000 is not a valid integer value" error message
was displayed.
Corrected: Forwarding new QSOs to QSOMAP.COM: This function didn't
work. I contacted the author of QSOMAP.COM, Mike, N9MS and he has enabled
again this feature to all Swisslog users. But all Swisslog users
must know that a small donation or subscription to
QSOMAP.COM is required in order keep
the cost of the server. Otherwise forwarding QSOs to QSOMAP.COM may
stop working again in the future.
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
to Arsenio, EA1AHY.
statistics on 27/03/2024.
Version 5.108
This version includes the following
NEW: Italian language! THANK YOU VERY MUCH
for the huge effort of Gabriele Riva, IU2RON.
NEW: TCI support improved:
Added the receiver number in green colour on the
right part of the transceiver control window and transceiver toolbar.
Click on the receiver number to switch between both receivers.
Clicking on a spot from the SDR Panorama, apart from entering such
callsign in the QSO Entry window, Swisslog will also select
automatically the receiver from which such spot came from. TCI version
1.5 or higher is required!
Support to display Power output in the
S-Meter and Transceiver control window.
Enabled COM Monitor and Command
tester tab in the TCI options to monitor TCI traffic and send commands.
- NEW: DX Messages windows: added a field in the "Selection Criterias"
options to set a custom title for the window. This is very useful when
using several DX Messages windows helping user to quickly identify the
applied filters on every window.
- NEW: S-Meter: added support for
Elecraft K4 and QCX transceivers (Kenwood / Elecraft option).
- NEW: Power
Output: added support for Elecraft K2, K3 and K4.
- NEW: Export log to
WSJT-X/JTDX: added the US State according the new feature in latest JTDX
version (160 rc4).
- NEW: QSO entry / QSL Info: added a new letter (W) to
show which band/mode this station is worked and QSL has not been
- Improved: now Swisslog closes faster.
- Improved: MixW link: now when linking to MixW the
transceiver toolbar and control window will show the CAT frequency from
MixW. The frequency in the QSO Entry will still be the real frequency of
operation, according the selected mode.
- Improved: Error messages when logging into online
services: if user has not disabled error messages, Swisslog will release
an error message in case something fails during the upload procedure
(i.e: website is down, not responding or there is another issue). Added
new error messages for QRZ.COM.
- Corrected: MixW link: QSOs saved
from MixW caused the Propagation mode set to SAT and adding
latitude/longitude values into the propagation mode and satelite name
list. Users experiencing this must edit the SATMODES.TXT and
SATNAMES.TXT with a text editor and delete the lines with numbers and
delete the contents of the Propagation mode field and Satellite Name for
such entries in a Logbook view.
- Corrected: if a callsign remained in the
QSO Entry window when closing Swisslog, Swisslog asked twice if user wanted to save changes.
- Corrected: TCI transceiver control (Expert SDR):
clicking on a spot from the SDR, callsign is entered in the QSO Entry
window. To avoid entering something which is not a callsign (such as
599) now only callsigns will be entered, ignoring sequence of numbers
and other text which is not a possible callsign.
- Corrected: Transceiver
control for SATPC32: Continuous "Logbook: dataset is not in insert or
edit mode" error message when editing a QSO.
- Corrected: Transceiver Control: Swisslog locks up when switching from
Yaesu to ICOM transceivers.
- Corrected: Statistic view
(new): band/mode columns are fitted automatically to the best fit
according the band/mode title.
- Corrected: ADIF Import: if frequency
field was higher than 1000MHz (i.e. 2400MHz) the frequency in the QSO
was set to the minimum frequency defined for the band, ignoring the real
value. Example: value to import 2400.095000 was set to 2300.000000
- Corrected: VarAC logging: "Band input required" error message if saving
QSO on 13cm band (2400MHz) or any other frequency higher than 1000MHz.
- Corrected: Violation access error
replying YES when Swisslog prompts user to resequence QSOs.
- Corrected:
Violation access errors and Swisslog needed to be closed under some
scenarios having enabled the option "Enable networking". This function
is experimental not documented and still not working.
- Corrected: Tools >
Club Log > Set DXCC from Club Log: if user customized the colours of windows, the Mode section was displayed in the
default colour.
- Corrected: Error messages when deleting QSOs in Club Log, HAMLOG,
HAMQTH, HRDLOG and QRZ: dialogs were hidden if changing focus to another
programs being necessary to use task manager to get them back to front.
- Corrected: Online logbooks realtime logging: if Comment field length was
higher than 99, Comment was trucated to the length of the first 2
numbers. Example: if Comment length was 151 characters, only 15 were
- Corrected: E6 Niue Island was wrongly assigned to EU instead
of OC. Swisslog will automatically fix this in all existing QSOs with
this DXCC Entity when starting the new version.
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
to Arsenio, EA1AHY.
statistics on 24/12/2023.
Version 5.107
This version includes the following
NEW: Transceiver control: now
supporting up to 8 transceiver options. Swisslog will play the sound of the
selected transceiver number in morse code.
NEW: Transceiver control window and
toolbar: when using more one transceiver, clicking on the transceiver number
will display a small list with the transceiver number and the name assigned
by the user to select the desired transceiver. Now there is not need to go
through all transceivers in sequence!
NEW: Transceiver control window:
fully redesigned and implementing the following features:
Mouse wheel tuning. Simply move cursor over any
digit and move wheel up and down. You can also type a frequency in Hz
then Enter to set (as it was previously).
Window can be set as standalone via pop-up menu.
A button panel is available through a button
with a red arrow to open/close it. This panel offers 12 buttons. User
can customize every button with a caption and set a CAT command
supported by your radio. Very useful to set filters, other modes,
trigger CW or SSB memories saved on your radio, etc. This only works for
Kenwood, ICOM and Yaesu transceivers as well as for DX Lab Commander. Mouse
right click to select the Configuration window. In order to
configure a CAT command to be sent through DX Lab Commader you need to add 000xcvrcommand'ASCIICATComand or 000xcvrcommandHexadecimalCATComand. Kenwood
and new Yaesu uses ASCII commands and old Yaesu and ICOM uses
Hexadecimal commands.
note that the difference between sending ASCII or Hexadecimal commands
is the preceding single apostrophe located between the DX Lab command
and the radio CAT command. Please read the radio manual to know
about the CAT commands supported by your radio.
A Digital S-Meter / Power Output is also
available. See the S-Meter chapter to know which transceiver options are
NEW: S-Meter / Power output: added
support for Yaesu FT-817, FT-847, FT-857 and FT-897. Now S-Meter works for
all Yaesu except FT-747 and FT-757. Many thanks to F6JON, EA5HKZ and LU1DZ
for all testings!
NEW: Transceiver options: new tab
"COM monitor and Command tester". User can now monitor COM port and also be
able to send CAT commands. This tab is only available in Kenwood, ICOM and
Yaesu transceivers. Trace option has been deleted.
NEW: ICOM Transceivers: added USB-D
and LSB-D modes.
NEW: TCI transceiver control:
clicking on any callsign of the SDR Panorama will enter the selected
callsing in the QSO Entry window. This feature is only available in SDRs
supporting latest TCI protocol.
NEW: Satellite users using
SatPC32/SatPC32ISS. Added a new transceiver control option for SatPC32.
Swisslog will read the SatPC32's Uplink frequency/mode and the selected
satellite from SatPC32/SatPC32ISS will be set automatically in the satellite
name field of the QSO Entry. The satellite panel will be visible
automatically when SATPC32 is sending data (by default when satellite
elevation is higher that 0) and will be hidden when satellite is out of
range. This is a very useful transceiver control option specially for ICOM
users where the uplink frequency in satellite mode is not read.
NEW: The DM780 option now also
supports QSOs saved from N1MM on UDP Port 12060.
NEW: Options > Rotor Interface /
Transceiver Control menu: now it displays the transceiver/rotor name
assigned by user instead of Transceiver 1-8 or Rotor 1-4.
NEW: QSO Entry > Comments tab:
added a vertical scroll bar to make navigation easier in case you place a
lot of text.
NEW: TCP API: now supports the
GreenCube Terminal by OZ9AAZ to work the IO-117 satellite.
NEW: Schedules / Dx alerts: user
can now sort ascending/descending by clicking on any column (except NOTES).
Very useful when having many entries.
NEW: Statistic Quick-View: now you
can set this window as standalone (via pop-up menu).
NEW: Membership panel: Added
Corrected: Azimuth window: when not using a rotor
interface it didn't show any beaming after entering a callsing in the QSO
Entry window.
Corrected: Import QSO: if Merge QSO option was
enabled and during the same session user perform another(s) importations,
the Merge option was always enabled.
Corrected: DX window > Selection criteria: selecting
all modes was not possible.
Corrected: Tools > ClubLog > Set DXCC from CLubLog.
An exception raised if the QSO Entry window was not open.
Corrected: Update POTA references: some references
were wrongly imported raising a "QTH Locator is invalid error message" after
entering a POTA reference in the QSO Entry window.
Corrected: Callbook databases: QTH locator were not
copied into the QTH locator field under certain scenarios.
Corrected: Enabling link to DM780, SIMPSK or
JT65-HF, menu items were not checked on program launch.
Corrected: "Invalid floating point operation" error
message at program startup or when clicking a callsign in a logbook view.
Corrected: ADIF import: SAT_MODE ADIF field was
wrongly converted into the Propagation mode field when should be skipped (there is
no such field in Swisslog).
Corrected: improved S-Meter response in Yaesu
FT-1000, FT-1000MP, FT-990, FT-920, FT-900 and FT-890. Many thanks F6JON for
all testings!
Corrected: HRDLOG realtime edition not working.
Corrected: DEE update: importation stopped.
Rewritten code to skip reference errors in the original file.
Corrected: transceiver toolbar was not displayed (if
enabled by the user) if the transceiver option could not be started.
Corrected: Set DXCC from Club Log: closing this
function minimizes the window instead of closing it.
Corrected: Realtime logging to eQSL: if not defined
an eQSL Nickname in the selected MyQTH to avoid synch to eQSL, the QSO was
uploaded equally.
Corrected: some important dialogs were hidden if
changing focus to another programs being necessary to use task manager to
get them back.
Corrected/improved: some issues when there were
pending Log QSO requests from WSJT-X, DM780, etc when closing Swisslog.
Raised the number of pending log QSO request to 100 (before was 20).
Corrected: Shazam/Query Report editor: TODAY filter
function didn't work in languages using the dd/mm/yyyy date format. Only
worked in countries using mm/dd/yyyy.
Corrected: World Map: The Show DX Stations on map
only worked if a Dx Window was active. Now it will also work if a Band Map
is active.
Corrected: Satellite panel could not be activated on
bands higher or equal than 10m under certain scenarios.
Corrected: LOTW Synch: expired certificates
error message. This message happened if user deleted certificates from TQSL
which were previously configured in Swisslog. Now Swisslog handles this
scenario automatically, ignoring those which are not available anymore in
Corrected: Callbook databases: QTH locator was
always set in the QSO even if the "Geographical coordinates" checkbox was
not checked in the Field Copy Instructions. Also QTH locator set in QSOs
with portable stations (i.e. W1/EA3GCV) was always the Homecall QTH locator,
causing a wrong azimuth and longitude/latitude.
Changed: deleted TBDXC (True Blue DXers Club) from
the membership panel because no longer exists (see
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
to Arsenio, EA1AHY.
statistics on 30/06/2023.
Version 5.106a
This version includes the following
Corrected: QSO Entry > RST fields: when manually
typing, existing RST was not deleted and cursor was always set to first
position after entering every digit.
Corrected: Import QSO: "Variant type [Null] could not
be converted to type [Integer]" error message.
Version 5.106
This version includes the following
NEW: Import QSO: Added an option to allow a time
allowance for dupe checking. User can define a time allowance to avoid
importing QSOs with the same station, band, mode and date in a range of time
differences. Default time allowance is +-45 seconds. This is very useful
when importing the ADIF file from WSJT-X, JTDX or from online services where
the time for the same QSO can differ some seconds or even several minutes.
This option can be also used to cleanup the Swisslog database in case there
are many dupes. In such case, user must follow this procedure:
View > Logbook view (selection) > ADIF Export >
All Fields (including Swisslog fields).spq
If you have more than one My QTH, filter QSOs by
the first My QTH. Now it's very important to review some dupes to know
which time allowance should be set later to do the cleanup.
Export QSOs in ADIF format
Delete the selected QSOs (mouse right click
then Delete > Delete all QSOs).
Repeat steps 2 to 4 in case you have more than
one My QTH.
Import every ADIF file to the corresponding My
QTH then set a time allowance according the time shift detected on
If you use LoTW/eQSL, it's very important to
resynch your whole logbook again by setting the QSL since field to
01/01/1900 in the LoTW/eQSL synch functions.
NEW: Transceiver control: Transverter support! added
an option to set a transverter offset frequency in Hertz. Example: if you
have a 144/28MHz transverter you have to set an offset of: 144MHz - 28MHz =
116MHz = 116000000
NEW: Transceiver control: Switch ON transceiver at
startup / Shutdown transceiver at exit options: when these options are
available, user can select to make transceiver powered on when the
transceiver control is starting and/or powered off when closing Swisslog.
Not all transceivers support this feature. Refer to the CAT commands section
in the instruction manual . For Yaesu and Kenwood check if the PS command is
supported. For ICOM check if $18 command is supported. Some models (such as
IC-7600 or IC-7700) need to upgrade to the latest firmware to support this
command. In order to make it work, it's mandatory to change the "Shutdown
function" to "Stanbyby/shutdown" in the radio menu.
NEW: QSO Entry: added a dropdown list with most important RST
values in the RST sent/received fields. User can costumize the values in the
list by editing the SwisslV5.ini (COMMON section, RSTList59, RSTList599 and
RSTList00 entries).
NEW: You can forward your new QSO to QSOMAP.ORG
automatically. Register on this site and simply enable this option in the
OPTION menu and you will be able to display your QSOs in this excellent
online tool.
NEW: Rotor interface: Support for Genius rotor.
NEW: Rotor toolbar: added button to start/stop rotor
NEW: ARSVCOM: Support for multiple instances. Please
refer to
NEW: Propagation prediction: now you can set this
window as standalone (via pop-up menu).
NEW: Statistic Quick-Info: now you can set this
window as standalone (via pop-up menu).
NEW: Azimuth window: now you can set this window as
standalone (via pop-up menu). IMPORTANT: this window can't be resized when
set as standalone. If you need to change its size, do it as child window
then set is as standalone.
Added: IO-117 to satellite list (GREENCUBE).
Enhanced: QSO Entry: Dropdow list for Mode,
Band, Current QTH, Current Working Conditions and Events fields: now list
contains up to 25 values instead of 8 for better operation.
Corrected: Transceiver control for ICOM: now
Swisslog sets last filter used on radio for the selected mode.
FILTER 2 was always selected in previous versions.
Corrected: Transceiver control: when switching off
transceiver control from the transceiver toolbar the button remained
green sometimes. When off, now QRG will display 0 and mode empty instead
of showing last QRG/Mode. This will help user to know whether transceiver
control is enabled or not, apart from the power button status color.
Corrected: Transceiver control: if COM port was saved
as 0 a Select Port dialog appeared in an endless loop being not possible to
do anything.
Corrected: S-Meter window: if set as standalone, this
setting was not restored in next startup. If this window was closed and
opened again, the position and size was set to the default value.
Corrected: Rotor interface for GS232, EA4TX ARSUSB
and EA4TX ARSVCOM: when user set to turn the antenna, beaming reading was
wrong for a second, going to a tenth part of the selected beaming direction.
i.e: turning to 330 Swisslog displayed 33 for a second.
Corrected: Rotor RT-21: beaming was not read when
turning manually from the controller. Also was not read while turning from
within Swisslog.
Corrected: JTDX TCP link didn't work.
Corrected: Random error message: 10049: [10049] Can't
assign requested address.
Corrected: WSJT-X Band Map: Swisslog locks up if user
closes WSJT-X.
Corrected: DCE update: First 8 references were
missing as well as first character of description and City. Source file
format was changed!
Corrected: SFI field was only set while
entering QSOs in realtime but was not set while working linked with external
programs such as WSJ-X, JTDX, etc. Now it will be set when QSO Date matches
with current date, regardless QSO entry it's in realtime mode or not.
Corrected: Logbook views: Custom filter dialog:
pressing Enter key does the same as pressing the OK button. Previously,
Enter key cancelled filter which was not logical.
Changed: applied some internal changes to fulfill current ADIF version
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH
to Arsenio, EA1AHY.
statistics on 24/12/2022.
Version 5.105
This version includes the following
NEW: FCC database for US Calls
included in the statistic database. It will be updated twice per year. This
allow the following features when an US Call is found in the FCC database:
Dx windows: US state will be displayed in square
brackets at the end of the spot comments.
Cluster / WSJT-X Band maps: US State wil be
displayed when placing mouse over the call to see spot details. US State
is also sent in square brackets as comment to the Flex Radio Panorama
(if using Flex Radio).
Display WAS statistic status in Dx windows, Band
Maps and WSJT-X Band Maps.
Searching US State in the FCC database may affect performance according your
computer, number of QSO in your logbook, spot traffic and parallel software
being executed along with Swisslog. If you experience this o simply don't want
to use this feature, it can be disabled in Options / Query US State to the
FCC database for DX message and Band Maps windows.
NEW: Transceiver control for FLRIG:
Support for multiple instances. Please read the Transceiver control chapter
in the Swisslog help.
NEW: WSJT-X / JTDX UDP link: now
during the Swisslog session, if user closes WSJT-X/JTDX and launch it again,
the UDP link will be performed automatically (there is no need to press the
UDP button as it was needed to do). This also ensures a better UDP link and
the reported issues should be gone. User only need to press the button to
disable the link manually if WSJT-X / JTDX remains open and user needs to
work another mode such as SSB, CW or any other digital mode with another
NEW: Support for Log QSO requests
from VarAC. In VarAC perform the following:
Go to Settings > RIG Control and VarAC
Select Swisslog (TCP) in the Send
log field of the Logging section (or N1MM TCP if this option is not
Set IP and Port 52001.
In Swisslog:
Go to Options > Digital Modes
Interface > WSJT-X / JTDX UDP Settings
Check the TCP checkbox in
the first instance of the "ONLY Log QSO request" section.
Set the same
Check the Active checkbox. This option also supports Log QSO requests from JTDX or
MMSSTV YONIQ software (enabling their TCP servers).
NEW: World Map: improved default
view. IMPORTANT: The
SWISSLOG.ENV file must be ovewritten to display the improved view. Users
will need to reconfigure world map to their needs and preferences again to
adapt to the new view. If you have Swisslog installed in another folder
different than C:\Swisslog you will have to edit the SWISSLOG.ENV
file and replace all C:\Swisslog by your installation path. Your
previous SWISSLOG.ENV will be located in the
BACKUP folder in case you want to restore it.
NEW: DX window: now you can
show if a callsign spotted is member of a certain Club such as AGCW,
CWOPS, EPC, FOC, SKCC, TEN TEN, etc. by selecting the corresponding
statistic in the pop up menu. If member, it will be displayed with an X in
the corresponding column.
NEW: Logbook view > Update QSO's
with Data from the Country Table and/or from a Callbook Database: added
options to update WAZ and ITU zones separately.
Improved: WSJT-X Band Maps: improved performance to solve freeze/slowness issues
specially with
high traffic.
Corrected: Band map: double clicking on ruler, mode
was not set according the defined band plan.
Corrected: when switching into another program
having some option window open, when returning to Swisslog this window
remained hidden, being not possible to get control over Swisslog unless user
forced a shutdown via Ctrl+Alt+Del.
Corrected: Statistic import: close button
didn't work.
Corrected: S-Meter: when this window was set
standalone the window was not restored properly.
Corrected: S-Meter: Yaesu FT-920 didn't work.
Corrected: Transceiver control for ICOM: users
having IC-7100, IC-7300, IC-7410, IC-7610 or IC-9700 got an "invalid ICOM
transceiver address" message. ICOM Hex address was limited to $7F. Now
limited to $DF.
- Updated country table. Since 29/07/2022 Erik, EI4KF is not longer
maintaining the Country Table. I want to publicly thank Erik for all his
work during all these years. Arsenio, EA1AHY will carry out this task as
new Country Table maintainer. Senio is a Swisslog user since the DOS era, very
active on radio, subscribed to most important DX butlletins so he is aware
of all important changes should be applied to the country table. Feel free
to write him for any corrections, errors or new additions that
should be implemented to the country table: Welcome aboard Arsenio!
statistics on 16/08/2022.
Version 5.104
This version includes the following
NEW: LoTW/eQSL synch: now you can
display the QSLs received during the synchronization in the new QSL List
NEW: S-Meter function: added
support for FT-1000MP, FT-1000, FT-990, FT-920, FT-900 and FT-890. Only
tested on FT-1000MP. I will appreciate feedback from users having the other
NEW: Sound announcements in Dx
Message and DX Alert windows: Once you have configured the sound options,
now you can start / stop de sound announcements for the incoming spots by
pressing the speaker button or by selecting the appropiated option in the
pop-up menu.
NEW: Transceiver control for
TCI: now spots sent to Panorama from Band Maps includes: spotter, comments
and if lotw/eqsl user or dupe (if Show dupes option is enabled).
NEW: MMSSTV YONIQ Support: enabling
the TCP (only JTDX) option in WSJT-X, JTDX UDP settings Swisslog will be
able to read QSO saved from MMSSTV YONIQ. Version 1.13.2 Alpha required:
NEW: Added POTA statistic on
P_DIPL19 field. After setting a POTA reference, QTH Locator will be
automatically set to the POTA locator defined in the POTA official list.
Added also an option to update automatically POTA references list.
NEW: Added JA_WAKU statistic on
P_DIPL3 field for JA stations (Ku Award).
NEW: Added new modes DMR, VARA HF,
NEW: when minimizing the main
Swisslog window, standalone windows (if any) won't be minimized. Now all
standalone windows have its own taskbar button. This way user will have a
better control over all Swisslog windows.
NEW: Password fields: now all
password fields are displayed with asteriks. There is a button beside the
field to show / hide password.
Changed: applied some internal changes to fulfill current ADIF version
Changed: LoTW/eQSL synch: error/warnings are now
displayed in plain text instead of rich text. Rich text added a lot of extra
time in the synchronization process to create the report in case user gets
many errors/warnings.
Corrected: Rotor interface: continuous violation
error messages if turning rotor and no window open in Swisslog.
Corrected: Club Log: it was not possible to
delete QSOs in realtime if band was lower than meters (cm, mm, etc).
Corrected: QSO Entry - Activate/Deactivate Digital
program button: no action if clicking on the connection status led.
Corrected: S-Meter function: under some transceiver
control options, specially Yaesu transceivers, Swisslog seemed frozen or
responding too slow. Kenwood TS-850S, TS-940 and TS-950S didn't work.
Corrected: Power Output: recallibrated for better
accuracy for ICOM transceivers.
Corrected: Transceiver control for Kenwood:
frequency and mode was not updated when changing VFO unless user moves dial.
Corrected: Transceiver control for Kenwood: added
all DATA modes to FT-890 and FT-990.
Corrected: Transceiver control for ICOM: if the
"Scan for TX Address" option was checked, Swisslog crashed. Now when checked
and CI-V transceive radio parameter is ON, Swisslog is able to detect the
Hex Address automatically. Othewise user will have to enter it manually.
Because the CI-V transceive can be ON or OFF, now it's also possible to set
a different polling value for every transceiver 1 to 4 in the "Time between
two queries" field.
Corrected: Transceiver control: if entering options
for any transceiver different than the active one and exiting without
configuring any transceiver (default DDE option), current transceiver was
not active.
Corrected: ClubLog upload: satellite QSOs were not
recognised properly in Club Log because the SAT_NAME field was missing.
Corrected: Rotor interface for PSTROTATOR: band
selection was ignored and didn't work.
Corrected: was not possible to add manually a new
satellite in the Satellite name field.
Corrected: WSJT-X UDP link: if Swisslog is linked
via UDP with the main instance and user is editing QSO, if WSJT-X is sending
a Log QSO request, Swisslog shows 2 pending QSO requests. When user stop
editing Swisslog saves 2 QSOs with the same station. Also happenned
that Swislsog was not handling properly the queue of pending Log QSO
requests under this scenario, missing QSOs.
Corrected: Update FOC member number: FOC number was
cut to the first 3 digits for members having a number higher than 999.
Corrected: QSO Entry: If double clicking on the
Region field and there is no associated statistic, INF_WAS was always
displayed. Also the INF_WAS was displayed in certain statistics having
associated a particular info table.
Corrected: Rotor Interface window: " Value is not
valid for this field type" if using a Prosistel rotor.
Corrected: Prosistel rotor: beaming can't be
changed if setting a preset with the manual controller. Improved code for
Corrected: Update AGCW member list: AGCW has changed
the link to download the full list of members. Last member in the list was
not imported.
Corrected: S-Meter and DX Alerts windows: latest
window position was not saved.
- Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
statistics on 12/06/2022
Version 5.103 25/12/2021
This version includes the following
PSTROTATOR USERS: Due to an optimization of the code, you
will have to configure again all bands handled by every instance of
PstRotator in Options > Rotor interface > Rotor 1 to 4.
NEW: S-Meter & Power Meter function in the View
menu. Fully resizeable and customizable. Mouse right click then select
"Colors". You can create very nice S-Meters, it all depends on your
imagination. This window can also be set as standalone. Currently supported:
- S-Meter: DX Lab Commander, FLRIG, Ham Radio de
Luxe, ICOM, Kenwood/Elecraft, TCI, TRX Manager and Yaesu FT-450, FT-950,
FT-2000 and all new Yaesu models.
- Power Output: DX Lab Commander,
Elecraft K2 and K3, Flex Radio TCP CAT option, FLRIG, Ham Radio de Luxe,
ICOM models sending this info such as IC-746Pro, IC-756Pro3,
IC-7000, IC-7300, IC-7600, IC-7800, IC-7850 and others. Kenwood: TS-480,
590, 890, 990, 2000 and maybe other models. All new Yaesu models.
Please read the Transceiver control chapter in the
Swisslog help.
NEW: Flex Radio 6xxxx: added the mode of
operation user wants to use with Flex Radio in the transceiver toolbar:
A mode: DEFAULT mode. Swisslog will always
follow VFO A. All tuning operations made from within Swisslog will be
set on VFO A only.
S mode: Swisslog will always follow the active
slice selected on Flex, whichever it is!. All tuning operations made
from within Swisslog will be set on the active slice only.
Click on the green letter beside the frequency in
the transceiver toolbar to change mode of operation.
NEW: Band maps and WSJT-X band maps: added a
"Default values" button in the Colors menu. This way user can restore
original values.
NEW: Import QSO when merging data: Added Propagation
mode and satellite name fields.
NEW: WinRotor: now user can select the full path and
file name of WinRotor so that Swisslog can auto start it automatically.
NEW: Update awards from internet: added DMUE
reference list (Diploma Museos de España).
NEW: Rotor interface: added EA4TX
ARS-TCP option. Use this option to handle rotors using the Yaesu GS-232
protocol through TCP/IP.
Corrected: access violation errors when refreshing
database connection/restoring desktop/compressing database/resequence QSO if
DX Window was open or UDP link to WSJT-X was enabled.
Corrected: enabling/disabling WSJT-X UDP link
sometimes didn't work and a program restart was needed.
Corrected: Transceiver control - Flex 6xxxx
option: enhanced IP detection and corrected some bugs. IP detection must be
forced by user by pressing the "Search IP automatically" button in the
transceiver control options.
Corrected: Transceiver control: violation access
error when switching between transceivers.
Corrected: Transceiver control: when using several
transceivers, if previous was OmniRig and next one it's another type,
Swisslog didn't read transceiver.
Corrected: Transceiver control or rotor interface:
Continuous error messages and program finally crashes if COM port was
already open by another application.
Corrected: Transceiver toolbar: when using Dx
Lab Commander, HRD or some Yaesu transceivers, some long modes (such as
RTTY-USB, DATA-U or PSK-FM) where cut and not displayed properly. Now mode
is fitted automatically in the field according to its length.
Improved: Transceiver control for ICOM: Setting 0 in
the field "Time between two TX QRG queries in 1/10 seconds" will disable
polling for QRG and mode. This is specially useful if the CI-V Transceive
parameter on the radio is ON. If this parameter is OFF then set a value
higher than 0 to poll radio to get this info.
Corrected: Logbook view - Update QSO's with Data
from Callbook Databases: Name was only changed in the Callbook table, not in
the Logbook table (QSO).
Corrected: Club Log Logbook Upload: under
Windows 11 a dialog was displayed to select the file to export.
Corrected: WSJT-X Log Export: under Windows 11 a
dialog was displayed to select the file to export and failed to export.
Corrected: MixW/HamScope link: comments were copied
Corrected: World Map: continuous violation errors
when CAT control was configured but not working properly.
Corrected: QSO Entry - Callbook reading: if user has enabled
automatic copy from Callbook databases, when editing a QSO the selected
fields in the Field copy instruction were updated automatically. Now when
editing a QSO data remain exactly as it was saved. If user wants to
overrride data from Callbook data, needs to press the "Copy all fields" in
the Callbook tab.
Corrected: Query DXCC to Club Log: Swisslog repeated
4-6 times this query to Club Log on every QSO specially when working linked
with external programs such as WSJT-X, JTDX, FLDIGI, etc. Although this
didn't affect too much performance in Swisslog, it overloaded unnecesarily
the Club Log system and could affect users having poor internet connection.
Now only a single query is performed.
Corrected: HSC member list: changed link to
download latest official list. Previous link was not updated since 2016!
Corrected: WALA statistic: adapted definitions to
new rules: changes in the Norwegian counties and valid QSOs since
01/01/2020. User must run a script manually to correct counties. Go to
Tools | For experts only | Run SQL Script, and select the
Fix WALA script from the SCRIPTS folder.
IMPORTANT: it may take some minutes in larger
Corrected: WAIP statistic: renamed CI province to SU
according the new rules. At first startup of this version Swisslog will
convert automatically all CI provinces into SU.
- Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
statistics on 25/12/2021
Version 5.102b 02/07/2021
This version includes the following
- Corrected: reverted back the change implemented on 5.102 about replacing
data if callsign has a new holder when reading from Callbook databases. Now
If you enter a callsign having a new holder info and user want to replace
this info either in the QSO and Callbook table for such callsign, user will
need to press the “Copy All” button from the CD-Callbook tab in the QSO
Entry window.
Version 5.102a 01/07/2021
This version includes the following
- Improved: improved speed when switching between transceivers.
- Corrected: Program crashes if ICOM was configured as transceiver control
and COM port didn't exist.
- Corrected: IARU 1 statistics: added missing DXCC: 3X, 9X, EX and YU.
Version 5.102 29/06/2021
This version includes the following
- NEW: Transceiver control: now up to 4 transceivers can
be configured! when more than one transceiver is configured, the transceiver
number currently used is displayed in the transceiver toolbar. Click on this
number to switch to the next one. A new field has been added to set a
transceiver name used as Hint when placing the cursor over the transceiver
number. Please read the transceiver control
section in the Swisslog help.
USERS: if you use more than one Rig, you will have to
reconfigure Rig 2 (or Rig 3/4 for OmniRig v2) in the corresponding transceiver
number in Swisslog..
- NEW: Rotor interface: now up to 4 rotors can be
configured! when more than one rotor is configured, the rotor number
currently used is displayed in the rotor toolbar. Click on the rotor label
to switch to the next one. A new field has been added to set a rotor name
used as Hint when placing the cursor over the rotor number. Swisslog
provides a very useful feature: it will automatically select the rotor
according the tuned band on your transceiver! You only need to set the bands
supported by each rotor and the transceiver control must be configured and
started. Please read the rotor interface section
in the Swisslog help.
PstROTATOR USERS: if you use more than one instance of
PstRotator, you will have to reconfigure every instance in the corresponding
rotor number in Swisslog.
- NEW: Added solar data in the window title: SFI, SSN, A
and K index. These info is updated every hour.
- NEW: Added new modes FST4W, JTMS and Q65.
- NEW: Rotor control: added support to Green Heron RT-21
(under the HyGain DCU option).
- NEW: DXAtlas support. User need to enable link to DX
Atlas in the Options menu. When entering a callsign in the QSO Entry window,
you will see on DX Atlas your current selected My QTH, QSO partner and
signal path.
- NEW: Export log to WSJT-X/JTDX: Added FST4W, JTMS and
Q65 modes.
- NEW: Added OBLAST statistic for Russian stations in the
Region field.
- NEW: Added IARU 2 statistic.
- No need to press the Shift key anymore before double clicking!!
- Sometimes the statistic titles were mixed up with spot callsigns
while spots were entering into the DX window.
- Stop scrolling didn't work.
- After applying spot lifetime, there were remaining blank rows in the
grid, being necessary to manually scroll up.
Users having enabled the hidden function to skip Dx
window refreshing (by adding SkipDXWinRefreshing=1 in the COMMON section of the
SwisslV5.ini file) must delete this line.
- Changed: external programs which must be started automatically
from Swisslog (such as WSJT-X, JTDX or any other you set in the WSJT-X UDP
settings) are now started at the same time Swisslog is starting. This speeds
up the whole start up process.
- Changed: now when there are pending Log QSO requests from WSJT-X/JTDX,
the message will be blinking in the window title.
- Changed: applied some internal changes to fulfill current ADIF version
- Corrected: realtime saving on online logbooks: users where country
thousand separator is not a dot or comma, when uploading QSOs worked on
1296MHz or higher, the KHz part was missing.
- Corrected: QSO Entry: allowed again to enter hyphen in callsign. Many
SWL calls has hyphen in their callsigns.
- Corrected: Band Map: violation error when selecting "Tune and turn"
option from the popupmenu.
- Corrected: updating statistic database or country table: "Invalid
argument to date encode" in countries having a hyphen as date separator.
- Corrected: membership panel options: FOC and FT8DMC were exchanged so
disabling FT8DMC disabled FOC and viceversa.
- Corrected: if the QTH-Name field is empty when saving a QSO, a message
is released to warn user to correct this. This shouldn't happen normally but
sometimes may happen. When working with externals programs such as WSJT-X,
JTDX, etc this message could be located behind some windows or programs,
being unabled to do anything in Swisslog and a restart was needed. Now this
message stays on top all other programs to avoid this issue.
- Corrected: ADIF import/export: QRZLOGID field is exported as
APP_QRZLOG_LOGID instead of APP_SWISSLOG_QRZLOGID to match with QRZ field
assignment. This field is also recognised when importing QSO from QRZ.
- Corrected: Export log to WSJT-X/JTDX: Violation Access error after
- Corrected: World Map: zone 2 from WAZ layer was not defined properly.
- Corrected: Transceiver control: improved link with TRX Manager. Sending
spots from Band Maps, callsign of DX spot was not passed into TRX Manager.
- Corrected: Transceiver control for ICOM: frequency and mode was not
updated when changed on transceiver.
- Corrected: Transceiver control: improved drastically Flex Radio 6xxxx
option. Now it's smoother, with faster response and better overall
performance. It also implements a function to automatically search the Flex
Radio IP address and model. This only works if Swisslog runs as
- Corrected: FLDIGI link: Contesti modes not recognised. Swisslog couldn't
close if unlink from FLDIGI under some scenarios.
- Corrected: nowadays many old callsigns have been assigned to new
holders. So if you have a previous QSO with this callsign, the old name and
QTH is set in the new QSO even if you read from Callbook databases. Now when
reading from Callbook databases (and whenever you have set to fill out these
fields automatilly), Swisslog will override operator, QTH, US State and
County if it's different from the previous QSO. Old data stored in the
Callbook table will be updated for such callsign.
- Corrected: Callbook view: URL and QSL info fields were not displayed and
it was not possible to resize window.
- Corrected: RDA statistic: disabled eQSL confirmations. Since 31/07/2020
RDA award is not accepting eQSL anymore.
- Corrected: MixW/HamScope link: comments were copied twice.
- Corrected: DX announcements from New QSO tab: QTH Locator from QSO
partner was not detected.
- Corrected: Updating award information at startup: Swisslog freezes most
- Corrected: DX Alerts window: Swisslog didn't recall window size
and position.
- Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
statistics on 24/06/2021
Version 5.101a 24/01/2021
This version includes the following
- NEW: Transceiver control: added support to Yaesu
- NEW: Membership panel: Added Tortugas CW.
- NEW: CW Type: Added shortcuts for TX button
(Shift+Ctrl+T) and Pause button (Shift+Ctrl+P).
- NEW: Logbook view: added some interesting queries for
US County award.
- NEW: Reports: added a QSL card 9x14 format
as well as a couple of label formats designed for satellite operation.
- Corrected: WSJT-X/JTDX UDP Link: HomeQTH field was not filled when
passing QSO from WSJT-X causing "QTH Name: An input value is required
for this field" error message.
- Corrected: QSO Entry: Swisslog freezes activating CW Type or CW Get.
- Corrected: QSO Entry: Swisslog freezes or become irresponsive if no
replying for a long time some messages such as "Modifications are not saved!
Save now ?"
- Corrected: QSO Entry: entering WWFF references having associated an IOTA
reference caused "PQTH: Dataset not in edit or insert mode" error message.
- Corrected: Open logbook: continuous Violation Access error messages if
using rotor control connected to a COM port.
- Corrected: Callbook support: Middle and Family names were not set in the
Operator field if using internet databases and checked in the field copy
- Improved code to detect first name, middle name and family name from
- Corrected: DX window > selection criteria: bands were not saved when
enabling bands previously unchecked.
statistics on 23/01/2021
Version 5.101 25/12/2020
This version includes the following
NEW: Transceiver control: added
support for Flex Radio CAT. This option allows you to handle any Flex Radio
from 3xxx or 5xxx series. Also allows to
connect remotely to any Flex Radio 3, 5 or 6 series. Please read the chapter
Transceiver control in the Swisslog help!.
NEW: Transceiver toolbar: added a
button to start/stop transceiver control
NEW: Added the MyQTH field in the
default logbook query
NEW: SOTA hunters: added 2 new
queries in the SOTA folder to be used in Logbook views: SOTA activator /
SOTA chaser for CSV exporting. These queries are specially designed to
export into CSV in the format required by the SOTA web site to submit your
logs (either as chaser or activator). If you are activator, it's mandatory
you create a new MyQTH for every activation and set the summit reference you
have activated in the My QTH Abbreviation name field. When you export using
the SOTA activator query the CSV file will have the required
NEW: World map: added an option
called "Update map automatically". By default this option is enabled. When a
QSO is saved or modified the world map is refreshed automatically to reflect
changes in the DXCC / Grid statistic status. In older computers this
operation may delay a lot the saving procedure, above all if the ALL
option is selected in Gridquares. Disable this option if you experience long
delays when saving QSOs and the world map function is open.
NEW: the WWFF list now includes
IOTA reference. After entering a WWFF reference which is also IOTA, the IOTA
field will be set automatically.
Improved: updated some components in the compiler
used for Cw Skimmer, MultiPSK and PstRotator link. Also enhanced some parts
of the code to improve performance and stability.
Improved: Import QSO:
HomeQTHs creation has been improved a lot to
avoid creating unnecessary HomeQTH.
Merge QSO option will only be enabled if there
are already QSOs in the Swisslog database.
ADIF import: deleted the option to check if ADIF
file contains SUBMODE. Now Swisslog detects the ADIF version used in the
file to handle the SUBMODE field automatically.
Corrected: Import QSO: checking the Merge QSO option
in a blank database caused leaving blank Continent, DXCC, WPX, WAE, WAZ,
ITU, Latitude, Longitude and Time Diff. Now this option will be disabled if
there are no QSOs in the Swisslog database.
Corrected: ADIF export: Field ADIF_VER was not
formatted correctly
Corrected: Swisslog freezes while downloading new
country table / statistic databases in slow internet connections or if user
took a while to reply the update message.
Corrected: CW Skimmer: Swisslog could not be closed
if linked to CW Skimmer or remained in memory after closing being necessary
a PC reboot.
Corrected: MultiPSK link: "Asynchronous socket error
10061" if activating the PSK button to start MultiPSK and connection was not
established because MultiPSK was not running. Improved link.
Corrected: Transceiver control: if using Flex Radio
6xxx with auto start enabled and IP is wrong, Swisslog was extremely slow
and not responsive.
Corrected: Statistics reports: Report names can't
contain commas otherwise Swisslog will be asking to select the report again
at next startup. To avoid this, the comma key will be disabled in this
field. Replaced comma by hyphen in all standard statistics reports including
Corrected: Membership panel: added a timeout of 3
seconds for online queries to avoid excessive delay showing logos if a
website is down after entering a callsign.
Corrected: PstRotator: the SteppIR controller only
read frequency sent from Swisslog if using Rotor 2 (Rotor 1, 3 and 4 didn't
Corrected: Make DX announcement window: changed
order to send QTH locators. Instead of DX Loc<Prop Mode>My
Grid now is My Loc<Prop Mode>Dx
Grid. Although there is not an official standard defining formatted
DX spots, this way is most commonly used in Dx spots.
Corrected: Rotor interface window: if rotor control
was started, this option didn't show azimuth or elevation until there were a
beaming change
Corrected: now the function to update list of members of DIG will only
import active members. Previous list included non active or silent key
members which were not accepted for DIG awards. In order to set only active
members to all your QSOs in your database I suggest to go to Tools
> Update QSOs for for Callsign based statistics then
- Corrected: DX announcements: RST
added as comments was wrong. RST received from partner was included instead
the RST sent by us (the RST we are receiving this station).
Corrected: World map and WinKeyer windows: if set as standalone and not
stay on top, it always remained on top.
Corrected: World Map: Renamed Yugoslavia by Serbia
Corrected: WSJT-X UDP settings: added a validation in port fields to only allow values between 1 and 65535.
Corrected: Logbook views > Update County from Callbook databases: separator
between State and County for US stations was set to underscore instead of
dash. Example: HI_Hawaii instead of HI-Hawaii
Corrected: Tools > Set DME from DCE, DEE...: Parameter [INF_DVGE<]![DME]
doesn't have a default value.
Corrected: transceiver toolbar overlapped with QRZCQ button. Although user
can move the toolbar manually, many users don't do it. Now Swisslog corrects
this defect
automatically. -
Corrected: QSO entry (Change layout in Previous and New QSOs tabs):
callsign, comments, distance and QTH Locator fields were displayed in
statistics on 24/12/2020
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Thank you very much to Guy F6DKQ and Kuno DF1SD for
the huge translation work in French/German respectively
Version 5.100e 27/09/2020
This version includes the following
- NEW: Added FST4 mode, 5m and 8m bands according the new
ADIF 3.1.1 specs.
- NEW: Transceiver control: added support to Yaesu
- NEW: Statistic overview: added Comments field in the
QSO listing.
- NEW: when closing Swisslog, if there are pending QSO
requests from WSJT-X, Swisslog will release a message informing user about
this. Afterwards Swisslog will process automatically all pending Log QSO
- Corrected: Authentication error at startup and Swisslog is unusable
after updating country table or statistic database.
- Corrected: Satellite fields: when editing a QSO made on SAT and
activating the satellite panel, the Prop Mode and Sat Name displayed the
last values used when adding QSO, not the ones from the QSO.
- Corrected: WSJT-X UDP link: corrected mode field changing all the time
and link has been improved.
- Corrected: if UDP link is enabled and user presses the PSK button to
start a digital multimode program (such FLDIGI, MixW, etc), Swisslog will
automatically disable the UDP link. On the contrary, if user presses to
activate the UDP link with WSJT-X and the digital multimode program is
linked to Swisslog, the link with this digital multimode program will be
disabled. This must be done because Swisslog can follow data from one
digital mode program at once.
- Corrected: QSO Round: a new QSO was added with the same station every
time user pressed the "On Air" button.
- Corrected: QSO Round: a callsign couldn't be joined to a QSO Round from
the QSO Entry window.
- Corrected: Region field: when manually typing in this field cursor was
always positioned to first character.
- Corrected: statistic overview: QSO was not passed to the QSO Entry for
editing when double clicking in the QSO listing.
- Corrected: Statistic views including DATA report mode: listing didn't
include FT4 and other modes such all MFSK, FMHELL, FSKHELL, HELL80, PSKHELL,
C4FM and JS8.
- Corrected: Telnet servers: EA1DX-5 changed address to Users using this server should change the
address manually by editing the EA1DX-5 entry in the Telnet control window.
statistics on 26/09/2020
- Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Version 5.100d 13/08/2020
This version includes the following
Corrected: Import QSO: process stops suddenly and
program freezes being necessary to force a Swisslog exit by means of
Corrected: My QTH coordinates: longitude was wrong
if coordinates were calculated from your QTH locator and you are located
west of Greenwich meridian. Swisslog will correct this automatically at
first startup of this version.
Corrected: Violation error starting DX Lab
Version 5.100c 07/08/2020
This version includes the following
Corrected: when entering QSOs with an existing
station working in a new QTH locator and both locators had 4 digits
(existing and new), no new HomeQTH was created. This caused setting the new
locator to previous QSOs!. This issue affected specially /MM operations from
different locators. Please review your latest QSO!
Corrected: LoTW synch: process stopped during the
Import QSO/QSL step and Swisslog became unusable.
Corrected: saving QSO with world map open: world map
is refreshed automatically to reflect DXCC/Gridsquare changes after
saving/deleting a QSO. In certain computers (specially with Windows 7)
saving a QSO could take about 15 seconds if Gridsquare field was different
than NONE or having CAT button enabled. Now the saving procedure has been
improved drastically and it’s faster in all cases.
Corrected: panel for propagation mode and satellite
name fields: panel was automatically hidden when transceiver control was not
used or started. If CAT is used, the button to enable this panel will only
work on these scenarios:
when editing QSO
when adding QSOs on 10m or higher and
propagation mode is not SAT
when propagation mode is SAT and band is
10m, 2m, 70cm, 13cm or 23cm.
Corrected: Exception EAccess violation error when
closing Swisslog and the LoTW synch window was open.
Corrected: reading from Callbook databases: if QTH
locator is wrong it won't be copied and no error message will be displayed.
Version 5.100b 02/08/2020
This version includes the following
- Enhanced: HomeQTH handling for QSO partner: when QTH locator length
differs (i.e: JN11 vs JN11AI) no new HomeQTH will be created if changing QTH
locator but Maidenhead is the same. In order to make HomeQTH names more
clear when importing QSO, instead of using HomeQTH1, HomeQTH2 etc when some
data changes, now Swisslog will set the name of the first data changed in
the file to import (the same way Swisslog does in the QSO Entry).
- Corrected: Callbook buttons in toolbar: callsign was empty most times or
the profile displayed was from previous entered call.
- Corrected: Logbook view: custom filter for date field: was not possible
to filter because a "" is not a valid date error was displayed.
- Corrected: Make DX announcement window: this window was not closed
automatically after sending the spot.
- Corrected: Transceiver control: the auto start option didn't work if
using OmniRig v2 causing user to start it manually.
- Corrected: Transceiver control window: was always positioned in center
of the screen ignoring user latest position.
- Corrected: Tools / Update award information: Date type mismatch in
criteria expression error message.
- Corrected: Update country table or statistic database:
Authentication failed error message when starting Swisslog after
downloading these files. Swisslog was unusable afterwards.
- Corrected: World Map: bands for DXCC/Grids were always set to All/None
and Mode to All ignoring last values set by users.
- Corrected: Access violation error message when exiting Swisslog.
- Corrected: Satellite operation: changing satellite name didn't set focus
to callsign field.
- Corrected: Added Satelllite name field for eQSL realtime logging and
eQSL sync.
statistics on 31/07/2020
- Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Version 5.100a 19/07/2020
This version includes the following
- Corrected: QSO entry: Class tcxButton not found error message
when entering Options
- Corrected: QSO Entry: not possible to send spots.
Version 5.100 19/07/2020
This version includes the following
Version 5.99g 19/04/2020
This version includes the following
- NEW: Logbook view: now the Custom filter will appear in
the selected language. The EQUAL operator accepts the
following wildcards:
- *: represents zero, one, or multiple
characters. Example: EA3* applied to the callsign field will list all callsigns
starting with EA3 and any suffix, *SOTA will list all
callsigns having SOTA in the suffix, *70*% will list all
callsign starting or having 70 in the middle of callsign, etc
- ?: represents a single character: Example:
E?3G? will list all callsigns like EA3GC, EL3GA, EM3ZZ, EA?GCV
will list EA1GCV, EA3GCV, EA8GCV, etc.
You can also mix both wiildcards: ?A* will list all
callsigns like EA3GCV, 1A0KM, 3A2AC, etc. As you can see, it offers endless
filtering possibilities!
- NEW: World map: added CAT button to automatically read
the transceiver band and select it in the DXCC and Grids fields. Also added
a MODE drop list to select the DXCC/Grids according the selected mode. It
also includes the following report modes: PHONE, MIXED, DATA and IMAGE.
Please read World Map chapter to know more details.
- NEW: DX message window / Band maps: added an option in
the popup menu to disable the warning to save QSO or ignore if adding a QSO
from a spot and a call already exists in the Add QSO window without saving.
- NEW: Added European ROS CLub (ERC) for membership panel
and new statistic
- NEW: Comments field: If you upload QSOs to eQSL, you
can differentiate the text added as message in your eQSL card from regular
QSO notes. Simply add QSLMSG: in the Comments field with the text you want
to display in your eQSL card. Example:
This text is your QSO comments. QSLMSG: This text will only be displayed in
your eQSL card
"This text is your QSO comments" will be added as Notes if you
upload QSO to Club Log, HAMLOG, HRDLOG, HAMQTH or QRZ. "This text will only be
displayed in your eQSL card" will only be sent to eQSL.
must be uppercase and located at the end of other QSO notes! If you don't set
the QSLMSG: tag then all comments will be sent to all configured online
- NEW: WSJT-X / JTDX Band Map: changed spot lifetime from
minutes to seconds. This will allow you to set values to display only one decode
period (15 seconds for FT8 or 8 seconds for FT4). Current minute values are
converted automatically to seconds at startup.
- NEW: Added the DXCC field to read from the following
Callbook databases: QRZ, QRZCQ and HAMQTH. Very useful for those users not
using the Query and set Club Log DXCC option (which prevail over this function).
Redesigned the "Field Copy Instruction" tab in the Callbook options.
- NEW: Users retrieving data from HAMQTH/QRZCQ: the DOK
will be filled out automatically if QSO partner has assigned the DOK in the
profile and the County field (Sub Region) has been checked in the Field Copy
Instruction in the Callbook CD / Internet databases option
- NEW: Statistic Quick Info window: Added the SubRegion
field in the "Previous QSO" listing.
- NEW: Added IARU 1, IARU 1 28MHZ, IARU 3 and ERC
- NEW: Added DXCC Challenge award for statistic
view/reports including modes CW, PHONE, DATA, ALLMODES.
- NEW: CW Type: when activating CW Type buttons in Add
QSO window, pressing the CW Type button will restart Cw Type. This is
mandatory to do
if you have changed macros in Swisslog to reflect changes in CW Type.
- NEW:
Logbook view: I have added a full set of new and very interesting queries!
You can now check for:
confirmed by QSL and not confirmed by LoTW/eQSL by all possible
confirmation combinations (LoTW or eQSL).
are confirmed by all possible confirmation combinations (QSL, LoTW or
- Missing DXCC/WAS/WAE all bands/5 Bands all
- Worked DXCC/WAS/WAZ/WAE all bands/5 Bands all
Queries titled for
specific bands/modes are intended to be used as template for advanced users who want to
check for other bands/modes (simply edit the query and replace
the band/mode you need then save it with another name). Check out on the
following Queries subfolders for the new queries: DXCC,
- NEW: Swisslog installer: added an EULA (End User
License Agreement).
- Improved
WSJT-X Band Maps: code rewritten to improve significantly
performance! This should solve all freeze issues after a while working with
high activity on bands.
- Improved: Band Maps: improved overall performance.
- Added: Telnet server list: EA3CV-2. In order to use latest Telnet server
list, you have to delete the file Telnetservers.bin and rename
Telnetservers_orig.bin to Telnetservers.bin. Please note
that doing this you will lose the auto start settings and all your previous
changes to other servers, so you will have to configure it again.
- Corrected: WSJT-X Band Map: if user changed the Grid statistic it was
not saved for the next session.
- Corrected: WSJT-X UDP Settings window: resized to fit in the minimum
screen resolution recommended for Swisslog (1024x768)
- Corrected: LoTW sync: web passwords including special characters like
'&', '<', '>', '#', etc caused LoTW sync to not download QSOs/QSLs.
- Corrected: LoTW sync: Swisslog won't ask user anymore to assign new LoTW
ADIF fields
to Swisslog fields if found during LOTW synchronisation (i.e: APP_LoTW_RXQSO,
- Corrected: LoTW/eQSL sync: QTH locator from LoTW/eQSL will be set in the
QSO if the QTH locator field is empty or if QTH locator to import has 6
digits and the QTH locator field has 4 digits matching the Maidenhead.
- Corrected: Club Log/HAMQTH: passwords including special characters
like '&', '<', '>', '#', etc didn't work.
- Corrected: eQSL sync: the Error list tab didn't list any QSO, only a
line indicating the file containing errors. In order to receive again a full
report, it's very important to perform a full resynch of all your QSOs in
eQSL by setting a last synch date before your first QSO in the logbook (or
- Corrected: Import QSO from another Swisslog DB: QSOs were not assigned
to any MyQTH
- Corrected: TrueTTY: some fields were not passed to Swisslog.
- Corrected: TrueTTY/CW Type: shortcuts for macro buttons (Shift+Ctrl+F1-F2) caused
triggering other associated functions to hot keys (such F1 Help, Ctrl+F4
close current window, etc).
- Corrected: Logbook view: error message "Capacity of list is out of
bounds" when using certain printers. If view takes a lot to open when
opening any logbook view, edit the SWISSLV5.INI file and add the following
key in the COMMON section: DisableDXPrinter=1
- Corrected: Realtime logging to QRZ: the QRZLOGID field was not set.
- Corrected: Flex Radio support: mode was set to a number when changing
mode on Flex Radio
- Corrected: FLDIGI link: using FLDIGI versions from and higher in
countries having a comma as decimal separator, the frequency was not passed
into Swisslog.
- Corrected: ADIF import: if QTH locator to import had 4 digits the
Distance field was set to 0
- Updated: World Map: added latest IOTA references into the IOTA layer
- Corrected: HAMLOG: password length limited to 10 characters (maximum
length allowed by HAMLOG).
- Corrected: Rotor control: The Hy-Gain DCU-1 option didn't work for
DCU-2/DCU-3. Now should work for all.
- Corrected: WinKeyer support: the [L] command used in macros to LOG QSO
didn't work
- Corrected: SOTA Update: changed URL link
- Corrected: Save desktop at
exit main option will be checked by default in new installations.
- Corrected: AGCW update: changed link and file format from XLS to CSV
- Corrected: Refresh view automatically logbook view option will be
checked by default in new installations.
- Corrected: Register QSL cards: Azimut was not displayed correctly in the
detailed view of the QSO
statistics on 17/04/2020
- Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Version 5.99f 04/01/2020
This version includes the following
- Corrected: Multiple instances of WSJT-X/JTDX: Pending Log QSO Requests
were not processed automatically in most cases. Corrected some other
reported issues.
- Corrected: Realtime saving: QSO failed to be uploaded in some online
- Corrected: several error messages after or while resequencing QSO,
compressing database or restoring desktop while having UDP link enabled with
- Corrected: EURAO logo: when placing mouse cursor over the EURAO logo
"Radio Telegrapy Super High Speed CLub" was displayed.
- Corrected: QSL Action: if QSL actions rules from membership panel was
enabled, QSL action was set to EURAO if no member of Lotw and eQSL only.
- Corrected: TX toolbar and Transceiver control window: Error message
"xxxxx is not a correct integer value" in countries where thousand separator
is not comma or dot.
statistics on 04/01/2020
- Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Version 5.99e 25/12/2019
This version includes the following
DX windows: Swisslog freezes in a high traffic scenario. A couple of changes
related to mouse double clicking were needed to do in order to apply this
important correction:
- Previously you could activate different actions by double clicking
on a spot (default actions: Tune + turn antenna). NOW you have
to press Shift + double click on a spot to perform these actions.
- Disabled maximizing a window by double clicking on the window
title. Necessary to avoid "ghost" double clicks when lots of spots are
entering in the DX windows. Use the maximize button when you need to
maximize any window.
- VERY IMPORTANT: If you use
Telnet connection, NEVER connect to a Reverse Beacon
server! These servers are sending continuous spots overloading the DX window.
Despite this fix, connecting to a Reverse Beacon server will cause Swisslog freezing or
even crashing.
- NEW: Multiple instances of WSJT-X / JTDX / JS8Call and
MSHV multislot support! Important changes
have been made in the WSJT-X link so please read the following sections of
the Digital Modes Interfaces chapter in the Swisslog help:
- WSJT-X / JTDX / MSHV / JS8Call UDP Settings
- WSJT-X / JTDX / MSHV / JS8Call Operation
- NEW: Support for OmniRig v2.1 (!
This version supports up to 4 transceivers and implements minimum polling
interval of 20ms! Both OmniRig v1 and Omnirig v2 can be installed in
parallel. In Options / Transceiver control check the option
"Omnirig V2" to use this enhanced version. Please read the Transceiver
Control chapter in the Swisslog help to get more details!
- NEW: HRDLOG ON AIR: Now you can enable
Swisslog to send periodically to HRDLOG the frequency, mode and
transceiver/antenna used to set the On Air flag. Go to Options /
Online Logbooks / HRDLOG.
- NEW: Band maps: a new option has been added in the pop
up menu to hide all dupe QSOs (dupes by band/mode).
- NEW: DX Alert window: now double clicking on an Alert,
Swisslog will tune radio, turn antenna (if available) and add the alert to
the QSO Entry window. Also the window will automatically scroll down to
display always the latest alert.
- NEW: Membership panel: Added EURA EuroBureau QSL.
QSL Action field will be set to "EUROQSL" if EURA member but not member of
- NEW: Added CANADAWARD in the Region field for
VE stations (Provinces and Territories).
- NEW: Reading from Callbook data: Now the VE State may
be copied into the Region field automatically (if the Region field is
checked in the Callbook options - Field copy instructions) to help handling
the CANADAWARD statistic.
- NEW: QSO Entry and Statistics views: added field
MY_OPCALL (Operator Call) to the Previous and New QSOs tab and Statistic
views when double clicking on a cell.
- NEW: Register QSL Cards: Added the field QSL Card Nr.
You can now enter directly your QSL Card Nr while registering QSL cards.
- Improved:
Realtime saving in online services: the QSO saving procedure may took lot of
time, more noticeable if saving QSO in several online services at once. Now
it works faster even saving in all online services because multithreading is
- Corrected: Saving QSO: Access violation in oleaut32.dll. This
happened sometimes when working again the same station and a new QTH should
be added for the QSO partner. Thank you very much to Christian,
HB9DBC for helping me to solve this important issue!
- Corrected: saving QSO: working again the same station and the proposed
QTH name already existed on the list, caused losing new award info. Now a
new QTH for the QSO partner will be created in the format:
proposedname/n where n is a sequence
number. i.e ML/1, ML/2 etc.
- Corrected: WSJT-X / JTDX Band Maps: improved band map response to
display band activity from WSJT-X / JTDX.
- Corrected: WSJT-X / JTDX Band maps: continuous violation error messages.
This happened if no DX window or Band maps were open.
- Corrected: WSJT-X / JTDX Band maps: clicking/double clicking in a call
having the dupe sign (D), erased the (D) in the call until next decode.
- Corrected: WSJT-X / JTDX Band maps: band map is cleared when band or
mode changes.
- Corrected: Quick View: no statistic info after entering references for
the following awards: DCE,DEFE,DEE,DMVEA,EA puentes,DVGE,DMVE.
- Corrected: JTDX TCP link: FT4 QSOs were saved as MFSK mode.
- Corrected: QSO Entry: Field C_DXCC from the Callbook table was
not set in many QSOs causing the sort key table to not calculate correctly
the QSL Sort rules when printing QSL cards.
- Corrected: Flex Radio transceiver control: some users have experienced
to not be able to type a callsign longer than 3 characters in the Add QSO
window when using the Flex Radio.
- Corrected: Band definitions: Changed the High Frequency limit to 4000,
7300, 54000, 148000 and 450000 for 80m,40m,2m,6m and 70cm respectively to
meet all IARU Region frequency limits.
- Corrected: LoTW/eQSL synch windows: some small cosmetic corrections.
- Corrected: Save backup: the Backup File full path was always set to the
default folder (DBSave) even if user used another folder in the last backup.
Now Swisslog will recall the latest folder and filename used.
- Corrected: DB error when editing a QSO having a QSL Manager with a
portable callsign (i.e. EA3GCV/KH2).
- Corrected: using ARSVCOM as rotor control: if program was already
running before starting Swisslog, a warning was released informing that
ARSVCOM was already running. This was annoying and had no sense.
- Changed: WSJT-X / JTDX Band Maps: default statistic at first band map
startup changed from DXCC to DXCC-DATA.
- Corrected: SFI field: SFI field was not set when saving QSOs from WSJT-X
/ JTDX / SIMPSK / DM780.
- Corrected: Japanese prefectures: statistic definitions changed to accept
eQSL confirmations.
- Corrected: CW Skimmer: “Connection refused” error when activating Cw
Skimmer with the CW button. Exiting Swisslog while connected to CW Skimmer
caused Swisslog not starting again and a computer restart was needed.
- Added: Satellite list: added AISAT-1,BO-102, DO-64,JO-97, LO-78, NO-103,
NO-104, PO-101, QO-100.
- Added: World map: added AS-206 in the IOTA layer.
TEN TEN, URE, WCA and WFF statistics on 24/12/2019
- Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Version 5.99d 03/09/2019
This version includes the following
- Corrected: LoTW synch: importing QSLs from LoTW
resulted in a dialog to map the MFSK/PSK mode into a Swisslog mode. This
happened if you worked FT4 or any other MFSK/PSK submode during the past
month. This is because LoTW recently adapted the Mode/Submode to fulfill
ADIF v3 requirements. The LoTW synch function of Swisslog was still using
ADIF v2 and that caused this issue. Mapping MFSK to FT4 solved this issue
temporally but it's a big problem if you work other MFSK submodes because
Swisslog will always map all QSOs to FT4 when it could be other submodes
such as JS8, MFSK16, etc. IMPORTANT:
User MUST delete manually any mapping to MFSK/PSK mode or
any of the ADIF submodes in the LoTW synch configuration! (Tools / LotW
synchronization / Configuration / Modes).
- Corrected: LoTW synch: the QSO since field was ignored in
countries using dots as time separator (like Finland). This caused that
downloading all QSLs slow down significatively the LoTW synchronization.
- Corregido: WSJT-X / JTDX Band maps: the statistic status color was wrong in calls
starting with CQ
DX, CQ JA, etc
- Corrected: Membership panel: double clicking in the Marine Funker logo
redirected to the old MF web
- Corrected: Add QSO window: corrected some issues when resizing window
Version 5.99c 26/08/2019
This version includes the following
- NEW: WSJT-X / JTDX Band Map! You can now monitor WSJT-X
/ JTDX band activity in a band map. It implements nearly the same features
of the regular band map function plus the following:
- Displays programs used, band and mode in the Band Map Title.
- Double click in any callsign who is calling CQ to reply to this
callsign in WSJT-X / JTDX
- Full details (CQ call, SNR, DT, Time, Grid even if LotW/eQSL user) when
placing mouse cursor over a callsign
- You can even select any gridsquare statistic to display grid
statistic status. By default is GRIDSQUARE
- Show/Hide SNR, DT and Grids
Please read the chapter "WSJT-X / JTDX Band Maps" for
more details.
- NEW: Flex Radio support for transceiver control. All
spots from every band map will be sent to the SDR Panadapter with same
colours of the corresponding statistic status.
same applies for WSJT-X / JTDX Band maps. User can disable this feature
in the Option menu of every band map. Please read the chapter "Transceiver
control" for more details.
to Juan, EA1BD for allow me remote access to his Flex Radio to implement
this new function.
- NEW: QSO Entry > Dx announce button: a new option is
available for V-U-SHF users to automatically add Dx Grid<Prop Mode>My Grid
in the Remarks field, to meet formatted DX spots requirements to be used by
online processing/monitoring tools. This info will only be added if the QTH
locator field of the QSO partner is filled out! Propagation mode can be
blank. This setting is saved in the configuration file. Now you can also
send spots after saving a QSO. Follow these steps:
- Select the New QSOs tab in the QSO Entry window
- Click on a QSO in the QSO list (the one you want to be announced).
- Click the DX announce button
- The DX announce window will be displayed including the callsign and
QRG of the selected QSO. If there is a QTH locator in the QTH locator
field, check the new option to add grids/propapagation mode
automatically. DX Grid, Propagation mode (if set in the corresponding
field) and the QTH locator defined in the MyQTH used for this QSO will
be added at the beginning of the Remarks field. Add manually any other
comments you like then press the Announce button. If you uncheck this
option, grids/prop mode are erased automatically from the Remarks field
(if found).
- NEW: DM780 support: Swisslog now interfaces also with
DM780 included in HRD v6! Please read the Digital modes interface chapter in
Swisslog help.
- NEW: WSJT-X / JTDX Log exportation: Enhanced design
including now mode selection, export results section and 2 more fields to
select custom log folders to allow multiple instances of WSJT-X / JTDX.
- NEW: WSJT/JTALERT Exportation queries: Added FT4. QTH
Locator exported in 6 digits
- NEW: Transceiver control: added support to Yaesu
- NEW: Image viewer: if the image viewer is displayed, it
will be closed automatically if pressing ESC or Cancel (In Add QSO window)
or when Swisslog receives any command from external programs to erase/clear
- NEW: Statistics: when double clicking in the statistic
status of any statistic view or Quick view, you see a list of all QSOs
belonging to this status (Worked, Confirmed). Now, double clicking in any
QSO of the QSO list will edit the QSO directly in the QSO Entry window,
working the same way as in the logbook view.
- NEW: World map: now double clicking in any point of map
the antenna will turn to the beaming to the selected point (only if rotor
interface is started)
- Corrected: LoTW/eQSL support: passwords including special characters
like '&', '<', '>', '#', etc didn't work.
- Corrected: Band Map: Log QSO, Show Statistic Quick Infos, Tune
transceiver, Turn antenna and Turn Long Path pop up menu options will only
be enabled if mouse right clicking over a spot.
- Corrected: ADIF import: some options were not displayed correctly in
French or German
- Corrected: Quick Info views: info was not updated for QSOs saved during
the session unless user forced to update quick info. Now the Quick Info
views are updated automatically after saving new QSO.
- Corrected: using ICOM as transceiver control: tuning from spots didn't
work sometimes or the frequency was divided by 1000. Restore to last QRG
didn't work. "" is not an integer value error after manual starting
transceiver control.
- Updated: World Map: added latest IOTA references into the IOTA layer
TEN TEN, URE, WCA and WFF statistics on 21/08/2019
- Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Version 5.99b 25/05/2019
This version includes the following
- NEW: Support for FT4: added new mode and adapted ADIF
import/export function to fulfill the new requirements in 3.1.0
- NEW: Added new statistics: GAPA Grid and GAPA WPX
- Corrected: Band maps: If the Statistic-Quick Info window is open, mouse
left click on a spot to display the Info for the selected DX spot.
- Corrected: Band maps: using resolutions higher than 1920x1080, a line
was displayed at the botton of band map.
- Corrected: Band maps: code has been optimized to improve overall
performance, especially when bands are very crowd.
- Corrected: QSO import / merging: these processes ran very slow when many
error messages were displayed.
- Corrected: Club Log OQRS processing: the QSL SENT DATE field was not set
while processing the ADIF file including the QSOs printed by the printing
tool of Club Log.
- Corrected: Add QSO: when entering a QSL Card number in the Info QSL tab
then changing to another tab before saving, the error "Cannot focus a
disabled or invisible window" was displayed. Clear all fields was needed to
- Corrected: JTDX link(using TCP/IP logging): the saved QSO End time was
very different and had no relationship with the QSO Start Time. Now QSO End
time will be set to the QSO Start time because the TCP/IP link doesn't send
the QSO End time value.
- Corrected: some spelling errors and some wrong call areas in the US
Counties info table (thanks Reg, G3WPF!)
TEN TEN, URE, WCA and WFF statistics on 24/05/2019
- Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Version 5.99a 26/03/2019
This version includes the following
- NEW: QSO import: added a Merge data option! very
interesting to merge data in existing QSO from an import file having most
updated information (i.e.: award information, QSL sent indicator from online
QSL print services, etc). An exact match must to be found! that is: same
call, date, time (including seconds!), band and mode! Otherwise QSO will be
added not merged! Existing data will be REPLACED by data from the import
file!! Please read the "Import QSO" chapter in Swisslog help.
- NEW: Club Log Tools: added "Process OQRS ADIF File"
function! you can now process the OQRS files from Club Log easily to handle
your OQRS requests. Please read "Club Log Tools" chapter in the "Other
Features" section of the Swisslog help to get details.
- NEW: DX alerts: now you can use wildcards (* and
?) in
the callsign field to search for an specific pattern of callsigns. Examples:
- *YOTA will display alerts for callsigns such
- ??3G* will display alerts for callsigns
starting with 2 characters, followed by a 3 whose suffix starts with G
such as AA3GH, EA3GCV, DL3GTT, etc.
You can also search in the spot comments!! Simply add @ at the begining of
the pattern. Examples:
- @*SOTA* will display alerts when SOTA is found somewhere
in the comments field.
- @IOTA* will display alerts if IOTA is found at the
begginning of comments.
- NEW: QSO import: callsign is displayed boldface for
better display. Saving to a file now in Rich text format.
- NEW: Statistic views: Added the MY_CALL field in the
view displayed when double clicking on a statistic status to see the
associated QSOs.
- NEW: DX Alerts window: callsign is displayed boldface
for better display.
- NEW: World map: zoom in/out with mouse wheel.
- NEW: LOTW/eQSL Error/Warning list: callsign is
displayed boldface for better display. Saving to a file now in Rich text
format. If errors/warnings are found during synch, Error list / Warning list
tab will be hightlighted to show clearly that errors/warnings have been
- NEW: Export log to WSJT-X/JTDX: Now you can select the
log directory. Useful if using multiple instances of WSJT-X / JTDX and you
have the log file in an user created directory.
- NEW: Enabled LotW and eQSL
confirmations in HELVETIA AWARD statistic
- Restored: Update AGCW member list from Internet. AGCW makes available
again the list of their members.
- Changed: deleted BDM and DMC from statistic and from the
membership panel because no longer exists.
- Corrected: Band maps: double click on a spot always forced displaying
the Statistic overview window which is not desirable for some users. Now the
popup menu option must be used to display the Statistic Overview.
- Corrected: Band maps: no spots after a while and spots remained after
defined lifetime.
- Corrected: DX Alerts: duplicated alerts in the DX Alerts window.
- Corrected: Statistic (new): double clicking on a cell didn't show up the
QSOs belonging to this cell status.
- Corrected: multiple violation error messages.
- Corrected: ADIF import: The contacted station's operator's name (ADIF
field NAME) was not imported.
- Corrected: ADIF import: contents different from B, D, E or M were not
imported if user assigned to import a specific field to the QSL ACTION field
- Corrected: QSO import: File not found error if length of full path and
name of file to be imported or field assignment file was higher than 100.
- Corrected: Swisslog caused some Windows energy saver issues.
- Corrected: WSJT-X/JTDX UDP link: if displaying Callbook image profiles,
after reading a callsign sent by WSJT, if image profile was an animated GIF,
Swisslog locked up.
- Corrected: Resequence QSO: if resequence was needed, in larger logbooks,
Swisslog prompted user again that resequence was needed while performing the
- Corrected: the C_PREFIXNR field was limited to 32767 causing errors
during ADIF importations if prefix number contained a higher number. This
was caused because of the data field type. Now the data type has been
changed to integer (it was small integer).
- Corrected: Update member/references list warning: Swisslog locked up
while importing data if updating from the warning dialog.
- Corrected: QRG and mode reading errors in TS-890S
- Corrected: DCE award info table internet update: first character of
column MUNICIPIO was cut
TEN TEN, URE, WCA and WFF statistics on 25/03/2019
- Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Version 5.99 25/12/2018
This version includes the following
- NEW: DX Alerts: Now you can set DX Alerts in the
renewed Schedules function.Swisslog will show up a DX Alert dialog when
reading any spot of the callsigns defined as DX Alerts during the defined
range of date (you can even set a sound announcement!). Please read
the Schedules / DX Alerts chapter in the Swisslog help (Other features).
- NEW: JS8Call support. Please read "Digital modes
interfaces" in Help.
- NEW: Tools / Export log to WSJT-X / JTDX: now with just
a single click, you can export all your QSOs worked from the modes
recognised by WSJT-X / JTDX and Swisslog will create and copy the
wsjtx_log.adi directly into the log folder of WSJT-X and/or JTDX.
Swisslog will also create a backup copy of the existing wsjtx_log.adi (wsjtx_log_bak.adi)
to revert operation in case of problems. Please read the Other Features
chapter in the Swisslog help for further details.
- NEW: Realtime entry: now you can switch realtime entry
ON/OFF by double clicking in the date field. In realtime mode, background
colour in the start/end time and date fields will be set to yellow.
Otherwise will be set to white colour.
- NEW: Statistic Quick Info View: Splitter bars position are
now saved to remember user customization.
- NEW: Image viewer: now window position and size is
saved to remember these settings for the next session. Defined a timeout of
10 seconds to avoid freezing when an image takes a lot to download.
- NEW: Added the QSL Manager field to the default query
in logbook views.
- NEW: World Map: Now there is an "ALL" option in the
Gridsquares field to display all confirmed/worked/needed grid squares in all
- NEW: Added Diploma 16 to Diploma 20 fields in the PQTH
table to allow more awards.
(International Lighthouse/Lighthouse Weekend) and WLOTA statistics.
- Deleted: Dx message
window: Option "Update Quick-Stat automatically". This option created many
side effects. It really had no sense because the info displayed in the Quick
Info was impossible to read if many spots were entering at the same time.
- Deleted: Update AGCW
member list from Internet: AGCW no longer makes available their member list
due to EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
- Changed:
LoTW synch requires SSL connections with TLS 1.2 which is only
supported in Windows Vista or higher. If you have Windows XP this function
will be disabled.
- Corrected: ADIF import: the OPERATOR field from ADIF was wrongly
imported to L_OPERATOR and C_OP_NAME (this field is the logging operator's
callsign). Now at first start up of this version, Swisslog will read all
your callsigns from all your MyQTHs and will delete them if found in the
L_OPERATOR and/or C_OP_NAME fields.
- Corrected: ADIF import: Swisslog didn't import any QSO from ADIF files
without header.
- Corrected: ADIF import: "PQTH is not in Edit or Insert mode" error
message and importation was aborted.
- Corrected: Import QSO: when asked to assign an unknown field, column
size could not be changed. If field name was very long user could not wider
- Corrected: Import QSO: violation error if trying to start a new
importation without closing the window of the last importation. Now Swisslog
will try to close the last window of the last importation (if exists) before
starting a new importation.
- Corrected: Importing QSOs from another Swisslog database: Time field was
displayed as 30/12/1899 in QSO listings.
- Corrected: World map: if Swisslog is installed for the first time, the
default high quality texture was not used and land territories were
displayed in green colour.
- Corrected: World map: if selecting a band in the DXCC field where you
have no QSOs, the DXCC colour status was not displayed correctly.
- Changed: World map: redesigned the upper part of the window to allow
more space for map. Configuration button name has been changed by an icon.
- Corrected: Band maps / Dx messages: "'' is not a valid integer value"
error message when single clicking on a spot with /MM stations.
- Corrected: Band maps / Dx messages: now Swisslog uses the UTC time
defined in Windows instead the time difference to
UTC defined in the selected My QTH in order to calculate spot lifetime. No spots were displayed if user didn't
set the right time difference in the selected My QTH.
- Corrected: Dx messages: when double clicking on a spot, if "Log QSO" was
one of the double click actions, the last spot appeared repeatedly all the
- Corrected: WSJT-X/JTDX link: Swisslog didn't read data after closing
WSJT-X or JTDX then opening it again.
- Corrected: different errors when creating a new logbook
- Corrected: Add QSO, "Info QSL" tab: Swisslog counted QSOs as eQSL confirmed
if the station was
eQSL AG member but eQSL confirmation was not received.
- Corrected: eQSL and LoTW confirmations were not added in the DME statistic
- Corrected: Sound Dx announcements: if using several statistics in Dx
message window, sound announcements for New, Needed or Worked didn't work
well. Sound announcements will only read the Dx Type (New, Needed, Worked)
from the first statistic in the DX message window. If you need sound
announcements from several statistics, you will have to use different DX
message windows selecting only one statistic in every one of them.
- Corrected: some minor cosmetic errors.
TEN TEN, URE, WCA and WFF statistics on 24/12/2018
- Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Version 5.98c 12/10/2018
This version includes the following
NEW: Image viewer: Support to
display images encoded in CMYK.
NEW: Image viewer: the image viewer
window will be closed automatically after saving the QSO.
NEW: Add QSO > MyQTH: Added the
field "Operator Call". This is very useful for multioperator or clubs to
assign the operator. This field will be exported into ADIF as the OPERATOR
NEW: Added TTLOC statistic.
This statistic counts all Grid Squares (Maidenhead) confirmed by QSL, LoTW
and eQSL.
NEW: Logbook view: JTALERT
Exportation query in the ADIF Export folder. This query is very useful if
you want to synchronise QSO from Swisslog to JTALERT. Use this query in a
logbook view to select automatically all QSOs with modes recognised by
WSJT-X/JTDX. Use the export function to export QSOs from Swisslog to the log
ADIF file used by JTALERT. Simply save the export file with the same name
you use for the ADIF log file in JTALERT and copy it in the log directory of
JTALERT, overwriting the existing one. That's all!
NEW: Enabled LotW and eQSL
confirmations in RDA statistic
Corrected: Bug since 5.98 affecting users located in
time zones where local time is -1 to -12 from UTC. Swisslog didn't calculate
correctly the time difference to UTC set by Windows and displayed a message
box prompting user that "The Timedifference to UTC for the current QTH does
not match the settings in Windows". Swisslog detected Windows settings as
positive number when should be negative.
Corrected: Band maps: code fully rewritten for better
performance and stability. Thanks to this change some issues have been
solved such as no spots after certain running time, lock ups or low
Corrected: Tools | For experts only | Set DXCC in
Callbook. Swisslog seemed frozen while executing this function.
TEN TEN, URE, WCA and WFF statistics on 12/10/2018
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Version 5.98b 06/09/2018
This version includes the following
Corrected: Swisslog desktop: If user had several
statistic quick views, all of them displayed the same statistic.
Corrected: Add QSO: Input sequence for RST-S and
RST-R was not right according the new field position
Corrected: eQSL statistics (eDX100, eWAC, eGrid and
eWPX) showed wrong statistic status
Version 5.98a 01/09/2018
This version includes the following
Entry: RST_R and RST_S fields position have been exchanged. Practically, in
all logging/contest programs RST Sent field goes before the RST Received
field. Swisslog was the only one program having exchanged the position of
these fields. Entering QSO data watching from other programs or listings, was very
annoying because the order of these fields in Swisslog was exchanged from
the general rule.
- NEW: QSO Entry: a new option has been added to show
automatically the QRZ/QRZCQ Callbook image profile of current station (when
available). By default this option is enabled.
- NEW: Now all statistics accepting eQSL confirmations,
will only count callsigns being eQSL AG members. If you use the membership
panel, Swisslog will set the L_eQSLAG field automatically if the eQSLAG logo is displayed.
However, because many users may have upgraded to AG member since you got the
eQSL confirmation via eQSL synch function or entering the QSO, it's highly advisable to make a full resync of your eQSL
confirmations from time to time. It won't take a lot of time and you will
ensure you will have all your eQSL statistics up to date. Perform the
following steps:
- Go to Tools / eQSL Synchronization
- Press Synchronize eQSL
- Check the Get only QSL since latest synchronization and set
01/01/1900 in the Latest synchronization date
- Press Start Synch
- NEW: Added DME 2018 statistic according the new rules
counting from 01/09/2018). Renamed DME to DME GENERAL.
- NEW: Added eWAC statistic
- NEW: Enabled LotW and eQSL confirmations in the
following statistics managed by URE: CIA, DME, Comarcas Aragon, Comarcas
Galicia, Comarcas Valencianas, EADX100, Locator EA and TPEA.
- Corrected: Band maps: "List index out of bounds" error message.
- Corrected: Band maps: If desktop was saved at exit, zoom setting was not
restored properly from latest session.
- Corrected: Dual monitor systems: some windows were not placed correctly
at startup or after database compression/Resequencing QSO. I hope this issue
is solved definitely!
- Corrected: Statistic(new): FT8 (and other modes having ModeID higher
than 127) were not displayed correctly.
- Corrected: Swisslog was always maximized after startup.
- Corrected: Enhanced filter to retrieve the QSL Manager callsign from the
QSL VIA field from Callbook databases.
- Corrected: FLDIGI link: QSOs saved twice sometimes and "PQTH is not in
edit or insert mode" error message.
- Corrected: ADIF export: FT8 QSOs were exported including the ADIF submode
field as FT8.
- Corrected: ADIF export: WSJT-X Exportation took long time to export
- Corrected: WSJT-X/JTDX link: Swisslog was frozen when closing if
the link with WSJT-X/JTDX was still active.
- Corrected: Renamed WFF statistic to WWFF.
- Corrected: Renamed AMTOR mode to AMTORFEC which is the right ADIF
submode name.
Version 5.98 03/08/2018
This version includes the following
NEW: eQSL Full
synchronization supporting multi callsign! Please read the
eQSL Support in Swisslog help!! IMPORTANT:
If you already used realtime logging to eQSL, you must configure again your
eQSL passwords in the new function, otherwise Realtime logging won't work.
NEW: after a first eQSL
synchronization, you will be able to display the eQSL card in a new image
viewer window. Internet connection is needed! You can display the eQSL card
Add QSO window: When editing QSO, in the
Info QSL tab, if the eQSL received indicator is checked, you will see a
blue button with the eQSL word.
Logbook views (including Register QSL card): the
view must include the eQSL_Received field. Now all logbook views include
this field. When you click in a QSO, if it's confirmed by eQSL you will
see a blue button at the end of the toolbar. Press it to display the QSL
In the viewer window. You can print or save to a file the loaded image.
This window is fully resizable! so you can display the eQSL card as big
as you like! When saving, the file name is automatically generated with
the following format: Callsign_YYYYMMDD_Band.png. A dialog
appears where you can change the name and select the folder you want to
save the image.
NEW: If you use QRZ or QRZCQ to
read Callbook data, now you can also display the image profile for QRZ/QRZCQ
within Swisslog! (QRZ/QRZCQ subscription needed). When entering a callsign
in the Add QSO window, after retrieving callbook data, if the QSO partner
has an image in his QRZ/QRZCQ profile, the Callbook tab is displayed in bold
red, indicating there is a profile image available. In the Callbook tab you
will see a button with the QRZ/QRZCQ logo. Click on it to display the image
profile in the image viewer window.
NEW: eQSL statistics: eDX100, eGRID
y eWPX (will only count eQSL AG members confirmations)
NEW: LOTW Synch: Added Save to file
button in the LOTW Error List.
NEW: WSJT-X/JTDX link: Now Swisslog
saves the Start/End time exactly as sent by WSJT-X/JTDX
NEW: URL/e-mail will be set
automatically to the Comments field in the Station tab of Add QSOs, if found
in any callbook database. You can disable this in the Field Copy Instruction
tab in the Callbook Cd / Internet databases option.
NEW: Added Club Log and True Blue
DXers Club (TBDXC) for membership panel
NEW: Logbook view: WSJT-X
Exportation query in the ADIF Export folder. This query is very useful if
you want to synchronise QSO from Swisslog to WSJT-X/JTDX. Use this query in
a logbook view to select automatically all QSOs with modes recognised by
WSJT-X/JTDX. Use the export function to export QSOs from Swisslog to the log
file used by WSJT-X/JTDX. Simply save the export file as wsjtx_log.adi and
copy it in the log directory of WSJT-X/JTDX, overwriting the existing one.
That's all!
NEW: Added C4FM mode
Added: added eQSL_R and
MYCALL fields in the Previous / New QSOs tab in the Add QSO window.
LoTW Sync: LoTW status was set to Uploaded in some QSOs when maybe was
confirmed! To correct this, is needed to download again all confirmations
from LoTW to read the right status and get new confirmations. You have to
perform the following steps:
Go to Tools / LoTW synchronization
Press the LoTW synchronization button
In the "QSL from" field set 01/01/1900
Press the Start Synch button. If you
have many QSLs it may take some time!
Corrected: LoTW sync: a warning message is displayed
when exists expired certificates. However, user couldn't change to another
tab different that the Station page.
Corrected: LoTW sync: fields CREDIT_GRANTED,
(if found) during LoTW sync
Corrected: LoTW/eQSL sync: QTH locator from
LoTW/eQSL will only be set in the QSO if the QTH locator field is empty. QTH
locator set in the QSO prevail!
Corrected: realtime logging online logbooks: QRG
field was not uploaded properly if the regional settings of your country
uses a blank as thousand separator (i.e. France, Norway, Sweden, etc).
Corrected: No DX spots in Dx message windows / Band
Map if QSO Entry window was not open.
Corrected: when using Swisslog in dual monitor, some
windows were not placed correctly at startup.
Corrected: Swisslog only allowed whole hours for
time difference to UTC. Now Swisslog allows time differences of half an hour
such as 2.5, 3.5, etc.
Corrected: Description in the SOTA info table was
Corrected: Creating new database: if user checked
tables manually from the Table column, these tables were not copied to the
new database. The tables column displayed tables that couldn't be exported.
Now only exportable tables are displayed and suggested group of tables are
selected. The "Create new database" chapter in help has been rewritten for
better understanding of this function.
Corrected: When manually forcing resequence QSOs,
sometimes the message informing user that sequence number is out of sync was
displayed while resequencing.
Corrected: Callbook databases: URL field was not
retrieved if using HAMQTH.
Corrected: Prop Mode field was not uploaded properly (such as SA< instead of SAT mode) in some online
logbooks if saving in more than one online logbook at once.
Corrected: Accented/special characters were not
displayed correctly when retrieving QSL INFO from QRZ/QRZCQ/HAMQTH
Corrected: Membership panel QSL rules actions: if
these rules were enabled, when no bureau exists in the QSO partner DXCC but
was LoTW/eQSL user, Direct was always set in the QSL Action
Corrected: Add QSO - Info QSL tab (QSL information
grid header): the header displayed the HomeCall and not the QSO callsign.
i.e.: in QSO like SV5/EA3GCV the callsign displayed was EA3GCV instead of
Corrected: using OmniRig: frequency was not read
from IC-7300 using the latest INI file. This bug could affect other
Corrected: Swisslog freezes after updating some
references/member list from internet.
Corrected: minor errors
Changed: Realtime logging: QSO won't be uploaded to
online logbooks if the INCOMPLETE field is checked.
Changed: QRZ realtime logging: used HTTP request
instead of HTTPS because new SSL certificate installed in QRZ server only
allows TLS 1.2 which is not supported in Windows XP.
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Version 5.97k 26/04/2018
This version includes the following
NEW: Added UDP Settings option in
WSJT-X / JTDX configuration. This allow to use new version of JTALERT along
with Swisslog and WSJT-X / JTDX. Please read the WSJT-X / JTDX operation in
Swisslog help.
Now user can select the action performed when double clicking on a spot in
the DX message / Band Maps windows. In the pop up menu user will have the
following choices:
and turn
(default option)
- Tune
transceiver, turn antenna
- Log QSO
NEW: Added the option to select by
range of dates in the "Set DXCC from CLub Log" function.
NEW: Added 60m band in band plan.
NEW: Added DXCC SAT standard
statistic. All QSOs made through satellites must have SAT in the Propagation
mode field.
NEW: Added Timeout field in all
Online Logbooks configuration.
Corrected: propagation mode field was not uploaded
correctly to eQSL.
Corrected: propagation mode field was not included
in realtime logging in Club Log and HAMLOG. Added some other accepted
LOTW, MF, NDG, SKCC, SOTA, TEN TEN, URE, WCA and WFF statistics on 25/04/2018
Version 5.97j 14/04/2018
This version includes the following
NEW: Tools / Update Awards
information (internet) / Update IOTA references. Now Swisslog can update
IOTA references directly from the IOTA official website. This function
requires SSL connections with TLS 1.2 so this option won't be available if
you use Windows XP.
Corrected: Tools / Club Log / Set DXCC from CLub
Log: DXCC assigned empty to most QSOs in poor internet connections. Deleted
the assigned timeout period. Code has been enhanced to avoid setting a blank
DXCC if not real response from Club Log.
Corrected: Rotor toolbar: not integer value when
typing a beam manually. Red arrows didn't stop rotor when turning if using
some rotor interfaces
Corrected: "xxx is not a valid float number" error
when connecting to external programs such as MixW, FLDIGI, Multipsk and
using Band maps with CAT enabled.
Corrected: Band map: Violation error message when
selecting Tune and turn from the pop up menu
LOTW, MF, NDG, SKCC, SOTA, TEN TEN, URE, WCA and WFF statistics on 14/04/2018
Version 5.97i 05/04/2018
This version includes the following
Club Log now requires SSL connections with TLS 1.2 which is only supported
in Windows Vista and higher. If you have Windows XP all Club Log functions
will be disabled.
NEW: Band maps: now you can filter
by mode in the selection criteria option.
NEW: Rotor Toolbar: if rotor is
turning you can stop rotor by clicking on the arrows.
NEW: Azimuth indicator: if rotor is
turning you can stop rotor by double clicking on the black area.
NEW: Server timeout field for
HRDLOG realtime saving and logbook upload. HRDLOG server often needs more
timeout server response until process a QSO. Now you can set this parameter
to your own preferences.
NEW: When entering a callsign in
the Add QSO window, if previous QSO exists having a Note in the C_NOTE
field, the Station tab is displayed in bold red (the same as applies when
there are previous QSO or Comments).
Changed: old INDY component used for internet
connections in the Delphi compiler. Now Swisslog uses a newer component
which supports up to TLS 1.2. This way Swisslog is ready for future changes
in web sites (such as the recent Club Log change).
Changed: Timeout value in internet database from milliseconds to seconds
(it’s performed automatically at first start up of this version).
Corrected: Spanish awards
changing one of these references (if existed from previous QSOs) Swisslog
didn't added automatically a new partner's HomeQTH, overwriting previous
Corrected: Ignored the following new ADIF fields
during LOTW synchronisation: APP_LoTW_CQZ_Inferred,
Corrected: Enhanced internet connection detection to
avoid freezing Swisslog when not having internet access (only happened under
certain scenarios)
Corrected: some minor errors
LOTW, MF, NDG, SKCC, SOTA, TEN TEN, URE, WCA and WFF statistics on 04/04/2018
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Version 5.97h 16/02/2018
This version includes the following
NEW: TPEA award: Now when entering
a DME reference in a EA, EA6, EA8 or EA9 station, the TPEA field is filled
automatically. Swisslog also implements a function in the Tools menu to set
the TPEA province extracted from DME references already introduced in your
NEW: Spanish awards
DCE,DEE,DEFE,DMVE,DMVEA,DVGE and EA PUENTES: when entering a reference of
one of these awards DME field will be filled automatically.
Corrected: in version 5.97 US Counties format
was changed to the format STATE,COUNTY to meet ADIF requirements. However,
due to technical reason of how the statistic function is designed, this
change caused that double clicking in a cell in a US COunty statistic
report, QSOs belonging to the statistic status (confirmed, worked) were not
displayed. I have had to revert to the previous Swisslog format which is
STATE-COUNTY. At first startup of this version Swisslog will format all the
US Counties found in your QSOs having a comma and replacing it by a dash.
However, Swisslog will export US counties into ADIF format with comma to
meet ADIF requirements. Swisslog will also convert the ADIF format with
comma to dash when importing from ADIF or LoTW.
Corrected: if WSJT-X or JTDX was running before
starting Swisslog and a callsign was found in the DX Call field, after
starting Swisslog this call was set in the Add QSO window and a message
prompted to save changes.
Corrected: WSJT-X/JTDX link: callbook databases info
was not retrieved after reading the DX Call field.
Corrected: WSJT-X/JTDX link: "HomeQTH can't be
empty" error messages when trying to save.
Corrected: Swisslog didn't stop transceiver control
when linked to multimode digital programs such as MixW, FLDIGI, if the Start
automatically option was not checked in the transceiver control options.
Corrected: working with FLDIGI: as soon as a
call was entered in FLDIGI QSO was saved in Swisslog without pressing the
SAVE QSO button in FLDIGI. Callsign was not cleared in FLDIG after saving
causing entering again the saved QSO in Swisslog and was not possible to
save any more QSO.
Corrected: different errors creating new Swisslog
Corrected: if propagation and satellite fields were
activated, when restoring Swisslog after minimize it, fields disappeared.
Corrected: moved URDA statistic from Region to
Sub-Region to meet ADIF import/export requirements (all data is moved
Corrected: Band maps: if user selected more than one
statistic an error was displayed kind “nnnn,nnnn was not a valid integer
value”. Remember that only ONE statistic can be selected for band maps!
Added: CQDX IRC Channel and to the list of Telnet
servers. Current users who wants to get these Telnet servers will have to delete
Telnetservers.bin and rename Telnetservers_orig.bin to Telnetservers.bin.
IMPORTANT: you will have
to configure again Telnet servers you want to connect automatically
LOTW, MF, NDG, SKCC, SOTA, TEN TEN, URE, WCA and WFF statistics on 16/02/2018
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Version 5.97g 04/02/2018
This version includes the following
Corrected: Customized desktop background and windows
colours were lost when saving or deleting a desktop.
Corrected: Band maps: if using CAT and dragging
ruler up/down DX spots were not set at the right QRG position
Corrected: violation errors when recreating band
maps after restoring desktop (if any)
Corrected: WSJT-X/JTDX with UDP connection: after
entering a call, QTH locator was always set in 4 digit format (the one sent
by WSJT-X/JTDX), replacing the QTH locator retrieved from Callbook databases
in 6 digits format. If Maidenhead is the same the one retrieved from
Callbook databases in 6 digits format must be saved.
Corrected: some minor errors
LOTW, MF, NDG, SKCC, SOTA, TEN TEN, URE, WCA and WFF statistics on 04/02/2018
Version 5.97f 30/01/2018
This version includes the following
Corrected: issue restoring saved desktops: statistic
quick views were duplicated or not restored properly
Corrected: some minor errors
Version 5.97e 28/01/2018
This version includes the following
Corrected: band maps: center frequency was not saved
on exit if CAT was not used.
Version 5.97d 26/01/2018
This version includes the following
NEW: New background texture for the
world map function with higher quality than before! Deleted obsolete and low
quality texture files included in the MAPS folder.
NEW: Now DX Grid field from WSJT-X
and JTDX is sent to the Add QSO window (along with DX Call) if using the UDP
you need version or higher otherwise you will get a "wrong QTH
locator" error in Swisslog!
Corrected: LoTW synchronization: a violation error
is displayed when there are expired certificates in TQSL, causing LoTW synch
not working. Now a message is displayed prompting user to fix this before
continuing using the LoTW synchronization function.
Corrected: DX messages/ band maps: no spots
displayed in some periods of time depending the time difference to UTC
defined in My QTH and Spot Lifetime setting.
Corrected: Add QSO: references from variable
statistics (if assigned) were blank when editing QSO. Also, if reference was
edited, changes were not saved.
Corrected: after compressing, refreshing,
resequencing database or restoring from hibernation a violation error
occurred when recreating band maps.
Corrected: small bugs when using child windows in
another monitor.
Changed: disabled Socket error messages permanently.
These messages are often displayed in poor internet connections difficulting
regular logging operation. Users wanting to see these error messages have to
simply add SkipSocketErrorMsg=0 in the COMMON section of the
Updated country table. Z6 Kosovo added as DXCC from
21/01/2018. At first start up of this version Swisslog will set DXCC blank
in all your QSOs with prefix starting with Z6 worked before 21/01/2018
because are not valid for any DXCC. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
enter again a Z6 station that you worked before the 21/01/2018, and you
don't use the "Query DXCC to Club Log" option, please check the DXCC field!
it will probably be blank and you will have to select the right DXCC
abbreviation (Z6).
LOTW, MF, NDG, SKCC, SOTA, TEN TEN, URE, WCA and WFF statistics on 26/01/2018
Version 5.97c 05/01/2018
This version includes the following
LOTW Synchronization: Read Time out error
Version 5.97b 02/01/2018
This version includes the following
- NEW: Band map: now with a single mouse click on a
spot, you get the Quick Info to know previous QSOs and other statistic info
- NEW: Band map: Show if Dupe (band) and Show if Dupe (band/mode) options:
If a spotted call is dupe, (D)
is added before the callsign (i.e: (D) EA3GCV). User can choose dupe
checking by band or band/mode. Band option is activated by
default. If none are checked dupes are not displayed.
- NEW: Online logbooks: added option to Disable
error messages / warnings after saving. This will disable messages like
"Dupe QSO", "Server is not responding" etc. sent by the server when QSO
upload fails. This is especially useful when working linked with external
programs such as MixW, WSJT-X, JTDX, etc. This way we avoid that saving
request from the external program is not blocked by these kind of messages.
- NEW: Swisslog is now able to read the following modes
if found in the DX Mesasage comments: FT8, HELL, JT65, JT9, MSK144, OLIVIA, PSK31, PSK63, PSK125
and RTTY. SSB, CW and RTTY are calculated automatically according the
Swisslog band plan. This is very useful for statistic info and for showing
dupe (band/mode option) on band maps.
- Corrected: no spots displayed in Dx message windows or band maps
- Corrected: Violation error when closing options dialog for MixW, FLDIGI,
HamScope and MultiPSK if the Add QSO window was not open.
- Corrected: repeated beeps when finding a dupe when the option to
change color is selected.
- Corrected: Band Map always stayed on top even disabling the Always
on Top option.
- Corrected: "AZ: is not a valid time" error in DX Messages / Band Map
- Corrected: Swisslog freezes on closing sometimes when band map is
- Corrected: When pressing point or comma the second time in the
callsign field, 2 letters of callsign were deleted even if "/P" was not
- Corrected: if band map had focus and user changed to use another
program, keyboard was disabled sometimes.
- Corrected: eQSL configuration: QTH Nickname was not saved if added
in the eQSL tab of the Online Logbooks configuration
- Corrected: eQSL upload: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request error. Caused when
Comments field contained ampersnad (&), line feed or return carriage.
- Corrected: QRZ upload: "missing" or "Unable to add QSO to database"
errors. Caused when Comments,QTH or Operator fields contained (&) or (;).
- Corrected: Ignored the following new ADIF fields during LOTW
synchronisation: APP_LoTW_CQZ_UserInvalid and APP_LoTW_ITUZ_UserInvalid
- Corrected: band plan recreated to adapt it to the latest frequency
changes (Region 1). Please check and adapt it if you are in other region
- Corrected: QRG was not uploaded in the right format when uploading
logbook to QRZ and HRDLOG.
- Changed: WAZ statistic now will accept LoTW confirmations according to
the last agreement between CQ and LoTW.
LOTW, MF, NDG, SKCC, SOTA, TEN TEN, URE, WCA and WFF statistics on 01/01/2018
Version 5.97a 08/12/2017
This version includes the following
Corrected: VERY
IMPORTANT!! Swisslog uploaded QSO to eQSL using the old eQSL
method, that is, performing some mode conversions to modes recognised by
eQSL. This way Swisslog uploaded QSO in all MFSK submodes (MFSK4, MFSK8,
etc) setting MFSK mode. All HELL submodes (FMHELL,HELL80, etc) were
uploaded as HELL. All PSK31,63,125 etc modes were uploaded as PSK. Now eQSL
recognises correctly all submodes if uploaded in the mode field and
converted it automatically to mode-submode combination. This has required a
change in the source code of Swisslog to adapt to this new scenario. All
users who have uploaded QSOs in realtime or uploading his logbook in any
PSK, MFSK or HELL submode (PSK31, PSK63, PSK125, FMHELL, MFSK8, etc) with
version 5.97, will have to review these QSO in your eQSL account. You can
Edit every QSO manually in your eQSL account and
set the right Mode/Submode combination
Or Delete every QSO manually in your eQSL
account (or by a range of date in Only 1777 QSO can be
deleted at a time). In this case, once all affected QSO has been deleted
you have to clear the content of the eQSL status field in Swisslog:
Go to View / Logbook view (Selection) Select
“Status Online Logbooks” in the Logbook folder
Select all QSO of every affected mode
(PSK31, PSK63, etc) and clean the eQSL Status field (right click on
any contents of the eQSL Status field, select Edit / Modify all QSO
and set a blank).
After clearing the contents of the eQSL
Status field in all affected QSOs upload again your logbook in Tools
/ eQSL / Upload logbook. SORRY for the inconveniences!!
Corrected: Error connecting with SSL
Corrected: LOTW_Sent and eQSL_Sent not
uploaded to HAMQTH
Corrected: TCP link with JTDX (QTH locator not
valid error)
Version 5.97 04/12/2017
This version includes the following
NEW: Band map function! wide zoom
in/out range, custom font size for DX-Spots, band filtering (including 60m),
resizable window, Full spot details (including if LotW/eQSL user) when
placing mouse cursor over a DX spot. Including the following Swisslog
exclusive functions:
Customizable statistic selection! By
default is DXCC but user can select any statistic.
Enable/disable CAT link by means of a button
Gradient colors for frequency ruler
Colors customization: background, ruler
gradients, ruler measures, frequency and even buttons!
You can have as many band maps as you want with
different band filters, colors and statistics!
Even you can place every band map as standalone
window for dual monitor systems!
Can be used along with normal DX-Message window. Many thanks to Tom, N1MM for
giving me some clues when I was stucked at a certain point developing this
new function.
Also to Erik, EI4FK for his excellent suggestions and deep testing.
NEW: Realtime logging to most
important online logs: QRZ, Club Log, eQSL, HAMLOG, HAMQTH and HRDLOG.
Multiple callsign configuration for eQSL, HAMLOG and QRZ! It allows to Add/Delete QSOs in realtime
and also realtime edition in HAMQTH, HRDLOG and ClubLog.
NEW: Tools menu: Function to upload full or
partial logbook to eQSL, HAMLOG, HAMQTH (only full), HRDLOG and QRZ.
NEW: Support for PSTROTATOR! a
fantastic software to control your rotator, UltraBeam and SteppIR now
supporting tracking from Swisslog.
NEW: Added support for TCI for
transceiver control. TCI is a new protocol to control SunSDR transceivers.
If using TCI, all spots from every band map will be sent to the SDR Panorama
with colours of the corresponding statistic status. User can disable this
feature in the Option menu of every band map.
NEW: The following news/changes
have been made to adapt Swisslog to new ADIF v3.0.7 specifications:
Added the following new digital modes: T10, FT8,
PSK500, PSK1000, QPSK500, PSKAM10, PSKAM31, PSKAM50, MFSK4, MFSK11,
PSKHELL. Renamed FSQ to FSQCALL. This way Swisslog recognises now all
different PSK, MFSK and HELL submodes.
ADIF import: new option called "Check if file
contains SUBMODE field for MFSK/PSK". If checked Swisslog will
convert/recognise properly all PSK/MFSK submodes if the SUBMODE ADIF
field is found in QSOs made on PSK/MFSK mode. Swisslog also recognises
now all ADIF SubModes either found in the MODE or SUBMODE ADIF fields
and convert them properly. IMPORTANT:
First check in the ADIF file that the SUBMODE field is found in every
QSO in MFSK/PSK mode.The QSL_SENT_VIA field is imported into the
QSL_ACTION field following these rules:
'B' is imported as 'Bureau'
'D' is imported as 'Direct'
'E' is imported as 'Electronic'
'M' is imported as 'QSL Manager'
Changed the following band names to adapt them
to ADIF specifications: 1.5cm to 1.25, 10cm to 9cm and 2200m to 2190m
ADIF Export: Swisslog will now export MODE and
SUBMODE fields accordingly (except for LoTW synchronization that only
MODE will be exported). The QSL_ACTION field is exported in the
QSL_SENT_VIA field following these rules:
'Bureau' is exported as 'B'
'Direct' is exported as 'D'
'Lotw', 'eQSL', 'LOTW+eQSL' is exported as
Added new Swisslog fields: L_LOTW_SENT,
L_CREDIT_SUBMITTED and L_CREDIT_GRANTED. At first start up of this
version fields L_LOTW_SENT and L_EQSL_SENT will be set to 1 if
L_LOTW_STATUS/L_EQSL_STATUS contains any data. Users with large logbooks
may experience the first start up a bit longer than usual to perform
these operations.
NEW: Enhanced info tables view. The
Info tables view (when double clicking on a statistic field or when
editing/viewing info tables contents) now implement column sorting (by
clicking on column title) and incremental filtering! Just type anything
below the column title and the view will show the matching records (case
NEW: Added option to communicate
with JTDX via TCP. If using latest versions of JTALERT along with Swisslog
the UDP option doesn't work and user must use the new TCP option (please
read the Digital Modes interfaces, JT65 WSJT-X/JTDX Operation section in
NEW: WSJT-X/JTDX new operation
mode! Now when entering a callsign in the DX Call field (only if using the
UDP connection) or when double clicking to make a QSO, the callsign is
entered in the Add QSO window of Swisslog like in MixW, FLDIGI, etc. This is
very useful because now you don't need to use any external program (i.e.:
JTALERT) to know if you worked before this station and you take all the
profits of Swisslog about realtime statistics, membership panel, etc. If you
clear the DX Call field the Callsign field in Swisslog will be cleared as
well. A new button will appear in the Add QSO window to activate /
deactivate the UDP link. Please read the Digital Modes interfaces, JT65
WSJT-X/JTDX Operation section in help to know the new operation method.
NEW: Although there is not
available a function to download confirmations from eQSL yet, now in
"Register QSL Cards" user can set eQSL confirmations manually and quickly.
eQSL sent, eQSL received and eQSL status fields are available. When checking
the eQSL received field, the eQSL Status field is automatically set to
NEW: Special for Castle hunters:
now Swisslog implements a function in the Tools menu to set
DCE,DCI,DCFP,DFCF,DMHP and BCA references from entered WCA references. Also
viceversa: set WCA from DCE,DCI,DCFP,DFCF,DMHP and BCA references.
Previously user could make this by using a provided SQL script (now deleted)
but now this function has been enhanced and integrated in the Tools menu
which includes a progress bar showing how many QSOs are being processed.
NEW: Special for DME hunters: now
Swisslog implements a function in the Tools menu to set the DME reference
from DCE,DEE,DEFE.DMVE,DMVEA,DVGE and EA PUENTES references. A progress bar
will show how many QSOs are being processed.
NEW: Now when the Print 0 with a
bar option is enabled the slashed zero will be displayed in the following
The callsign field in the Add QSO and
Propagation Prediction window
The DX message window grid
All logbook views grids (after restarting
Swisslog or every view)
Register QSL Cards grid.
Note that the font is changed to Consola. If this option is
disabled the regular Arial font will be used (or the font defined by the user).
NEW: Added a Timeout field in
the callbook internet databases configuration. When having poor internet
connection and working pileups user may experience long delays waiting
response from the host to retrieve callsign data, causing a not fluent
logging operation. You can now set the maximum time you want to wait to
avoid this behaviour. Swisslog will bypass the query to the internet
database after the defined timeout (default value 5000ms = 5 seconds).
NEW: Added RCA (Radio Club
Argentino) for membership panel. Now when entering a LU station, it performs
an online lookup to check if is member of RCA (Argentinian Radio
Association). If member, the RCA logo will be displayed. In case the
callsign is not member of RCA and neither user of LOTW or eQSL, the QSL
action will be set to DIRECT. This is useful to avoid sending a QSL card via
bureau to a non-bureau member.
NEW: Added fields Special 16 to 20
in the Callbook table to allow more clubs. Added eQSL_Sent and LoTW_Sent
fields in the Logbook table.
statistics and for membership panel
NEW: URDA statistic on Region
NEW: In order to speed up the
logging process in pile ups or contest, the following changes have been
implemented when entering callsigns in the Add QSO window:
Typing the comma (,) or dot (.) keys Swisslog
will enter "/P" automatically. Typing again comma or dot the "/P" will
be deleted. This way users avoid typing 3 keys to enter "/P" (shift + /
+ P).
Typing dash (-) Swisslog will enter "/"
NEW: Spot lifetime option in DX
message windows (the same option as in new Band Map function). User can set
now the duration of messages in the "Criterion for DX Messages" option. By
default is 60 minutes.
NEW: Added "Always On Top" option
in windows allowing the standalone function. This option is activated by
default. This way the standalone window will stay on top all other windows
all the time.
Corrected: the RST sent/received number was limited
to 32767 causing errors during ADIF importations is this field contained a
higher number. This was caused because of the data field type. Now the data
type has been changed to integer (it was small integer).
Corrected: LoTW synchronization: web password and
certificate fields could not be set empty if previously had data.
Corrected: LoTw synchronization: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad
Request error
Corrected: LoTw synchronization: US county format in
Swisslog differs from County format downloaded from LoTW. LoTW county format
is STATE,COUNTY and Swisslog county format was STATE-COUNTY. This may cause
duplicates in your US County statistics. At first startup of this version
Swisslog will format all the US Counties found in your QSOs having a dash
and will replace it by a comma.
Corrected: when using the Yaesu GS-232 rotator
option if the interface sent bearing in dual azimuth format using the GS232B
protocol, only 2 digits were read from the rotator. Now Swisslog supports
both GS232A and GS232B protocols when reading dual azimuth/elevation
Corrected: QRG couldn't be set in FT-991.
Corrected: QSO with empty DXCC were not
passed to JT65-HF HB9HQX Edition
Corrected: Swisslog will now download the LoTW user
list from the ARRL instead HB9BZA list. ARRL has finally released an
official LoTW users list which also includes the last upload date. BIG
THANKS to HB9BZA to keep an unofficial but very useful LotW users list
during all this time!
Corrected: moved KDA statistic from Diploma 1 to
Region (all data is moved automatically)
Corrected: enhanced filter to retrieve the QSL
Manager callsign from the QSL VIA field from Callbook databases.
Corrected: when deleting QSO, if user pressed the X
button of the dialog the QSO was deleted as if pressed the YES button. Also
the default button was the YES button. Now the default button is NO and the
close button of the dialog is disabled to avoid accidental deletion of QSOs.
Corrected: Changed link to update NDG members
and DCE, DMVE and DEFE references.
Corrected: when using ICOM transceivers for
transceiver control, W-FM was not displayed in the mode list for
IC-706xx/IC-7100 and PSK modes were not displayed in IC-7600/7700/7800/7851
Corrected: the feature to set DIRECT in the QSL
Action field if the entity of the QSO partner has no bureau, no QSL manager
and not LotW/eQSL user is now integrated in the QSL Actions of the
Membership panel. This way users don't like this feature can disable it by
unckecking the "Apply QSL actions from Membership panel" option
Corrected: a timeout of 5 seconds has been set to
all internet lookups in membership panel and other related functions to
avoid freezing in case website is not responding.
Corrected: if an user was a non eQSL AG member the
regular eQSL logo was not displayed in the Membership panel.
Corrected: when prompted to update EA QRP info
table, it was not updated if user pressed YES.
Corrected: Violation error starting K1EL WinKeyer.
Corrected: the dupe checking didn't worked well when
using external digital modes programs linked to Swisslog (MixW, FLDIGI,
Corrected: Register QSL Cards window: "Refresh
view automatically" didn't work.
Corrected: Some issues assigning partner's
HomeQTH field when working linked with MixW.
Changed: deleted the option to read DX spots from
internet (Dx Summit). This option needed much CPU power causing many
problems and it's obsolete now. Users must connect to any Telnet server by
using the integrated Telnet support.
Changed: The first letter of the QTH field was
always set uppercase even in Edit mode. In cases when user wanted to edit
the QSO to set the first letter in lowercase (i.e.: nr Barcelona), Swisslog
always set the first letter uppercase. Now in Edit mode user can set first
letter lowercase. TNX DJ9BX!
Optimized code to avoid freezing when updating
references/member list from internet
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
WCA and WFF statistics on 03/12/2017
Version 5.96 25/03/2017
This version includes the following
NEW: Added support for Digital
Master 780 (DM780 from Ham Radio Deluxe). Read "Digital modes interfaces"
chapter in Help.
NEW: Azimuth indicator window. It's
resizable and offer different features whether a rotor interface is used or
not. If using a rotor interface it will show the current rotor bearing. User
can turn the rotor to a specific bearing by clicking over every compass
division (each division is 10 degrees). A label will show the selected
bearing when placing the mouse
cursor over a division. The window title will display current rotor bearing.
If no rotor interface is used, compass will indicate the bearing of the
current station entered in the QSO Entry window. The window title will
display the azimuth and also the long path bearing.
NEW: if you use OmniRig you can now
switch from Rig1 to Rig2 with a simple click in the transceiver control
toolbar and window! Rig number currently used is displayed on the left side
of the QRG. Simply click on the rig number and that's all! By placing the
mouse cursor over the Rig number you will see the rig models used. You can
also change the background/text color in the Colors pop up menu. The option
to switch from Rig1/Rig2 from the popup menu has been deleted because now
has no sense.
NEW: you can now select the
logos you want to display in Membership Panel in a new tab in the
QSO Entry options.
NEW: Now Swisslog is able to
extract the QSL Manager callsign from the QSL INFO field from Callbook
databases (when available). User have to activate the automatic copy of QSL
Manager in the CD Callbook options. Because the QSL field may contain
thousands of combinations, Swisslog will try to extract the first valid
callsign found in this field. It will work in 99% of cases. However if the
QSL field contain something like: "SSB via EA3GCV / CW via EA3XXX", Swisslog
will set EA3GCV in the QSL Manager field because is the first callsign
found. In case of doubt check the contents of the QSL INFO field, Callbook
tab in the QSO Entry window.
NEW: Adapted Swisslog to
fulfill the last ADIF 3.0.5 requirements. Added the following modes: ARDOP,
NEW: In new Yaesu transceivers
(FT2000, FTDX5000, FTDX9000, etc) when using a 144 MHz transverter the MHz
displayed in the transceiver is 44-48 Mhz. This makes that working on 2
meters using a transverter the frequency saved in the QSO is wrong and need
post edition of these QSOs. Now when these transceivers are configured
directly in Swisslog, 44-48 MHz read from the transceiver will be converted
to Swisslog as 144-148. In case of using a 430 transverter in FTDX9000/FTDX5000, user
manual recommends to change to menu value to 30. This way when working with
the 70cm transverter the frequency displayed in the transceiver is 30MHz. In
this case Swisslog will add a 4 at the beginning of the frequency when reading in
the 30-43 MHz range.
Changed: the Internet Status button now displays
icons instead of "Connected/Disconnected" words. This has to be done to fit
all buttons in 800x600 resolutions or working not in full screen. Now when
connected to internet you will see this icon:
and this one
when disconnected:
By placing
the mouse cursor over this button user will see the current status
(Connected or Disconnected).
Corrected: QSO dupe checking in the QSO Entry window
(if activated) was based in Home Call instead of callsign on the air. If you
worked DL/EA3GCV and another day you worked EA8/EA3GCV, this last QSO was
considered as dupe if worked on the same band/mode. Now dupe checking is
based on the full callsign on the air (the callsign entered in the Callsign
Corrected: if you modified any field in a QSO
already uploaded to Club Log, 2 QSOs were saved: one with the old data and
another with the updated data. Now if you modify a QSO which was already
uploaded to Club Log, the old QSO is deleted in Club Log to avoid false
Corrected: when a received DX spot was
recognised as empty DXCC for the country table (no DXCC status), the DXCC
query to Club Log was not performed when having this option checked.
Corrected: now the checking to find out if the QSO
sequence number needs to be resynchronized will only be performed once at
program startup. If user import or delete QSO during the current session it
won't be warned to resynchronise until next startup.
Corrected: skipped many confirmation messages when
resequencing QSO from the message box.
Corrected: Accented/special characters were
not displayed correctly when retrieving callsign data from QRZ/QRZCQ/HAMQTH.
Corrected: popup menu was not displayed in the
transceiver control window.
Corrected: if JT65-HF HB9HQX Edition was selected
and no program was associated for CSV files a file dialog was displayed.
HB9HQX uses a temporary file called ALLJTQSO.CSV to read all JT65/JT9 QSOs
from Swisslog. Now this dialog is not displayed even if no program is
associated to open CSV files.
Corrected: when saving QSO from JT65 programs or SIM
PSK, if options "Do not Set mode from TX" and/or "Set mode based on QRG"
were enabled the mode was not set correctly.
Corrected: when using OmniRig, if the transceiver
control window was displayed along the toolbar control window, if user
switched to use another Rig, rig was not switched.
Corrected: QRG in transceiver control toolbar is now
center aligned instead of right aligned.
Corrected: Swisslog could not be executed in
Wine (a Windows emulator for Linux).
Corrected: when using 800x600 screen resolutions or
Swisslog not working in full screen, the transceiver toolbar was displayed
bundled with the QRZCQ button. Also the rotor toolbar was not displayed if
enabled. Now all buttons have been resized to fit all.
Corrected: If the QSO Entry window was closed and
user deleted a QSO from any logbook view, a Violation error message was
Corrected: If user close the QSO Entry window while
having a link with any digital multimode program, when opening it again, the
link with the digital mode program was lost. QSO Entry window must be always
open during the link. To avoid this, the Close button of the QSO Entry
window is now greyed and user won't be able to close this window until
disconnecting the link (except for TrueTTY).
Corrected: when using TrueTTY and working with the
transceiver control in Swisslog, QSO mode was not transferred from TrueTTY.
Corrected: when entering a callsign like 3XY3D
having disabled the option "Issue warnings if call has many numbers or
suffix is too long", Swisslog issued a warning that country id was too long.
Now all warnings will be disabled if this option is not checked.
Corrected: URE members lookup and "Update URE
members list" function failed. URE servers now uses SSL and code had to be
Corrected: "List out of bounds" error when Swisslog
prompts to update member/references list from internet. Repeated Violation
error messages after replying NO to this message.
Corrected: when replying YES to update
member/references list at Swisslog startup sometimes the progress indicator
was not displayed (it was kept behind the main window).
Corrected: empty WAZ statistic report when using
"Statistic (New)" function. No QSO was displayed when clicking on any
confirmed cell in the standard View | Statistic function for the following
statistics: WAC, WAE, WAZ and WPX. This was due to a wrong code for
statistics accepting eQSL confirmations.
modes will now be exported into ADIF according the 3.0.5 specifications:
TOR,CLO,PKT, PAC and THRB respectively. When importing these modes from ADIF
or when synchronising from LoTW, these modes will be converted into the
right Swisslog modes without asking user for manual assignment.
Corrected: Checking routines to set DIRECT in the
QSL Action field if the entity of the QSO partner has no bureau is now
performed after entering a call. Previously this checking was made after
saving the QSO. This way user can change the QSL action field before saving
the QSO.
Added: Credits in Help / About
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
WCA and WFF statistics on 25/03/2017
Version 5.95 17/01/2017
This version includes the following
NEW: Added support to FLRIG for transceiver control.
NEW: When using OmniRig as
transceiver control, you can now switch from Rig1 and Rig2
in the transceiver toolbar. Right click on the toolbar and select Rig1 or
Rig2 in the popup menu. This is a very useful and quick method to switch
from one rig to another if you have 2 transceivers.
NEW: Added QRZCQ support as
Callbook database (Premium member required)
NEW: Added QRZCQ button in main
form to access the QRZCQ station profile
NEW: Now Swisslog retrieves the
following fields from Callbook databases (when available): IOTA, e-mail,
URL, QSL info. Added in Add QSO / Callbook tab and in View / CD-Callbook.
The IOTA field will be available in "Options | CD-Callbook / Internet
Databases / Field Copy Instructions" tab and also in the "Update QSOs with
Data from country table and Callbook" function in the logbook view. The IOTA
field can be only retrieved when using QRZ, QRZCQ or HAMCALL (subscription
needed) as internet databases. HAMQTH doesn’t (still) support IOTA.
NEW: Added 60m band
NEW: Added EA QRP Club, Lynx DX
Group and 30 meters Digital Group for membership panel.
NEW: Added 30MDG statistic in
C_SP14 field.
NEW: When deleting, importing QSO
or adding QSO not in realtime time, the QSO sequence number needs to be
resynchronized. Swisslog will now warn you when the Sequence QSO number is
out of synch and prompt you if you want to resequence QSOs. User can't reply
NO if don't want to be warned again during the current session. But you will
be warned again at next Swisslog session until it's fixed. It won't take a
lot of time even in larger databases.
NEW: Added BCA, DCI and DFCF
awards to the Update award information from internet function.
Corrected: when creating a new database there were
some missing fields in the QSO table. Now Swisslog searches at startup that
the QSO table contains all the needed fields otherwise recreates the QSO
Corrected: several reported problems when using
FLDIGI and JT65-HF HB9HQX Edition.
Corrected: QRZ access stop working some days. The
XML link used in Swisslog is an old link and seems to be unstable now. I
have updated the XML URL to the current one.
Corrected: using HAMCALL DVD didn't find any call.
Updated the HAMCAL32.DLL and corrected some other bugs
Corrected: HAMCALL online lookup didn't worked.
Corrected: when using OmniRig as transceiver
control, in some transceivers CW and RTTY modes were set/read as CW-R and
RTTY-R. OmniRig uses CW-USB, CW-LSB, DIG-USB and DIG-LSB modes according the
sideband used. Swisslog always set CW-USB/DIG-USB as normal CW/RTTY modes.
This is true in most transceivers but in most modern transceivers LSB is
used for CW and RTTY. Now there are 2 new options for OmniRig: CW is LSB
and RTTY is LSB. This way user can select the right "normal" mode
for CW and RTTY according the sideband really used in the transceiver.
Swisslog will keep these settings for Rig1 and Rig2 separately.
Corrected: when using OmniRig as transceiver
control, the QRG could not be set from Swisslog in certain
transceivers (i.e.: Kenwood).
Corrected: now Swisslog will use Hexadecimal address
for Icom transceivers (i.e: 6E).
Corrected: QSL action was set to DIRECT when DXCC
field was empty (all /MM stations). Also it was impossible to edit this
field manually, because Swisslog always checked if having bureau. Now QSL
Action will be set to "Direct" in DXCC having no bureau ONLY when adding
QSO. User will be able to edit the QSL Action manually and change it if
Corrected: when saving QSO from WSJT-X/JTDX/JT65-HF
HB9HQX/SIM PSK the default RST (59 or 599) was not cleared in the QSO entry causing that
some reports had been saved wrongly (mixing dB report with RST report)
Corrected: when working JT65, JT9, SIM31 or
SIM63 modes the default value for RST fields will be 0. This is to avoid
saving 59 or 599 as report when dB report format is used in these modes.
Corrected: WAZ, WAC and WAE statistics to count eQSL
confirmations and WPX, WAE to count LoTW confirmations.
Corrected: List of supported transceivers/programs
sorted in ascending order.
Changed: deleted the "Sort QSOs in Date/time order"
in the Tools menu. This function has been embedded in the Resequence
QSOs function because it was only needed to perform when resequencing
QSO. Now Resequence QSOs will perform both functions with a single user
action. Swisslog will prompt you now when resequencing is needed, so user
won't have to think about this anymore.
Changed: menu item "Open country table" moved from
File menu to Tools | For experts only
WCA and WFF statistics on 16/01/2017
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Version 5.94 16/12/2016
This version includes the following
NEW: Added K1EL WinKeyer interface for CW. I have restored, corrected and
enhanced the module Walter implemented in version 6 which was not officially
released. Please read the CW Programs / Interfaces chapter in Help.
NEW: Added support for the following JT65
modes programs: WSJT-X/JTDX and JT65-HF HB9HQX Edition. Read Support for Digital
programs in Help. THANK YOU very much to Christian, HB9DBC for helping me
integrating the WSJT-X program in a very professional manner.
NEW: Added support for SIM-PSK program to work
SIM31/SIM63 and PSK31/PSK63 modes. Added SIM31/SIM63 modes.
Added support to DX Lab Commander for transceiver control.
Added a "Setup" button for OmniRig transceiver control to get access to the
OmniRig options.
NEW: Added a new field to save
the SFI value (Solar Flux Index) in the LOGBOOK table (L_SFI). Some users didn't like to save this
value in the Comments field so I decided to add a new field. This way users
can handle better the contents of this field. It's automatically set in QSO
when working in real time and when having internet connection. The value
previously saved in the Comments field is automatically transferred to the new field
at first start up of this version, deleting also the value from the Comments
field. No user action needed! Available in logbook views based in the QSO and Logbook tables. I have
added this field in the "Logbook ALL fields (slow)" query. User may add it
manually to other views if desired.
the LOGBOOK and QSO tables. Now when saving in realtime or uploading QSO to Club Log
these fields will be set accordingly. Available in logbook views based in the
QSO and Logbook tables. I have added this field in the "Logbook ALL fields
(slow)" query. User may add it manually to other views if desired.
Added the field L_CLUBLOGPROC in the QSO and LOGBOOK tables. This field is
used by Swisslog to check QSO processed with the Club Log option "Set DXCC
from Club Log". It contains 1 (checked) when QSO has been processed. Users having many
QSO who want to process again selectively certain QSO (i.e. only QSO with an empty DXCC to know if
Club Log has updated the DXCC status for these stations) may now change the value to
0 (unckecked) in logbook views. This way these QSO will be processed again
when user selects the option "Qso never processed" avoiding to
process again all QSO in the logbook.
NEW: If connected to
internet, Swisslog will display now a dialog box when a new version is
available. No more flashing messages! User may choose whether to download and
install new version automatically or not. This makes really easy the
upgrading process.
NEW: Added a "Bureau" field in the
Country Table editor. The country table has been updated to reflect which
DXCC are having bureau or not according to the last IARU listing. It will be
periodically updated.
NEW: Now
when saving a QSO, if the country of the QSO partner doesn't have a bureau,
the QSL manager field is empty and the QSL received is not set, the QSL action
field will be set to DIRECT. This way you avoid sending QSL via bureau to a
country not having a bureau. If the membership panel is activated and the
"Apply QSL Actions from Membership" is checked, DIRECT will only be set if not
LOTW and eQSL user.
NEW: Added Belgium Castle Award (BCA), CW OPS
and FISTS statistics (P_DIPL_1, C_SP4 and C_SP13 respectively). Also added the
LOCATOR EA, DEFE 1.0 and DMVE 1.0 statistics.
REF for membership panel. Now when entering an F station, it performs an
online lookup to check if is member of REF (French Amateur Radio Association).
If member, the REF logo will be displayed. In case the callsign is not member
of REF (or is member but doesn't accept QSLs) and neither user of LOTW or
eQSL, the QSL action will be set to DIRECT. This is useful to avoid sending a
QSL card via bureau to a non-bureau member.
NEW: Added FISTS ADIF field for ADIF Import/Export. FISTS number is
also retrieved from ADIF Comments/Note fields if found following the word
"FISTS". Example: Nice QSO FISTS 120
NEW: Swisslog domain and host: I think it was time to have a most suitable name to
identify Swisslog easily on internet!.
Corrected: Ignored the following ADIF fields during LOTW
Corrected: The web link to retrieve WWV data from internet has changed. This
affected the calculation of SFI when Swisslog is not connected to any Telnet
server because it could not check the correct value on internet. Now I have
placed a new Key in the [Propagation] section in the SWISSLV5.INI file (the
Swisslog's configuration file) called WWVURL where the web link is saved. In
case it changes again in the future and there is not a new version available,
user can update this link by editing the INI file.
Corrected: the status displayed in the internet status button in main form
was not right sometimes. Added a routine to check if we have internet by
connecting to a website (Google) to really check if we have acces to the web.
By pressing the internet status button user can force to check internet
Corrected: when adding QSO from any external program (i.e.: MixW, FLDIGI,
MultiPSK, etc) if the coordenates didn't match with the QTH locator a dialog
was displayed so that user chooses an option. Now coordenates will be
automatically adjusted when adding QSO from external programs to avoid
Swisslog dialogs.
Corrected: the web link to download references for the DEE
award has changed.
Corrected: DEE and DMVE awards can be updated now with
OpenOffice/LibreOffice. The DEE references list is in XLSX format now.
OpenOffice can handle this format correctly but if you have Excel you need Excel 2007 or
higher or Excel 2003 with the compatibility package installed! In this last
case, when updating you may get some messages that requires user action.
Corrected: when placing the World Map function as standalone, the Maps top
menu was not displayed being impossible to set it as a normal child window.
Also when placing the add Qso window as standalone the Functions menu was not
Corrected: Logbook views -
QSO group toolbar: hint message in the "Show group" button was not correct
Corrected: 8PSK, FSQ, IFKP, PSK250, QPSK250, PSKR, SIM31 and SIM63 digital
modes were not included in Report Mode DATA
Corrected: the IIA award
(Italian Island Award) changed all references since 1st january 2013. At first
start up of this version Swisslog will convert the old references to the new
ones automatically. However it will be available the SQL script "Convert IIA.sql" in the
Scripts folder for future use (if needed).
Corrected: pressing F1 in some functions didn't open
the corresponding help
Changed: deleted the data type
indicator when exporting into ADIF for better compatibility among all ADIF
Changed: when exporting into
ADIF the Time field is now in HHMMSS format.
Changed: shorcut F2 to turn rotator in QSO Entry
window has been changed to Ctrl+F2 because is in conflict with WinKeyer
macro assigned to F2 when used as standalone.
Changed: Splitted INF_IOTA
into 3 columns: IOTA, DXCC and Island name
Changed: added BCA to the Home to WCA and WCA to
Home SQL Scripts.
WCA and WFF statistics on 15/12/2016
I want to publically say thank you very much to
Erik, EI4FK for spending many hours testing the WinKeyer and WSJT-X
functions and also for his excellents suggestions.
Version 5.93 22/07/2016
This version includes the following
NEW: Added support for FLDIGI
and MultiPSK. Please read "Digital modes Interfaces" in Swisslog
NEW: Added support for CW Skimmer
and enhanced code for CW interfaces. Please read "CW
Interfaces" in Help.
NEW: Added OmniRig for
transceiver control.
NEW: Now you can select a
range of dates when uploading your logbook to Club Log. This is very useful
in very large logbooks to split the uploads by periods. When selecting the
option to upload from a range of dates, the "Clear existing log" is
unchecked automatically to allow merging the selected QSO in your Club Log
log. Otherwise your log in Club Log will only contain the selected QSO in
the uploaded range. However user may choose to clear existing log if needed.
The range of dates used will be saved so next time you open this function
you know the last range of dates used.
NEW: You can now delete a
single QSO in real time in Club Log if you have activated realtime logging.
If you delete a QSO from the Add QSO function or any Logbook view it will be
deleted in Club Log. IMPORTANT: if you delete more than one
QSO from a logbook view these QSO won't be deleted in Club Log. You have to
upload a new full logbook with the "Clear existing log" option checked.
NEW: In dual monitor systems,
apart from the DX messages and World Map windows, you can now move the
following windows as standalone:
Logbook view
Register QSL cards
Select "Standalone Window" from the popup menu or the
Functions main menu.
NEW: now when synchronising
with LOTW the IOTA field will be automatically filled in Swisslog if the
station has set this info in his LOTW profile. Very useful for IOTA hunters!
I recommend a resynchronisation of your full logbook to get all missing
NEW: Current Solar Flux Index (SFI)
will be added automatically in the Comments field as "SFI: xx". You must be
connected to internet to read the SFI value. When importing ADIF files if
the SFI field is found with a value different to 0 it will also be imported
in the Comments field.
NEW: Added the following
modes (supported by FLDIGI and MultiPSK): FSQ, IFKP, 8PSK, PSKR, QPSK250 and
FSK250. FLDIGI and MultiPSK implements some other special modes that
I have not implemented in the modes list:
MultiPSK: ASCII, LENTUS, ALE400, 141A (ALE) and
all professional modes
FLDIGI: MFSK4,11,22,31,32,128,64L and 128L,
QPSK500, FSK500 and FSK1000.
If using any of these modes user will have to manually
select any similar QSO mode in Swisslog or add them in Edit | Add / Edit modes.
Corrected: if user by mistake entered a QSO date
with year below 1900, QSO could be saved but this caused an E-FAIL error
when opening many logbook views. Now user can’t enter any year below 1900
otherwise an error message is displayed.
Corrected: when trying to synchronise LOTW twice
or more times the same day, the QSO/QSL since fields were not available until
the next day. Walter programmed it this way but I think it's better to eliminate this
Corrected: when activating/deactivating the
option for realtime logging in Club Log, this option didn't take effect until
restarting Swisslog. Now it's applied inmediately.
Corrected: modes were not read/set correctly in
the following transceivers: FT-920, FT-990, FT-1000 and FT-1000MP.
Corrected: when using ICOM for transceiver control,
mode list in the status toolbar displayed Wide FM (W-FM) and PSK modes
available for all ICOM transceivers. Now these modes will only be available
if your transceiver really supports them. W-FM only available in
IC-706xx/IC-7100 and PSK modes available in IC-7600/7700/7800/7851.
Corrected: when linking to work with MixW (if
using transceiver control in new Yaesu models and sharing the same Virtual COM
port) a "Wrong parameter" error was displayed in MixW. This was due Swisslog
activated the CAT Auto Information command in the transceiver to retrieve CAT
data in all new Yaesu models. But most programs uses its default value (AI OFF).
This created a conflict when sharing the same COM port for CAT. Now Swisslog
doesn't activate the AI command and polls (ask) the transceiver to retrieve CAT
data as most CAT programs do.
Corrected: the Swisslog database full path in the
configuration file was limited to 80 characters long. If user moved the
database to another folder whose full path was longer than 80 characters
Swisslog was not able to open it and always asked to open the database at
startup. Now full path limit is 255 characters.
Corrected: some functions didn't worked well (such
as QRZ access) when restoring the computer from hibernation if Swisslog was
in execution. Now Swisslog will perform a database refresh to solve this
Corrected: if using a TRX having 1296MHz, the
transceiver status toolbar in the main menu didn't display correctly the
frequency (it was displayed as 296 instead of 1296). Now font size is fitted
Corrected: no modes were displayed in the Mode
dropdown list in the transceiver status window if using HRD as transceiver
control program
Corrected: enhanced code to avoid some especfic errors in
"Set DXCC from Club Log".
Corrected: when importing QSO from other programs,
if QTH locator field contained only Maidenheads (i.e.: JN01) Swisslog
converted it into a full 6 digits locators by adding 'LL' at the end (center
of the square) (i.e.: JN01LL). Now when importing Maidenheads Swisslog will
keep it as it is without any conversion.
Corrected: when activating link to MixW sometimes
was displayed this error: Callsign: An input value is required for this
Corrected: after saving a QSO from MixW (when
linked to Swisslog) sometimes the same callsign was entered again in the Add QSO
window as if it was a new QSO.
Corrected: link with HamScope didn't work
properly. Digital mode not transferred properly.
Corrected: CWTYpe/TrueTTY Macros list in Add QSO only
contained up to Macro32. Now will contain all the 36 Macros.
Corrected: SOTA award is growing every day so I
have deleted all country filters in this award. Now SOTA field will be available
after entering any call.
Corrected: some minor errors
Changed: help index restructured to make it more
WCA and WFF statistics on 21/07/2016
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Version 5.92 20/04/2016
This version includes the following
NEW: Full Club Log integration! Added a Club Log section in the TOOLS menu with the following
Configuration: to define e-mail and
password for Club Log login. Needed to upload automatically QSO in
Club Log while saving QSO (realtime Club Log logging, selectable by
checking an option here) or
to upload full logbook. Moved also here the option to 'Query and Set
DXCC info from Club Log' (previously located in the 'Options' menu)
Setting DXCC from Club Log (located before as option in the TOOLS menu). Fully enhanced!:
New: all processed
QSO by this function are now marked in a new field of the Logbook
New: added a botton to start operation. Two
new checkboxes are available: 'All QSOs' and 'Never processed QSOs'.
User may choose to run this function on All QSO in the logbook or
only in previously not processed QSO. The 'Never processed QSO'
checkbox is enabled when you have used this function before in all
or some QSO in the logbook. Useful to avoid processing again all QSO
if something failed or to process only new added QSO to the logbook.
If you cancel the operation all processed
QSOs up to this moment are marked as processed. This way these QSO
will not be processed again unless user checks the 'All QSOs' option.
This function halted when found QSOs with
no My QTH assigned. All QSOs must be assigned to any My QTH
otherwise your database won't work properly. For this reason now
this function will check if your logbook contains any QSO with empty
contents in My QTH field and will release a warning message
prompting user to correct this in a logbook view. If user decides to
continue performing this function these QSO will be excluded to
avoid halting.
Improved code to avoid halting when
ClublogDXCC was empty or under some other circumstances.
Now this function runs in modal mode. That
is: user can't use any other Swisslog function until this
function is finished or cancelled.
Upload full logbook: you can now upload your
full logbook in Club Log from Swisslog. You have to select the callsign
you want to upload from a dropdown list which contains a list of all your
callsigns defined in all your My QTH. When the 'Clear existing Club Log
log is checked' (default and recommended option), the new logbook will
replace the existing one in Club Log. If not checked your logbook will be
merged with the existing one. It's better to upload a new and fresh log
as Club Log is adding exceptions continuously. Also is very useful to
make sure the QSO information in Club Log matches with your logbook.
Maybe you have changed some information in some QSOs and if you don't
check this box you won't have a perfect synchronisation with Club Log.
recommend to read the new documentation regarding Club Log by pressing
F1 while in any of the above functions.
NEW: Transceiver control window in
main toolbar. By
default this new window is activated but it can be disabled in the transceiver
control settings. This window shows the current transceiver frequency and
mode. User can also manually set a frequency directly by typing the QRG (in Hz
format without any dots. Example: 14250000) then pressing the Enter key. The mode field allows
to select the transceiver mode from a dropdown list or you may type directly
the mode then press Enter to set. It works the same way as the Rotor
Toolbar: you can move it along the toolbar by pressing Shift + left mouse
button. You can also customize the background/text colors of QRG and Mode
fields! Simply right click on this new control window (also in the Transceiver
control function) and select 'Colors' from the pop menu.
NEW: Added 'LOTW received'
field in Print QSL cards wizard. This way users may choose to filter QSOs to avoid
sending a QSL card when a QSO is confirmed via LOTW.
NEW: Added PSK/PSK-R modes
recognised by these Icom transceivers: IC-7600, IC-7700, IC-7800, IC-7851.
When setting/selecting these modes, QSO mode is set to PSK31.
NEW: Worked All Continents (WAC,
WAC-QSL and WAC-LOTW), Japan Century Guns (JA_JCG),
Greek Islands on the Air (GIOTA), Ukranian Islands Award (UIA) and
Kazakhstan District Award (KDA) statistics
NEW: now when editing QSOs it will
also perform a lookup for the membership panel (if active).
Corrected: Swisslog didn't set correctly the
Home-DXCC in callsings stored in the Callbook table as well as in QSL
managers (HomeDXCC field in Station/QSL-Mgr tabs in QSO Entry window).
It's necessary to review ALL callsigns in the
Callbook table for wrong DXCC allocations. Otherwise you will get unexpected
DXCC sorting order when printing QSL cards, labels, etc. Correcting DXCC in
the whole Callbook table will take long time depending the number of callsigns
entered in your logbook. At first startup of this version Swisslog will show
you a message indicating an estimated process time to perform this operation
depending the number of callsigns in your logbook. User may choose to do it
then automatically or do it manually later in TOOLS - FOR EXPERTS ONLY - SET
DXCC IN CALLBOOK. If NO is chosen, PLEASE don't forget to do it later to
leave your logbook in mint conditions.
Corrected: when using the 'Query and set DXCC from
Club Log' some statistics displayed in the DX-Window were wrong in some cases
(DXCC and WAE especially).
If turning the rotator from a DX-spot while using this function bearing was also wrong.
Apart from reading the DXCC also the longitude/latitude was read from Club Log
when using this function. Club Log coordenates are referenced to east and
gave wrong bearing results. Now
latitude/longitude is read from the country table based on the Club Log DXCC
to insure it's right.
Corrected: when Swisslog displayed a message at
startup informing to update some info tables, if user pressed 'Yes'
sometimes no progress bar was displayed and Swisslog seemed frozen. Also
corrected some violation access errors and other issues after 'Host not
found' messages when updating award references from internet. When running
the 'Update ALL' function, if something goes wrong updating any award (No Host
found or any other error) no error messages will be displayed and will skip
to update the next award. This way user can leave running this function
unattended until completion. If any statistic have not been updated
you have to update it when Swisslog prompts you (or run manually the
especific award) to get error messages and see what may happen.
Corrected: Applied customized windows colors in
Export dialog, MyConds options and Create/Change statistic definitions.
Corrected: Swisslog needed Microsoft Excel to read
some awards list of references. Now OpenOffice can be used which is free.
Swisslog will try to open the XLS file with Microsoft Office. If not found
will try with OpenOffice. If any of them is found a message will be displayed
informing user to install one of these programs. The only exception is for
DEE and DMVE Spanish awards where Microsoft Excel is needed (OpenOffice is not able to
open them properly). When updating references using OpenOffice, you will see
OpenOffice Calc visible for a short time then invisible again. This
behaviour is normal.
Corrected: in the DX messages window, if tuning Yaesu and Kenwood
transceivers from RTTY spots, transceiver was not
set in RTTY/FSK mode.
Corrected: in ADIF exported files, PROGRAMVERSION
length was not set correctly. CREATED_TIMESTAMP length and format were not
set according ADIF v3.04 specifications.
Corrected: ADIF fields LOTW_QSLSDATE and
EQSL_QSLSDATE were not exported with proper date format.
Corrected: Callsign length when updating LOTW user
was limited to 8 characters cutting many long callsigns such as
CU2/EA3GCV/P. Now defined to 15 characters long.
Corrected: Swisslog uses the file SATMODES.TXT to
set the Propagation mode field used when exporting into ADIF. Swisslog now
installs this file with a list of the Propagation Modes accepted by ADIF
v3.0.4 specifications. Existing SATMODES.TXT file will be moved to the
BACKUP folder during installation if user needs to restore any customized
propagation mode. Keep in mind that any customised propagation mode will not
follow ADIF v3.0.4 specifications and may not be recognised properly. Try to
replace your customised propagation modes by the right ones (use a logbook
view to perform these changes). In order to
use the propagation mode user has to check the 'Add QSO' option "Show special
modes and satellite fields"
Corrected: some users added blank spaces or dashes
in the registered call which is not correct (i.e. EA-3-GCV or E A 3 G C V
instead of EA3GCV). Registered callsign is used to connect to Dx Clusters
and Telnet servers and many
other functions and must be in the correct and standard format. Now Swisslog
checks the validity of the registered callsign format when registering
Swisslog and at program startup and delete blank spaces and dashes if found.
Corrected: Callsign length was limited to 10
characters when user wanted to see the online profile of current typed
callsign by means of the QRZ/HAMQTH/HAMCALL buttons. Exemple: Searching in
QRZ for special callsigns as strange and long as YO2016BALKAN resulted in "Callsign
not found" though it has a QRZ profile. This is because the query was made
as if callsign were YO2016BALK.
Corrected: while working linking MixW with Swisslog,
if modifying the just entered
callsign in MixW, Membership panel was not cleared then mixing
logos of both callsigns (previous and current)
Corrected: after compressing the database Swisslog
asked to compress again in many occasions.
Corrected: added Minami Torishima and Ogasawara for
JA-PREF and JA-JCC statistics.
Corrected: 'Host not found' error was displayed when
updating DCE award. Link to download DCE award references list has changed.
Changed: deleted RTC from statistic and from the
membership panel because RTC no longer exists.
Changed: removed dots displayed to the left of
frequency in the transceiver control window.
Changed: when a new version is available the message
will be displayed flashing at the program title instead the toolbar.
Changed: deleted the HB9KOF option from the Tools
menu. This option was available when using Icom transceivers and opened a transceiver control which
doesn't provide any extra function than the default transceiver control
window. So it has no sense to include it anymore.
Changed: deleted the GoList option for QSL managers
internet lookups. GoList no longer exist.
Changed: placed in the Swisslog configuration file
the URL links to download the list of references to update awards from
internet (URL-List section). If a link changes and there is
not a newest version available user can update the links by editing the INI
Added: SKCC ADIF field for ADIF Import/Export
WCA and WFF statistics on 19/04/2016
Updated: Fix RDA SQL script. All users working this
award MUST run this script! The new list implements many deleted references
that now have a different reference! This script will convert all the
deleted references in your QSOs to the new reference automatically. Due to
the amount of checkings and/or data changes the Script may handle, this
operation may take some time. It depends on your computer speed and the
number of QSOs in your database. NO PROGRESSION BAR is displayed! You must
wait until a message is displayed showing that the scripts has been
successfully executed. Go to Tools | For experts only | Execute SQL script
and select this script from the 'Scripts' folder
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Version 5.91a 11/01/2016
This version includes the following
NEW: Added an option in DX windows
to show/hide if spot is LOTW/eQSL AG user. By default is enabled.
NEW: enhanced "Set DXCC for
ClubLog" option:
Current processed callsign is shown in progress
Process is performed sorted by callsign
Added a list to show which QSOs are being
Added a button to save the list of corrected QSO
in a text file
Added a button to Close / Cancel the operation
Changed the SSL lookup for a normal HTTP lookup.
This increases a 25% or higher the lookup speed which reduces
considerably the execution time of this function. Also avoided some SSL
connection errors displayed when using the ClubLog DXCC lookup.
Please run this option again! Last version didn’t correct properly
certain QSOs (i.e.: when the same station had different DXCC allocations
depending on QSO date and a partner QTH Name change was needed). Now
Swisslog will change automatically the QTH Name if it detects that a new
partner QTH Name is needed.
NEW: The Membership QSL Actions can
be now applied while importing QSO from other programs. If this option is
checked Swisslog will set Lotw, eQSL or LotW+eQSL for LotW/eQSL users and
"Direct" for non URE/URA members that are not LotW and eQSL members neither
(to avoid sending via bureau a QSL card to a non-member).
NEW: Added SKCC statistic and SKCC
for membership panel
NEW: OH Counties and Worked All
Britain Squares statistics.
Corrected: if user changed the size of the Add
QSO window (with Membership panel disabled) when
saving a QSO the window size was restored to the size when window was
Corrected: Membership panel was not cleared
when pressing the New QSO button or when saving/removing QSO from MixW if
linked to Swisslog.
Corrected: rotor bearing readout was updated every
15s in Yaesu, ARS-USB, ARSVCOM and DC2800 rotators which was too much
refreshing time. Now changed to 1s so that Swisslog reads bearing nearly
inmediately when changed.
Corrected: in QSO Entry window when activating the
CW button CWType didn't started in Windows Vista or higher.
Corrected: adapted code for Windows Vista and
higher in some functions.
Corrected: when importing QSO from ADIF the register
count always added one more register in total count.
Corrected: when making a backup copy of the
Swisslog database (File | Save..) if already existed a backup with the same
name it didn't create a new file with a new name (by adding _1, _2, etc at
the end) but overwrites the existing file. Also when a warning prompts user
that the backup file name already existed the option to change file name
didn't work and overwrites the existing file.
Corrected: Swisslog didn't read any data from latest
versions of CWGet. Swisslog used the file SWL_CWTYPE.INI located in the
Swisslog program folder to exchange data between CWGet, CWType and TrueTTY.
But with latest versions of these programs it didn't work well. To avoid
this problem definitely I have used the default file used by these programs
to exchange data to/from external programs: LOGINPUT.INI file located in
Corrected: when running the option Set DXCC from
Clublog, if user inserted a blank space in any callsign an error code 400
was displayed and user was forced to close Swisslog.
Corrected: when setting DXCC from ClubLog, P5
stations where recognised as empty DXCC. Also when ClubLog set an empty DXCC
the following fields were not reset: Distance, Longitude, Latitude, LP, ITU,
WAZ, Continent, Azimuth
Corrected QRZ access: when a QTH contained
commas (i.e: M0SIY: Fillingham,Lincolnshire) the comma was deleted and the
result was: FillinghamLincolnshire
Corrected: if rotator interface was used a violation
error was displayed when opening a new database, when updating ALL award
references from internet or sometimes when closing Swisslog
Corrected: some error messages when closing Swisslog
Corrected: the automatic detection of outdated info
tables did not work properly under certain conditions. Now it will work when
Swisslog detects that it's connected to internet (That is: Connected is
displayed in the connection status button of main form).
Changed: when no internet connection the URE member
lookup was not performed. Now if no internet connection it will be performed
in the internal info table. User must keep the INF_URE table updated by
running the Update URE member lists option.
Changed: Restored again the Close active Windows
button. Some users missed it so I don't want to make them unhappy!
Changed: WAZ statistic definitions back again to not
count eQSL confirmations because the statistic didn't work properly after
this change. I will leave this if one day I'm able to implement eQSL
RTC, SKCC, SOTA, TEN TEN, URE, WAIP, WCA and WFF statistics on 10/01/2016
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
Updated program help to reflect last changes
Version 5.91 03/12/2015
This version includes the following
NEW: The following new info tables
have been integrated in the Swisslog statistic database:
INF_LOTWUSERS: contains a full list of LOTW
INF_EQSLAGUSERS: contains a full list of eQSL AG
members (eQSL members within the Authenticity Guaranteed Program which
have verified his identity).
INF_TENTEN: contains a full list of TEN TEN
INF_EPC: contains a full list of European PSK
Club members.
INF_DMC: contains a full list of Digital Modes
Club members.
INF_BDM: contains a full list of Belgium Digital
Modes Club members.
INF_NDG: contains a full list of Natal Digital
Group members.
Also added new statistics: EPC, DMC, BDM and NDG.
NEW: a new option is available in
the TOOLS menu called "Update awards information (internet)". It's a
sub-menu containing many options so that users can periodically update from
internet the following information tables:
Members list of the following clubs: AGCW, BDM,
Awards references: ARLHS, DCE, DEE, DEFE,
Users of: LOTW and eQSL AG.
When executing one of these options Swisslog will
download an updated list of all members/references from the official website and
will import them into the corresponding info tables. Depending the number of members/references of the selected option it may take some time to be performed.
A progress bar is displayed.
IMPORTANT: you need internet connection
to perform these operations! In order to update the AGCW, DCE, DEE, DERESP and
HSC tables Microsoft Excel must be installed in your computer. Otherwise you
won't be able to update these info tables.
Also included an option to "Update ALL" which
run all options. Keep in mind that depending your computer speed and
internet connection it may take long time to update everything! As an example: In a
Core 2 Quad computer and 5Mb ADSL connection it takes about 13 minutes to
update all. It's recommended to use this option when you are not using your
computer to allow Swisslog working alone. Now there is no need to wait for an
updated version of Swisslog to get all these statistics updated! In future
versions I
will be implementing all awards whose references changes often or from time to time.
Not all award managers make available on internet a suitable list of references
/ members. Some award managers are publishing listings in complicated formats
difficulting automatic data extraction (i.e. PDF format). Special tools and manual
work are needed to extract data in such formats. In that cases I will adapt the
format manually so that Swisslog can download the adapted format from the
Swisslog server instead of the official website.
At startup, Swisslog will
display a message informing which tables need update indicating the number of days since your last update.
I have set a warning time period of 30 days for LOTW/eQSL members list, 60 days for
awards and 180 days for club memberships. Swisslog will prompt you if you want to update
just after the message is displayed.
LOTW doesn't offer the possibility to download any
official list. However the LOTW user list is downloaded from
"" which is the most important and updated LOTW user
lists world wide, used by many DX clusters and software developers. Also adapted
the LOTW USERS SQL script (which runs faster than before) to set 'LOTW' in the
QSL action field in all your previously saved QSO with LOTW users where you have
not received a QSL card.
NEW: Added 2 new columns in the DX
message window: LoTW and eQSL. If the DX station is LOTW user 'L' will be
displayed in the LoTW column. If eQSL AG member an 'E' will be displayed in
the eQSL column.
NEW: in the DX message window (if
using transceiver control and/or rotor control), when double clicking on a DX
spot the transceiver will be set to the DX spot QRG and rotor will turn to
the short path of the DX station. This improves a lot the Dx hunting
NEW: New panel in Add QSO called
"MEMBERSHIP". When entering a callsign in the Add QSO window the following
logos may show up in the Membership panel (with extra actions in some of
LOTW logo: a lookup is performed in the internal
LOTW info table to check if this callsign is LOTW user. If found, the
LOTW logo is displayed and the QSL Action field is set to 'LOTW'
eQSL logo: a lookup is performed in the
internal eQSL AG info table to check if this callsign is eQSL user and
member of the Authenticity Guarenteed program. If found the eQSL AG logo
is displayed. In case is not found in the eQSL AG list it performs an
online lookup to the eQSL servers to check if it's an eQSL "regular"
user. If found, the regular logo is displayed.
In both cases the QSL Action field is set to
'eQSL'. NOTE: if callsign is
LOTW and eQSL user the QSL action field will be set to 'LOTW+eQSL'
URE and URA logos: When entering an EA/C3
station, it performs an online lookup to check if is member of URE (the
Spanish Amateur Radio Association) or URA (Andorra Amateur Association)
in case of C3 stations. If found, the corresponding logo will be
displayed. In case the EA/C3 callsign is not member of URE/URA and neither
user of LOTW or eQSL, the QSL action will be set to 'DIRECT'. This is
useful to avoid sending a QSL card via bureau to a non-bureau member.
DIG, RTC, TENTEN Logos: it performs an online
lookup to check if is member of DIG/RTC/TEN TEN. If found, the
corresponding logo will be displayed.
if callsign is found in the info tables of these statistics, its member
number will appear in the corresponding special field in the Station tab
(if these statistics are active). Now at the same time the corresponding
club logo will be displayed in the membership panel. You must be connected to internet to perform the
online lookups. Double-clicking on every logo will open the official
club website in your default internet browser. The LOTW, eQSL AG and the other club statistics lookups
are performed internally to the corresponding info table and no internet
connection is needed. User should
update periodically the members list from time to time by selecting the
appropiated option in the new submenu of the TOOLS menu called "Update
Award information (internet)". Swisslog will warn you when the
member list tables are outdated based on the defined warning time period. This lookups are executed very quickly
not affecting too much overall performance at all. However, if you are
using a very old computer and/or your internet connection is very slow
you can detect some delay after entering a callsign. This panel can be deactivated / activated (and the corresponding callsign lookups) by means of the new
button with a blue image located besides the PSK button (by default is
activated). The membership panel state (activated/deactivated) is saved
in the configuration file to remember the user's choice.NOTE:
By default, when this panel is active the QSL actions explained above
will override the general QSL rules and will be set according the
membership lookups in this new option. If you don’t like this behaviour
you can uncheck the “Apply QSL actions from Membership Panel” new option
located in QSL Rules options in the Add QSO function.
NEW: ClubLog integration! Club Log
is an online database with a suite of powerful tools supporting active
DXers. Registered users once uploaded their logs in ADIF format they get
access to some functions such as DXCC personal reports, propagation
prediction, Dx spots with customised filters, etc. Swisslog already performs
these functions since long time ago. However a very interesting ClubLog tool
is used to analyze logs for possible/likely errors in the DXCC allocations.
The Swisslog's country table is currently very well maintained and updated
regularly by Erik, EI4KF offering a very accurated and updated DXCC
allocations. However, because many Swisslog users are also ClubLog users I
have integrated this tool in Swisslog providing the following functions
without the need to upload the log in ClubLog (you need Internet connection
to use them):
and Set DXCC entity from ClubLog: this option is in the OPTIONS
menu. When activated (by default it's deactivated), when adding new QSOs
or when a DX spot is received in the DX message window, Swisslog will
perform a query to get the DXCC info from ClubLog instead of the
Swisslog's Country Table. This may be useful to retrieve the correct
DXCC allocation for a very new DX-station (in case there is not a recent
updated country table available) from entities where currently you can't
get the DXCC allocation by its callsign (i.e: VK9). This query is very
accurated! When adding new QSOs the QSO Date is used also for the query.
In DX spots date used is when the DX spot is received. User selection
for this option (activated/deactivated) is saved in the configuration
from ClubLog: this option is in the TOOLS menu. It's a very
useful function! Swisslog performs a query to ClubLog for every QSO in
your logbook and compares the DXCC allocation. If mismatch then the
ClubLog DXCC allocation is set to QSO. A progress bar is displayed
indicating current processed record number and number of total
corrections made in your logbook.
IMPORTANT: Depending
the number of QSO in your logbook and your internet connection this
function may take even hours to complete! However it's a function you
will probably run from very time to time to fix all your wrong DXCC
allocations. But this function will keep your logbook in perfect shape!!
NEW: Added a routine in the LOTW
option startup to erase processed LOTW files when there are more than 150
processed files in the LOTW folder. This has to be done because I have found
out that the LOTW sync does not work when there are many files in this folder.
NEW: Added support for Yaesu
NEW: Now when compressing the
Swisslog database will also compresses the Statistic database. The
statistic database has to be optimized from time to time due to the data
movement procedures caused by the new options to update the awards info
tables. Swisslog will warn you when you need to compress the databases so
users don't need to be aware on this. Simply reply 'Yes' when asked for
NEW: Swisslog must be installed
with administrator rights in Windows Vista and higher otherwise it doesn't
work correctly and you will get unexpected results and errors. In the first
screen of the installer I placed a warning about this and the instructions
to follow before installing Swisslog (that is: disabling UAC and install as
administrator). After some months of experience I can confirm that most
users ignored this screen (marked as VERY IMPORTANT) and continued the
installation process. This caused a lot of e-mails complaining about many
errors and strange behaviours. All this could be avoided if users would have
simply read the first screen of the installer. I have changed the installer
so that it detects if you have full administrator rights, otherwise an error
message is displayed and setup will abort. This way user won't be able to
install Swisslog until disabling UAC and run as administrator. It's the best
way to ensure that Swisslog will run perfectly after installation.
NEW: Two new Queries have been
added in the EXAMPLES menu for the logbook view:
Duplicated QSO: shows the duplicated QSO in your
Confirmed QSO by QSL
or LOTW: shows all the
confirmed QSO by QSL or LOTW. Many advanced users asked me a way to
automatically see which entities are only confirmed by QSL and not
confirmed by LOTW to update the DXCC award status. At the present moment
I haven't found a way to select this automatically. However I have found
a semi-automatic way to perform this. Follow these steps:
In Tools | Define QSO-Groups create a QSO
Group. You may call it "QSL pending to submit"
Go to View | Logbook view (selection) and
open this query located in the EXAMPLES folder
Group by the DXCC field then (optionally)
group by
mode and/or band if you need more detail. Simply drag and drop the DXCC
column header to the gray upper part of the view (also the Mode and
Band headers). Now you see a list of QSOs confirmed by both systems
perfectly classified by DXCC and inside every entity grouped by
Activate the QSO group toolbar (the fourth
button starting from right). In Target-Group select the "QSL pending
to submit" group previously created.
Open every entity/mode/band node and
manually select the desired QSO only confirmed by QSL and not by
Press the single red arrow button from the
group toolbar to add this QSO to the group
Perform this operation for every entity and
select the QSOs you need to submit for every mode/band which are
confirmed only by QSL. When finishing all the manual work the
QSO-Group will contain a list of all the QSO pending to submit to
the DXCC award which are not credited to the DXCC award. It's advisable to use a powerful computer to use
this query along with the grouping functions, otherwise the
operations will take a long time.
Corrected: when a New QTH is needed for the QSO
partner (i.e. when you work the same station from different locations or
having different award references), many users got an "Access Violation
error in module NT.DLL" and Swisslog crashed. This was a very old problem
which it's been a nightmare to solve because only happenned in certain
computers! Fortunately after many hours of testings and deep review of the code I found out that a
parameter in an external module (not created by Walter) had to be modified
to solve this problem definitely. It's been
a personal goal achieved because this error caused me a lot of headaches for
a long long time!
Corrected: At Swisslog startup, if Swisslog detected
that the database must be compressed a "database could not be
compressed" error message was displayed
and the database was renamed to SWLOG_V5_BAK automatically. This was a
bundle because Swisslog was opened without any active database forcing user
to close Swisslog. At next startup Swisslog didn't find the database (because
was renamed) and prompted user to select the database again. After selecting
the renamed database the "Compress needed" message was displayed again and the
same happened. That is: another renaming by adding _BAK to the database name
resulting in database long names such as SWLOG_V5_BAK_BAK.MDB. The only way to
exit this loop was reply 'NO' to the "Compress needed" message. Also corrected
that sometimes when trying to manually compress the database the database
field name was empty. This behaviour has caused many headaches to many users
during years (including me...). Now we can say goodbye to all these
Corrected: QRG and mode reading errors in TS-590S,
TS-590SG and
Changed: in order to simplify the menu structure and
avoid unnecessary buttons, the
"Close active window" button has been deleted. It has no sense to duplicate a
button to close the active window when every window has its own close button
and user can close it directly if he wants to. Also deleted the NEW
FUNCTIONS menu. The "Statistic (new)" and "Statistic Colors" options have been
redistributed in a new section of the VIEW menu. The "Callbook view" is in the
VIEW menu. The "Award administration" and "Create / Modify awards definition"
options have been allocated in a new section of the TOOLS menu.
Changed: changed the option name from 'Callbook-CD'
to 'CallBook CD / Internet Databases'.
Corrected: I have achieved to make a fresh install
of Delphi and all components needed to compile Swisslog in a clean Windows
XP operating system. It's been tricky but I have documented everything for
future reference. This way I have solved the errors I got when editing some
forms (as LOTW, Register QSL, Logbook views, etc) because some complements
were not installed correctly. Now I don't need to use the virtual machine of
Walter's computer which was in Windows 2000 and I had many problems with it.
Due to this I could now edit some forms and apply the
customized windows colors to all forms of Swisslog (this option was
implemented in version 5.9b).
Corrected: when re-sequencing QSO numbers if
moving mouse or switching into another program Swisslog seemed freezed until
the operation was finished.
Corrected: background color in the
map function was not saved if user changed it.
Corrected: FOC statistic didn't work.
Corrected: Spanish messages when a new partner QTH
is needed.
Corrected: WPX, WAZ and US-COUNTIES statistics to
count eQSL confirmations.
Corrected: when using low screen resolutions the CD
Callbook options window was displayed nearly out of the screen and not
centered within the Swisslog window as it should be.
Improved: I have implemented a new memory manager
(FASTMM4) for Delphi and now Swisslog is able to use the memory over 2Gb up
to 4Gb. Memory operations are improved in performance with this change
though I have not observed a noticiable effect from the users side. Please
let me know if you feel than some functions are working faster than before
this version.
Updated country table. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Erik,
RTC, SOTA, TEN TEN, URE, WCA and WFF statistics on 28/11/2015
Updated program help in all 4
languages: news of version 5.91,
added documentation of the ClubLog Integration (Features section). THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Guy F6DKQ for
the huge work in the French translation and Mike, DJ9BX for the German translation.
Many untranslated program messages in French, German
and Portuguese have been properly translated.
Some minor changes
Version 5.9d 16/07/2015
This version includes the following
WAE-RTTY statistics. Specially useful to be used in the DX-Message window to
know the statistic status by mode in the selected bands. You will have to select
the statistics and bands in the option menu of that windows through the
right mouse button.
Corrected: When selecting a callsign with many
numbers or long suffix in a logbook view, the Register QSL function or any
other window, if the "Add QSO" window was closed, the Add QSO window pop up
and/or a Violation Access Error was displayed.
Corrected: when using MixW and disconnecting the
link (by means of the Activate Digital Modes program button) to give back
the CAT control to Swisslog, the "Tune transceiver to the QRG of the
selected DX spot" function in the DX message window didn't work sometimes.
Corrected: when using Ham Radio Deluxe (HRD)
or a DDE program for the transceiver control, HRD or DDE program started
many times at Swisslog startup if HRD (or the DDE program) was not running.
Corrected: CAT was not working when MixW was
selected as program for the transceiver control.
Corrected: Some violation errors messages when
closing Swisslog.
Changed / Corrected: deleted the Ham Radio Deluxe
tab in the transceiver setup and changed the HRD program location field to
the main configuration tab. Now if you select Ham Radio Deluxe to control
your transceiver you need to select the HRD program location otherwise a
message is displayed. In previous versions Swisslog hung when HRD was
selected but the program location was empty.
Changed: renamed the entry in the transceiver
list from "Kenwood" to "Kenwood / Elecraft" because both transceivers use
the same mode/frequency CAT commands.
Updated RDA and SOTA statistic.
Version 5.9c 06/05/2015
This version includes the following
NEW: new audio files for the DX
sound announcements. I have recorded the female Google voice in the
following languages: English, Spanish, German, French and Portuguese. This
way Swisslog by default uses a standard, nice and well recorded voices for
DX sound announcements. During Swisslog setup you may choose to install (or
don't install) the preferred language for the DX messages sound
announcements. If you are updating Swisslog, all existing sound files in the
WAV folder will be moved to the BACKUP folder (if you need to restore them).
NEW: some programs set in the
QSL manager field information that is not a QSL manager. This info can be:
LOTW, eQSL, via CALLBOOK, full address, BUREAU, DIRECT, etc. If you import
to Swisslog the ADIF generated by these programs the QSL Manager field will
contain "garbage" information which is not a QSL manager. In order to avoid
importing info that would need manual work in Swisslog to do a full cleanup,
I have added a filter when importing the QSL Manager field from ADIF. If
Swisslog reads any of the following contents in the QSL manager field, the
full content will be ignored (not imported): LOTW, EQSL, VIA, BURO, BUREAU,
DIRECT, CALLBOOK, PLEASE, PO BOX, QSL or one of the following separators:
comma (,) dot (.), brackets ([]) and Hyphen(-).
NEW: the same filter
explained above is applied when you are connected to MixW. The QSL Manager
field in MixW may contain info that is not a callsign. In this cases the
content of the QSL Manager field is not passed to Swisslog.
NEW: new MixW option "Set QSO time
on save". In version 5.9b when you saved the QSO in MixW, Swisslog set the
QSO Time at the time when the Save button was pressed. Some users didn't
like this behaviour and now it's an user option. You decide if you want this
behaviour or not by checking this new option.
IMPORTANT: after installing this version the default
behaviour is the following: the QSO Start time will be set when you enter
the callsign and the QSO End Time will be set when you press the Save button
in MixW.
Enhanced: When you activate MixW now there is no
need to restart MixW to establish a correct DDE link if it's running before
executing Swisslog.
NEW: with the Activate Digital
Modes program button you can now connect or disconnect the link between
Swisslog and the selected program (only valid for MixW and HamScope). When
pressed if the digital modes program is not running then it will be executed
and the link established. If it's already running then the link is
established. If you are using MixW this is very useful to disconnect the
link if you want to temporally give the CAT control again to Swisslog
(because you are working SSB or simply want to work with Swisslog) or you
are editing QSO in MixW and want to stop sending data from MixW to Swisslog.
All this without closing MixW as you had to do in version 5.9b. Simply press
the Activate the Digital Modes program button and the DDE connection will be
stopped (the green/red indicator will show you the connection state).
NOTE: in TrueTTY you can't stop the connection this way.
You have to close TrueTTY.
NEW: Swisslog issues a message when
saving to warn user if callsign has too numbers or suffix is too long
because it could be an input user error. Currently there are many callsigns
using long numbers or with a suffix longer than 3 characters and this
warning could be a bit annoying. Specially when working with MixW because
when you press the Save button in MixW the QSO is not saved in Swisslog
because is waiting for the user response. A new option is available in the
Add QSO function to disable these warnings.
By default this option is enabled. While using MixW linked with
Swisslog this option will be disabled automatically.
Updated the help for Digital Modes Support,
especially the MixW operation. MixW users PLEASE read it!!
Corrected: Out of index error was displayed
when only one mode was selected in the mode selection of the DX window.
Corrected: QSL-Manager look up from QRZ didn't work
again. QRZ changes a parameter from time to time which is mandatory to know
to make the QSL manager external lookups. Up to now it was necessary to
check manually the value of this parameter and change the Swisslog code. Now
I have added a routine that automatically reads this parameter in every
lookup. I hope this will avoid changing the code everytime QRZ changes this
Updated IOTA, SOTA and DME statistics
Updated QSL managers and LOTW users SQL scripts
Version 5.9b 01/04/2015
This version includes the following
NEW: You can now customize the background color of the
Swisslog desktop as well as the color of most windows (not all due to some
technical problems with the compiler). In the Options menu there are 2 new
options: "Desktop Background color" and "Windows Colors". In the Color dialog you will
always find the default desktop / windows color if you want to get back to
the default colors of v5.9 / v5.8 (light blue / grey).
NEW: in the "Activate Digital Modes
program" button of the Add QSO window there is now a connection
indicator (red by default). To start the digital modes program just press this button and
the selected program will start. When the digital modes program is running
along with Swisslog and the DDE link is established user will see a green
indicator. If you close the digital modes program a red indicator will be
displayed indicating that there is no link between Swisslog and the
program. Always press the "Activate Digital Modes program" from Swisslog
when you want to link Swisslog and the digital modes program. If you use
MixW and it's already running when you press this button, Swisslog will
prompt you to restart automatically MixW. This has to be done for a correct
DDE connection between both programs.
NEW: now there are 3 buttons at the
top of the main window to
access online databases: QRZ, HAMQTH and HAMCALL. You can manually see the
selected callsign profile in these sites by pressing the appropiate button.
The button text in boldface shows the selected online database used
currently in Swisslog to retrieve the callsign data.
NEW: new statistic "DXCC-QSL without
LOTW". This statistic will count confirmations by QSL that are not confirmed
by LOTW. It's very interesting if you want to check your DXCC status to see
if you have pending QSL cards to submit from an entity that is not confirmed by LOTW
in the selected band/modes.
Changed: changed word "PSK" to "Digital Modes" in menus
and buttons (i.e "Digital Modes Interface" instead of "PSK Interface")
Corrected: if MixW was used to interface Swisslog
for digital modes, MixW didn't start when pressing the "Activate the Digital Modes program" button in Add QSO.
You had to start MixW manually and the DDE link didn't worked in most
occasions. Depending the computer speed and number of QSO stored in MixW, the
internal DDE connection needs additional time to start properly. Added
an automatic routine that checks when MixW is completely started to make a
DDE link. Check when you see the green indicator in the "Activate Digital
Modes" button.
Corrected: enhanced significatively the link with MixW.
Available updated
documentation in the Help to know how to setup the digital modes programs
and MixW operation hints (see Features | Digital Modes Support).
MixW users MUST read it!
Important changes
have been made to improve the interoperation between Swisslog and
MixW. This will make really easy your logging operations when working
digital modes with MixW in real time.
Corrected: Swisslog didn't read the operating mode
in TrueTTY if interfaced with Swisslog as digital mode program. Also if TrueTTY was running before
executing Swisslog if you pressed the "Activate the Digital Modes program"
in Add QSO, two instances of TrueTTY were running at once. Now Swisslog
checks if TrueTTY is already running when pressing this button. If running
then automatically restart TrueTTY.
Corrected: Swisslog didn't read the PACKET mode in
HamScope if interfaced with Swisslog as digital mode program.
Added a new important explanation in help regarding
the setup of current CWType / TrueTTY versions.
Corrected: when synchronising with LOTW sometimes
there are "QSO not found" in the Error list. In most cases this
happens in
QSOs having 59 seconds in the time field (i.e. 14:11:59) or in QSO worked at
23:59 (including seconds different to 00). For better compatibility with
other software and/or web sites accepting the ADIF format, Swisslog exports
the time field in HH:MM format. However the QSO time is really
stored as HH:MM:SS in the Swisslog database. The time format in ADIF files
downloaded from LOTW is also in HH:MM:SS. Because Swisslog
uploads QSO to LOTW with no seconds, LOTW always sets 00 seconds in all QSO.
Let's see this with an example of the time field:
QSO time stored in
Swisslog: 14:11:59
QSO time when uploaded to LOTW: 14:11
QSO time when
downloaded from LOTW: 14:11:00
As it was programmed by Walter,
Swisslog allowed a time difference of 59 seconds up and down to match
LOTW QSOs with Swisslog QSOs. In the above example Swisslog searched from
14:10:01 to 14:11:59 (59 seconds up and down from 14:11). Theoretically this
should work because 14:11:59 is the edge of the search routine and would
have to match with the real time of the QSO which is "apparently" the same.
But in most cases wouldn't find the QSO due to a very small difference of
milliseconds! Mathematics is an exact science! Milliseconds are not
displayed but they are stored in the Swisslog time field when working in
real time! To avoid this problem I have raised the time difference to 60
seconds up/down (2 minutes total time difference). In the above example now
would search from 14:10:00 to 14:12:00 then matching with the real time of
the QSO. I have also corrected the routines when Swisslog needs to search
between 23:59 and 00:01 which is a bit more complicated because there are 2
different dates involved. Now I hope the LOTW sync is "nearly" 100% error
Corrected: in the DX window the default mode
selection didn't select all modes. Spots from the following modes were
skipped in the DX window: SSB,SSTV,THOR,THROB,VOI,WINMOR,WSPR. These are the
last modes of the modes list. Problem was due a limit to write more than 255
characters in a single section of the INI file. The full list of current
modes is bigger than 255 characters and left these modes out of the list.
Now I have splitted the modelist in 2 sections in the INI file. Filtering by
digital modes in the DX window has no real sense because mode filtering is
based on the QRG of the spot and the band plan. However this problem
affected all spots on SSB that were skipped by default. This version
automatically corrects this in your INI file and selects all modes to display in the DX
window (no filtering). But ONLY if you have one DX window. If you have more
than one DX window please check in the other DX windows that you have
selected the modes you really want.
Corrected: The country table maintained by Hardy,
DL5SBA (SK) set the DXCC 'Q' to some callsigns which were not valid for the
DXCC. The current country table doesn't set this because created a new
entry in the DXCC statistic giving bad results. So in these cases the best
way is to leave the DXCC field blank. This version corrects automatically this and finds
all your QSO with 'Q' as DXCC and leave them blank to avoid this bad
behaviour. I recommend to check in a logbook view all QSO
having the DXCC field BLANK in order to manually set the correct DXCC. Probably you will find
QSO with GB, CE9 and other stations that Swisslog could not set the right
DXCC field based on the callsign.
Corrected: QSL managers SQL script did not work in
QSO where the content of the QSL manager field was not NULL. That is, looked
empty but contained some space character. Now the script fixes this and
really clears (leave NULL) the field where there is no content before
updating the managers. Script executed automatically again in this version.
Corrected: In View | Reports the selected tab was
Corrected: when tuning the Yaesu FTDX5000 from a SSB spot in the DX Window, if transceiver
was in CW mode the frequency was set to the QRG of the spot +/- 800Hz of CW pitch
(depending whether USB or LSB). This was due because Swisslog sent first the command to change
the QRG and secondly the command to change the mode, causing that the QRG of
the spot was changed in the internal change from CW to SSB in the
transceiver. To avoid this problem Swisslog now sends first the mode change
command and after the QRG change command.
Corrected: default RST 599 was not set when changing
to all digital modes added in version 5.9.
Corrected: In Kenwood transceivers when the FSK mode
was selected the mode field in Swisslog was empty instead of RTTY.
Corrected: Font color in Add QSO window back to
black to keep the same line as the other windows. All headers colors in cell
listings style set again to grey.
Corrected: when exporting in ADIF format the
LOTW/eQSL received fields were exported as 1/0 instead of Y/N.
Updated IOTA, SOTA and DFCF statistics
Updated scripts QSL Manager.sql and LOTW Users.sql
Updated country table. Thank you very much to Erik,
Cosmetic changes in the initial splash screen
Version 5.9a 12/02/2015
This version includes the following
- NEW SQL scripts:
QSL manager.sql: this script
is executed automatically in invisible mode at first Swisslog 5.9a
startup and automatically compares your QSO with an updated list of
nearly 3000 stations handled by the following QSL managers: EA1EAU, EA5GL,
Then the script will set the QSL manager in all matching QSO ONLY if you have not received the QSL card (R-QSL field is
0) and the QSL manager field is empty. At the end of the process a
message is displayed showing that the script has been executed
correctly (it may take some time). Thank you very much to Senio, EA1AHY for keeping updated
the list of this QSL managers.
LOTW users.sql: To avoid sending
a QSL card to LOTW users, this script sets the word 'LOTW' in the QSL-Action
field based on an updated listing of LOTW users maintained by HB9BZA
( In the Print QSL wizard you can avoid
selecting these QSO to print your QSL cards.
IMPORTANT: You have to
manually run this script. Please be aware that depending the number
of QSO and the power of your computer this script may take some
minutes to do all the processes. Wait until you see the message "SQL
LOTW user.sql successfully executed" before doing anything else in Swisslog
Set WADA.sql: sets the WADA
reference to all callsigns matching the new internal info table
INF_WAPWACA. It's executed automatically in invisible mode at first
startup of this version.
Added: ARSVCOM program starts automatically at Swisslog startup if configured as rotor interface.
Added support for Yaesu FTDX1200.
Added a new section in the program help about SQL
Corrected: When the LOTW certificate is
password protected, the LOTW password dialog was always displayed when
synchronizing (even when certificate password was configured correctly in Swisslog).
Also corrected when password didn't match and LOTW password dialog is displayed,
the password entered was not saved in the INI file to avoid asking it again.
Corrected some errors in the new Yaesu models:
Some modes (PKT-USB, PKT-LSB, PKT-FM, FM-N,
AM-N) were not set in Swisslog to PACKET, FM and AM respectively.
Frequency was displayed blinking when moving the
transceiver dial.
There was a delay reading mode/frequency
Corrected: Main form background color in Windows XP
displayed a different blue tone than originally programmed.
Corrected: no bearing readout was displayed in the rotor status bar. Changed background color and
font color.
Corrected EADX100 statistic. Z6 and TA1 don't count for EADX100.
Changed QRZ access: when a QTH contained dashes (i.e: Rehlingen-Siersburg) the dash was deleted and
the result was "RehlingenSiersburg" in the QTH field of the Add QSO function.
Corrected: Some ADIF fields where imported to the
Note field even if they were in blank or contained 0. Now they will only be imported if not blank or different to 0. These fields are: ADDRESS, ADDRESS_INTL, QSLMSG, RX_PWR, A_INDEX, EMAIL, K_INDEX, MAX_BURSTS,
Corrected: Diploma fields were sorted
descending instead of ascending in Add QSO.
Corrected: when using MixW linked with Swisslog the
following MixW modes were not set in Swisslog: BPSK31, BPSK63, BPSK125,
CONTESTIA and MFSK. Now when you select these modes in MixW they are
converted in Swisslog to PSK31, PSK63, PSK125, CONTESTI and MFSK16
Corrected: The Duration field in the Previous QSO
and New QSO tabs of the Add QSO function was displayed beginning with
Corrected: in HAMQTH access the QTH field may be
different from the City field in postal address.
Corrected: in Register QSL Cards the focus was
always placed to the Date field instead the Callsign field.
Corrected: Swisslog automatically converts the DCI
references (Italian Castles Award) to the real award format. Example: Old
format: AG-001 is DCI-AG001. Keep in mind the new format when adding new
references!! When in doubt double click in the DCI field to see an updated
list of references.
Corrected: F5LEN Telnet server.
Corrected: when Portuguese language is selected no
help was available because currently there is no help in Portuguese
language. Now English help is displayed for Portuguese users.
Changed: after executing a SQL script a database
refreshing will be performed automatically to reflect changes.
Changed: Turn arrows are now hidden in the rotor status toolbar for Prosistel, Big Boy, Sartek, Winrotor
and Hy-Gain DCU rotors because these rotors don't allow this kind of turn.
Updated country table. Thank you very much to Erik,
Updated 'Home Castles to WCA' and 'Set direct in QSO
without bureau' SQL Scripts.
Updated the following statistics: AGCW, ARLHS,
Some enhancements and changes in the installer.
Version 5.9 25/12/2014
This version includes the following
NEW installer:
Can be used for new installations or
updates from version 5.2.
Minimum operating system requirements: Windows XP SP2.
The installer is in 4 languages. Depending on the detection of the
operating system language:
messages will be in Spanish for all operating systems derived from
Spanish (Spain, Latin America as well as Catalan, Basque and Galician).
messages will be in German for all german derived operating systems
messages will be in French for all French derived operating systems
Messages will be in English for the rest of the world.
installer now includes all files that previously was needed to download
separately. such as background world map images, some reports and QSL
formats and sound files needed for the audio announcements in the DX-Cluster
function. You will be prompted to select the language of the audio files
during setup (English, Spanish, German, French or Portuguese). By default
the selected language will be same as the detected operating system
language (except Portuguese that must be selected manually).
To speed up the previous version detection, this version creates a key
in the Windows registry with the installation path of Swisslog. Now the
installer searches in your computer (taking some time). But in
future releases this process will be made nearly instantly by reading
the registry key.
The installer detects and cleans obsolete Swisslog files and links
Swisslog now fulfills the ADIF v3.0.4 specifications. This
make current import ADIF operations really easy because Swisslog knows
internally which is the target field for every new and old ADIF field,
avoiding manual associations. There are many ignored new fields because they
have no equivalence in Swisslog. Some others will be converted in the
Comments field such as e-mail, web and certain specific V-U-SHF fields
NEW support for HAMQTH internet database access. It's free, only a register
is needed. You get the following fields: full name, QTH, QTH Locator, full
postal address, latitude, longitude, US state, US country, Time Zone,
license year and birth year. There is a new button in the main menu to
go to the HAMQTH website to see the full details of the callsign you are
entering (same behavior as the Callbook button which goes to the QRz or
HAMCALL website depending on your configuration).
NEW support for the rotor interface ARS-USB by EA4TX. There
is also an option to connect via ARS-VCOM software.
NEW support for the following Yaesu transceivers: FT-450,
FT-950, FT-2000, FTDX-5000 and FTDX9000 (not fully tested). THANK YOU VERY MUCH
to José María, EA1AKS for lending remotely his FT-2000 to make tests.
NEW support for the internet QSL manager database from
IK3QAR. Deleted access to RW1QM database because it doesn't work anymore.
NEW Swisslog logo and new color design
NEW direct link in the Help menu
to the news of current version
NEW modes: included all digital modes accepted by
LOTW. Moreover I have included QPSK12, QPSK31 and QPSK63 modes
which are recognized by ADIF but not for LOTW. When
synchronizing with LOTW, user will have to assign which LOTW mode
belongs these modes because, at the present moment, they are not recognized
by LOTW (I recommend assign them all to DATA because LOTW will recognize them
for digital modes awards). The DATA report mode include all the digital
Added a blinking message in the main menu which
informs when a new version is available in the web site.
Corrected SSL password error when synchronizing with LOTW. Changed the SSL protocol from SSL v3 to TLS v1. SSL v3 is no longer used for LotW for security reasons.
Corrected the Access Violation Error when signing QSO with Trusted
QSL 1.14 or upper. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Christian HB9DBC for his help!!!
Corrected the need to assign the new LoTW fields when
with LoTW. The following fields are ignored because they have no use in
First time you start Swisslog after installing this version the
DXCC-WAE Corrections SQL script is
executed automatically in invisible mode. This script converts some old DXCC
and WAE
abbreviations used in previous country tables to the ones defined in the
current country table (only if found any in your QSOs). This is needed to
have the DXCC and WAE statistics correctly. This operation is only performed once and
does not require any user action.
Changed QRZ access configuration: now you don't have to write the
long URL address. You will only have to fill two new fields: username and
password. The XML access has been configured internally so that now with a
free QRZ registration you get the full name, QTH, country and US State (for
US stations). IMPORTANT:
You must configure again your username and password to work.
Corrected: QRZ.COM DF6EX QSL manager database didn't work
Changed: when reading from CD Callbooks or internet databases, the
Operator field will only get the first name. Full name will appear in the
CD-Callbook tab.
Bands: In order to adapt bands to the IARU Region 1
band plan, when starting Swisslog automatically corrects the following
(users from other regions must adapt frequencies manually):
Changed higher frequency in 40m band from
7100 to 7200.
Changed higher frequency in 70cm band from 440700 to
Changed band name from 12cm to 13cm.
Changed band name from 1.4cm to 1.5cm. At the same
time changed higher frequency from 24050000 to 24250000.
NEW band added: 4m (70150 a 70200)
NEW band added: 2200m (135-138). Real frequencies are
from 135.7 to 137.8, but Swisslog doesn't allow decimals in this field.
Deleted "Invalid" and "Test" bands to avoid errors.
Updated the band plan included in Swisslog (only HF).
NOTE: because older
Swisslog database didn't contain any band plan and newer databases
contained an outdated plan, the best suitable method I have found is
deleting the existing band plan and create this new one updated. If any
user defined manually any entries in the band plan he/she will have to
create it again (in case you don't find it in the current band plan).
NEW report band: SHF. Includes the 10cm, 6cm, 3cm and 1.5cm
bands. These bands were included wrongly in the UHF report band. UHF
report band has been corrected to include only the correct bands.
Included a file containing all satellite names
recognized by LOTW
(SATNAMES.TXT). This file is used to select the satellite name. If any user
had names assigned in this file the installer will make a backup of this
file in the BACKUP folder. This way you will be able to recover it and edit
the current file and add the ones you need.
Windows Vista and higher needs a complement to display help
files in HLP format. The help of the Shazam Report 4.0 implemented in
Swisslog to create reports and queries is in this old format. If you don't
install manually this complement (it varies depending on the operating
system) you wouldn't be able to read the Shazam Report help. In order to make
things easier I have created this help in CHM format which is compatible in
newer operating systems. Source code has been modified so that Swisslog can
use the Shazam Report help in this format.
Corrected link to the Swisslog
forum in the Help menu.
Deleted "Order information" and "Prices" tabs from the
Help > About menu.
Corrected some messages, minor errors and several cosmetic changes.
Logbook view queries: Corrected most of them, deleted obsolete and
new ones created and better structured. Some column names have been changed
for better understanding and some errors have been corrected. Now there are
new folders to make easier the query selections based on the purpose of the
Examples and Logbooks. Furthermore there will be named in the installer
detected language. In ADIF export you will find specific queries for
exporting data into ADIF format. Some include Swisslog fields and other only
ADIF standard fields. In award queries the first column on the left is the
reference following by the description. These new queries are a good basis
to narrow selection (QSO or LOTW confirmations, bands. modes, etc.), sort by
any field you want, etc. with the powerful tolls included in the logbook
view. There are unlimited possibilities! I hope these queries will make
things easier when you want to display your logbook based on award
information. If someone needs any specific query please contact me and I
will try to create new ones according to user's requests.
Updated country table. Thanks to Erik
EI4KF who has kindly offered his support to keep the country table replacing
Updated statistic table (YOU MUST read what's new
below. There are new statistics and important changes that you must know!!).
Map function: Updated layer, environment and map files.
By default a color BMP high resolution world map image will be used as
background. In the MAPS folder you will find another BMP world map images of
lower resolutions and B&W.
Telnet servers list fully new and updated.
THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Senio EA1AHY and Erik EI4KF for their
excellent job!
Some interesting SQL Scripts (read a full explanation below).
Updated program help in all 4
languages: New introduction, news of version 5.9,
added documentation of the Award Administration function of the New
Functions menu (Awards section), updated list of the standard statistics
(Statistic section) and other minor changes. THANK YOU VERY MUCH to Guy F6DKQ for
the huge work in the French translation and Kuno, DF1SD for the German translation.
Updated contact info EA4TX and Hy Gain rotator controls
Statistic table - Changes and
The statistic table contains the
following changes:
Added TEN-TEN number as standard
statistic in field SP7. This statistic was taken long time ago and I thought
it should be included in Swisslog again.
Added Spanish statistic for the EADX100
award. It uses the DXCC and WAE fields. The WAE field is filled
automatically but it's very important that will be correctly assigned in
QSOs with Bear (JW/B) and Shetland (GM/S). Swisslog has an internal list of
callsigns from these places but they are not all at all and you will have to
set this field manually in many cases.
Added Spanish statistic COMARCAS DE GALICIA in
field Sub-Region. It will only be displayed in EA area 1 callsigns and after
entering one of the following provinces in the TPEA field: OR, LU, PO, C
Added Historic Monuments from Portugal (DMHP).
It's included in the WCA program. Only QSO from 01/01/1994 are valid.
WPX-LOTW and WPX-QSL to give
statistics depending on the confirmation method. Default DXCC, WAS and WPX statistics counts
LOTW and QSL confirmations together. Confirmations via LoTW are now accepted for
the CQ WPX award.
DXCC-RTTY statistics. Specially useful to be used in the DX-Message window to
know the DXCC status by mode in the selected bands. You will have to select
the statistics and bands in the option menu of that windows through the
right mouse button.
Added and updated World Flora & Fauna award (WFF) as standard
statistic in field Special.
You MUST run a SQL script to clean the contents of the Special field.
ONLY ONCE AND BEFORE entering any WFF references. This has to be
performed, specially those users from the DOS version, because the SP field may
contain obsolete data currently.
To run the script perform the following steps:
2. Open
Tools | For experts only
| Run SQL Script
3. Select the file "Clean Special field.sql" which is found in the
SCRIPTS folder (is
located as a sub-folder where Swisslog is installed) and press OK to all
confirmation messages.
Added and updated DLFF Flora & Fauna award. Calculates
automatically the DLFF references entered in WFF
Added and updated EAFF Flora & Fauna award. Calculates
automatically the EAFF references entered in WFF
Added and updated Edificios Románicos de España
(DERESP) as standard
statistic. NOTE: this is a
variable statistic. Look at the bottom of the Add QSO window when
tab is displayed
Added and updated Summit On The Air (SOTA) as standard
statistic in field Diploma 15
Added and updated Italian Castles Award (DCI) as standard statistic in
field Diploma 2
Added and updated World Castles Award (WCA) as standard
statistic in field Diploma 8
Added and updated Monumentos y Vestigios de España (DMVE) as
standard statistic in field Diploma 14
Added and updated Vértices Geodésicos de España (DVGE) as
standard statistic in field Diploma 13
Added and updated Castillos de España 1.0 (DCE 1.0) as standard
statistic in field Diploma 5 (no conflict with DCE because of new date
Added EA Puentes y Acueductos as standard
statistic in field Diploma 12
IOSA, JCC, JIIA, Puentes y Acueductos de España, RDA, RRA, RTC, SP
See RDA section below!!! There have been important changes that need
user action!!
Portuguese and Castles to DCFP
ZLBranches to WAZL
Estaciones Ferrocarril to DEFE
Castillos España (anterior) to DCE
Castillos de España (DCE 1.0) to DCE 1.0
Castillos de Catalunya to DCC
Castillos de Valencia to DCV 1.0
Ermitas to DEE
Municipios de España to DME
Faros de España to FEA
Molinos de España to DMVEA
Deleted HERMANDADES Spanish statistic to free up
field Diploma 8 to add the new standard statistic WCA. I have chosen this
statistic for deletion because is the least important and used by very few
Deleted DIFMFO which was a bad duplicated copy of
Deleted the IOTA-SUM because I don't find it useful at
Deleted all EUDX-1998 till EUDX-2005. They are
obsolete. If someone need these statistics just let me know. I have still
left the EUDX-full but I don't know exactly the use of this statistic. If
someone knows it please let me know.
If you have a personal statistic defined in
any of fields of the new added statistics there could be a conflict depending on the statistic definition. If
you have problems don't hesitate to contact me by mail and I will move your
personal statistic data into another free field:
NOTE: If you are an
advanced user and you have modified or customized standard statistics please
keep in mind that the SWLSTAT.MDB file will be replaced!!! But don't be afraid,
the installer will make a backup of your current SWLSTAT.MDB in the
Backup folder located where Swisslog is installed.
If you have created other statistics that could be interesting for
other users, please send me the definition files and I will try to implement it
in the next version.
SQL Scripts
Swisslog has a very powerful function
to run SQL Scripts which allows the execution of complicated queries to modify
fields or move data from one field into another. In this way we avoid using
complicated operations in the logbook view. Though, SQL scripts are executed in
seconds and can perform complex operations that can't be done with the available
functions provided by Swisslog.
I have created some scripts which you may
find them very useful. I'm not a SQL expert at all but with help of my knowledge
in Access and a special view to see the SQL code created in queries I could
create it with success.
This version installs them in the SCRIPTS folder
which is located as a sub-folder where Swisslog is installed.
DXCC - WAE Corrections
NOTE: In version 5.9 this script is executed automatically in invisible mode at first
Swisslog startup, so there is no need to
execute it again manually. It's only explained so that users know what this script
Up to now every time the prefix allocation table of certain entities was
changed, a very complicated manual operations should be performed to adapt your
QSO to the new situation. Thanks to the powerful SQL script function this
operation can be now automatically made in just seconds!
I have created a script which automatically adapt the prefix allocations
previously explained by Hardy, DL5SBA (SK) (Montenegro, Cook Islands, Bosnia Herzegowina, Juan de Nova and Europe, Glorious, Tromelin, South Sudan as
well as other changes) safely,
automatically and in just seconds!!. In this way we avoid using the manual
procedures explained up to now which could cause errors by the user. Best of all
is that even if you previously performed the manual operations, you can now run
this script without any problem! If all the operations were done well nothing
will be changed. Otherwise the script will correct it!
To run the script perform the following steps:
1. Start
2. Open Tools | For experts only | Run SQL
3. Select the file "DXCC-WAE Corrections" which is found in the
SCRIPTS folder (is located as a
sub-folder where Swisslog is installed) and press OK to all confirmation
This script perform the following changes:
Sets the new entity identifier for South Sudan
(DXCC=Z8) in all QSOs with ST0R station (up to now is the only one valid
operation for that entity).
Sets the entity identifier for Montenegro (DXCC=4O)
in all QSOs worked between 28/06/2006 and 31/12/2007 with stations with the
following prefixes: YT6, YU6, YZ6, 4N6 y 4O6.
Replaces the old entity identifier in QSOs with
Cook Islands (ZK1N and ZK1S) with E51N and E51S respectively.
Replaces the old entity identifier in QSOs with
Bosnia Herzegovina from T9 to E7.
Replaces the old entity identifiers in QSOs with
Glorious, Juan de Nova and Europe, Tromelin from FRG, FRJ, FRT to FTG, FTJ and
FTT respectively. Also replaces the entity identifier for the deleted entity
"Bassas da India" (if you have worked that entity before) from FRB to
Replaces the old entity identifier in QSOs with
Niue from ZK2 to E6.
Replaces the entity
identifiers in QSOs with Kosova from YU8/Z6 to YU. Kosova was defined as a new
entity in the country table but the DXCC Desk never considered it as new
entity. So for the DXCC counts as YU.
Replaces the entity identifiers in QSOs
with Curaçao, Bonaire, St Eustatius & Saba and St Maarten from PJC, PJB,
PJS, PJM to PJ2C, PJ4B, PJ5ES, PJ7SM respectively. This changes are needed
to adapt the DXCC abbreviations from the old country table maintained by
Hardy DL5SBA (SK) to the new one maintained by Erik, EI4KF.
Replaces the old WAE identifiers in QSOs
with Switzerland, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and UN ITU from HB, YU8, T9 and 4U1I to HB9, YU, E7
and 4UIT respectively. This must be done for
certain statistics to match with the abbreviations used in the DXCC table.
Replaces the old DXCC identifier 'Q' with a blank.
This identifier were used to set those callsigns not valid or not accepted
by the DXCC Desk. But it creates a new DXCC entry giving wrong DXCC
statistic results. When a callsign is not valid it's better to set blank the
DXCC field. The same applies to /MM or /AM stations.
Sets the WAE identifier Z6 in all QSOs with
Z6 callsign. This must be done because Kosova
counts as a different country for WAE.
Sets the WAE identifier 4U1V if found any
QSOs made with a list of stations (defined in the country table) operating
from UN Vienna. Also replaces the old identifier 4UVIC to 4U1V.
Sets the WAE identifier GM/S if found any
QSOs made with a llist of stations
(defined in the country table)
located in Shetland Islands.
Also replaces the old identifier from GM/Sh to GM/S.
Sets the WAE identifier JW/B if found any QSOs made
with a list of stations (defined in the country table) located in Bear Island.
Sets the DXCC identifier 4W if found any QSOs with
Sets the DXCC identifier 9M2 if found any QSOs with 9M4IS
Sets the DXCC identifier VK9L if found any QSOs with VK9LC
Castles Awards
Users who likes castles awards (home awards and WCA) will like a lot this couple
of scripts. When you are working a station operating from a castle you will
enter the home award or WCA reference in the corresponding field. Main problem
is that home and WCA references are completely different! If you want to handle
all castle awards you would have to check the cross-reference and enter them
manually in each QSO!!! a real hard work!!! However, these scripts will perform
the operation in a second! I have created these scripts:
- Home Castles to WCA.sql: this script reads all
references from DCE, DCI, DFCF, DCFP and DMHP home awards (currently the only ones
home castle awards supported by Swisslog) and automatically assigns the
corresponding WCA reference in the WCA field (Diploma 8)
- WCA to Home Castles.sql: on the contrary, this script
reads the WCA reference and automatically assigns the DCE, DCI, DFCF,
DCFP and DMHP reference to the corresponding diploma field for each statistic.
Can't be easiest!! Choose the method you prefer. Whether you prefer to
continue entering home references or WCA references it's up to you. Depending
your decision simply run the corresponding script from time to time to keep all
the castle awards updated! And no matter if you sometimes enter the WCA
reference and sometimes the home reference. Run both scripts from time to time
and you will still have your castle statistics correctly updated!
To run the scripts perform the following steps:
1. Start
2. Open Tools | For experts only | Run SQL
3. Select the file "Home Castles to WCA.sql" or
"WCA to Home Castles.sql" which are found in the SCRIPTS folder (is located as a
sub-folder where Swisslog is installed) and press OK to all confirmation
How to avoid sending a QSL via
bureau to those QSO partners with no bureau service
script selects all QSO with entities with no bureau service (having the QSL
Manager field empty) and sets "Direct" in the QSL-Action field. If a QSO
contains a QSL Manager, because the QSL could be sent via bureau to the manager,
it's out of the script selection.
To run the script perform the following
2. Open Tools | For experts only
| Run SQL Script
3. Select the file "Set Direct in QSO
without bureau.sql" which is found in the SCRIPTS folder (is
located as a sub-folder where Swisslog is installed) and press OK to all
confirmation messages.
If you want to change "Direct" by another
word simply edit this file with a text editor (Notepad for example) and change
"Direct" in the first line of code (is marked boldface in the code
(PQTH.P_DXCC)="5A" Or ......
Russian District Award (RDA)
This award is valid for QSOs since 12
June 1991. Swisslog was defined
to count QSOs since 13 June 1991 so this error has been now corrected. Please
check your QSO worked on 12 June 1991 with European Russia (UAEU), Asiatic
Russia (UAAS), Kaliningrad (UA2), Malyj Vysotskij (R1MV) and Franz Josef Land
(R1FJ) and assign the correct district.
The new list (valid since 1 March 2010) reflects the union of
Chitinskaya oblast (CT) and Aginsko Buryatsky Autonomous Okrug (AB) into the
Zabajkal`sky Kraj. They have changed the 2 letter short name of the region to ZK
Zabajkal`skiy Kraj. All QSOs with regions CT and AB will count for ZK
automatically (for all dates from June 1991). There are exceptions depending on
the different situations of union and deletion of districts.
There have
been district name changes, completely new districts, deleted districts and
automatic replacement of districts. See official note
NOTE: There have been new
RDA districts, created out of already existing districts in connection with
separation in 2 separate administrative districts. Let's take a simple
Till 01.03.2010 existed the district AL-36 Loktevsky area /incl.
Gornyak/. After 01.03.2010 a separation of the Loktevsky area and the city
Gornyak took part, the RDA number AL-36 stayed with Loktevsky area while the
city Gornyak received the number AL-74. All contacts till 01.03.2010 are valid
for AL-36 no matter from where they took place (from the area or the city),
after that date all QSOs with the area are valid for AL-36 and all QSOs with the
city are valid for AL-74, so AL-74 is valid only after 01.03.2010. There may be
given out RDA number which earlier existed.
Separated districts
Till 01.03.2010 OLD NEW
AL-36 AL-74
-> BR-31
IR-17 IR-47
IV-14 IV-31
-> KM-02
NO-01 ->
NO-01 NO-02
-> SV-59
To avoid manual procedures to edit all these QSOs I have created an
SQL Script that automatically performs all these changes.
Please perform the following steps:
Open Tools | For experts only | Run SQL Script
Select the file "Fix RDA.sql" which is found in the SCRIPTS
folder (is located as a sub-folder where Swisslog is installed) and press OK to
all confirmation messages.
NOTE: Due to the amount of
checkings and/or data changes the Script may handle, this operation may take
some time. It depends on your computer speed and the number of QSOs in your
database. NO PROGRESSION BAR is displayed! You must wait until a message is
displayed showing that the scripts has been successfully executed.
Version 5.8 14/02/2010
This version corrects the synchronizing issue with LoTW
(Logbook of the World)
Version 5.7 04/01/2010
This version has no enhancement. Just changed version number
because there is only a single installer package in English, but I still
recommend to install full 5.2 version and apply the updater
Version 5.6b 09/10/2009
This version implements XML support for the online access to QRZ.COM.
Go to Options | CD-Callbook and type in the URL field:
Replace the xxxxx for your username and password of your
QRZ account. Obviously you have to register first to QRZ.COM
Version 5.5 15/04/2009
Swisslog is public domain now (free) as desired by
Walter, HB9BJS
This version corrects (again) the problem with QRZ.COM...
Version 5.4 27/11/2008
- Corrected the problem to access the QRZ.COM QSL manager database
- Corrected the DX-Summit link.
Version 5.2 24/06/2005
SWISSLOG Version 5.2 contains
- The Award
Administration Functions which are not fully completed but are
nevertheless useful.
- The QSL Sort
- Some existing functions are slightly changed to support
the new functions.
You find the
5.2 functions in the main menu under New Functions.
The following standard functions have been changed:
- Add / Edit Mode and Band
- The functions to define Report-Modes and Bands was moved to the Add
/ Edit Mode and Band dialogs
New Functions:
- Statistic This is the new version of the statistic. It should
give the same results as the old one.
Award Administration
This is the main Window for the Award Administration. It consist of 4
Select QSOs for the Award.
SWISSLOG calculates the QSOs which qualify for the award. You can accept
the proposed QSOs or select an other one.
- Press on the + sign to see what other QSOs are available and select
QSOs by checking the checkbox in the 'Select' column.
- To deselect a proposed or selected QSO just deselect the corresponding
- Press Save Selection to save Your choices in the Award Control
- The Need column tells You if a QSO is needed for the Award
Organize QSOs for Award
In this Window you see the QSOs which are currently selected for the
Award and their status. You can change the status of selected QSO by
pressing the corresponding function button.
- Select QSOs by setting the checkmark in the 'Select' Column. Note:
Currently the first QSO can not be selected not all fields are
fully visible. I have made an error report to the maker of the grid
- You can replace QSOs which are not yet submitted with the delete
- Press on the + sign to see what other QSOs are available and select
QSOs by checking the checkbox in the 'Select' column.
This is the Award Statistic. It is used to see the total counts
This is a special report window which works only on the QSOs selected for
the Report. Currently You can use every report which is available. But remember
the selection criteria's of the report is only applied to the QSOs of the
Award. Because the reports are dynamically modified, some may not work.
For each Award a view (table) is created which selects the QSOs of
the Award. the name of the View is the name of the Award from which
all blanks and special characters have been removed prefixed with AWD_.
example for the Test-Award DXCC Full the name of the view is AWD_DXCCFull
A special View called ACTIVEAWARD selects the QSO of the
currently active Award. This makes it possible to create generic reports,
reports which can be used for all award. I have created such a report.
Currently it is automatically selected if You open the Report window.
Create / Modify Award Definitions
Award definitions are very similar to the statistic reports you already
know. The only difference is, that award definitions are connected to a
statistic. You can create award definitions when you open the Award Administration
or with the specific function.
There can be many award definitions for the same statistic. The statistic
is only used to select the qualifying QSOs. I have only defined two Award Definitions
or testing. These may not represent valid awards.
I hope, that some of You who are specialized in awards will define
Award Definition and send them to me. To define an award, you may have
define new Report .Bands and -Modes This is now done under
Edit ¦ Add/ Edit Bands and Add / Edit Modes
This dialog can be called from the main menu or from within a statistic. It
allows You to specify how the status of a QSO is displayed. You can use text
or pictures. Send me the pictures if you have good looking ones.
The Callbookview Lists all callbook-entries and allows You to edit the
Callbook - Entries independent of QSOs. When initially opened the view is
grouped by ISQslManager. If there are any QSL-Manager in the Log
You see two groups, one containing the stations which act as QSL-Manager and
an other with stations which don't.
- Calculation for Report-Modes with AND connectors corrected
- Error during Migration from Version 4 DB to Version 5 DB corrected
- Problem with LOTW Synchronization solved. (if there are more than
one QSOs on same Band and Mode on same day only the first QSO was
flagged as accepted.
- Support for the Hallo Rotor added
- The Dialog displayed when QTH-Locator / Coordinates do not match can
again be disabled for the session
- I added some functions we discussed at the Hamradio workshop
- Totals all Bands to have a total for the DXCC Challenge. It contains
the sum of the countries confirmed in all bands which are part of the
Statistic. If You add a Report-Mode containing all modes which count
for the Challenge You have the total for the Challenge
- New Total for the number selected for the Award submission
- Checkbox to easily select the QSOs for the report based on the
- Add a check if the correct DB is selected when opening a DB
- Fixed some of the reported problems.
Contains fixes for small problems discovered during the Hamradio fair
- Setting the Status in the Award -A Admin function did not always work
- QSO Entry Window, Selected Page was not restored after restart
- QSO Entry Window, Statistic-Values not saved when copied from the
- QSO Entry Window, Added Codnitions field to new- and Previous QSOs
- Register QSL-Card, cursor not in search-field when opened
- New Statistic, Change from text to graphic display did not work
- Some QSL-Label reports where not fully converted for the QSL-Card sort
- Initial Version released for the Hamradio fair
Version 5.1 10/01/2005
5.1h 21/05/2005
- Clear Dates when QSL Indicators are cleared
- automatically drop down Band- and Mode-Box in QSO Entry window when
entering the field for operation without mouse.
- LoTW Window now sizable
- Headers in Quick-Info Window now bold again
- Default format for calculated fields (Day, Mont, Year) was invalid
- 'Index out of bound' problem (hopefully) solved
- Refreshing Callbook CD info should now work, please test !
5.1g 18/04/2005
5.1f 03/04/2005
- MyQTH, MyCond and Event are now saved in the DB. So the
selection should be correct after a DB change
- MyConds and Event are automatically synchronized with the ones defined as
default in MyQTH if MyQTH is changed
- Colors for the chart of the propagation Prediction optimized. Colors
can be selected and legend has the sam background as the chart
- Added some fields to the window which displays the QSO qualifying for a
- Date validation added
- and some other small fixes....
5.1ea 25/02/2005
- Inconsistent selection of MyQTH, MyConds and Events fixed. Occurred with
many entries in these tables
5.1e 20.02.2005
- Automatically filled statistic values where not saved in the DB
- Fixed the problem that some query expressions in statistics where not
5.1d 12/02/2005
- Fixed the following Problems:
- automatic lookup in Infotable
- Inconsistency in PQTH assignments fixed
- QTH-Locator assignment in My_QTH
- Dos Import for new Statistic Fields
5.1c 26/01/2005
- Problem when migrating private statistics fixed !
Attention: All of You who had
problems with the private statistics should fall back to the back-up copy of
the database Swisslog made. In the ..\DB directory locate the file which ends
with _BAK.MDB. This is the back-up copy. Rename the current to DB ..._S, then
remove the _BAK from the name of the back-up copy. Now start Swisslog. Note
that You have to reenter all QSOs You entered since the back-up copy was made.
5.1b 20/01/2005
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Copy Past should now work for all fields !
5.1a 17/01/2005
Minor changes:
- Help Interface did not work for all topics
- QSO Group for Print QSL Cards was not created for new Databases.
There are major changes of the database in this version:
- The Information contained My - QTH (MyConds Table) have been split into
3 separate parts
- Information about the own QTH (MyQTH)
- Working Conditions (WCONDS)
- Event Information (EVENTS)
This allows to combine these 3 parts in any combination for a QSO.
With the old model You had to create a New MyQTH for each Event / Contest
and for each set of working condition. Some station ended up with hundreds
of MyQTH Records.
The split into 3 Parts helps to avoid this. You can define a MyQTH for
each real QTH and define Working Condition record for each TX/Antenna
combination. So for example if You have 3 QTHs and 3 Antennas at each QTH
You need 3 QTH records and in maximum 9 working condition records. You end
up with 12 Records opposed to 27 in the current release.
Splitting of the Event / Contest serves a similar purpose. There is no
more need to create a MyQTH for each contest.
- More Statistic fields have been added
With the introduction of the standard statistics we got short of
statistic fields. Therefore I added 10 Diploma fields in the PQTH Table and
11 Special Fields in the Callbook table. This also introduced changes in
the definitions of the standard statistics. All variable statistics could
be converted to normal statistics.
Private Statistics which use the Fields Diplom_1 to Diplom_5 will be
changed to use the Fields Diplom_11 to Diplom_15. The Statistics using the
Fields Spezial_1 to Spezial_4 will be changed to use the fields Spezial_11
to Spezial_14.
By convention private statistics should use the fields with the numbers 11
to 15.
- New Table which allows to set Please / Thank QSL based on the
QSL Receive Status
I added a new Table QSLTEXT which contains a Text and a Please and
Thanks mark for QSL Received and QSL not Received. These texts are used to
automatically set Please / Thanks QSL on the QSL cards. I have adapted all
QSL Examples. You find the under :
- Reports\QSLCards\QSL Cards 51
- Reports\QSL Labels 51
You can edit this text under Edit ¦ Edit QSL Pse/Tnx.
Version 5.09 01/10/2004
- DX - Window scrolling with heavy traffic improved
- New Menu Item in Option allows to set the Font of most Windows
- IOTA are extracted from the comment of a DX Message. That means that the
IOTA Statistic can be used in the DX Window
- ICOM TX-Interface : Added new modes and try to restore correct filter
settings -> needs testing !
Version 5.08 24/09/2004
- In the DXCC window, when more then one DXCC is possible for a call the
callbook is checked for the presence of a QSO which contains the correct
- SQL was not correctly generated for QSO Groups when it contained or
conditions For example : (QSLR = 1 or LotW_received = 1)
- LOTW Displayed wrong date in error messages
Version 5.07 06/09/2004
- Deleted indicator other than 'D' are recognized
- Access violation when DX window was standalone corrected
- Statistic values where incorrect in some situations
- No QSOs displayed for variable statistics when clicking on a statistic
Version 5.06 26/08/2004
- Trace in LOTW disabled
- Statistic Migration clears now old values
- Create new DB does only copy private Info Tables
- Generate correct SQL when filtering on Function based fields like Year
- Added direct link to Swisslog Homepage and to the Forum under the Help
Version 5.05 16/08/2004
- LOTW QSL-since Date not coupled to QSO-since Date anymore
- Import of Info-tables also works for text files which where not exported
- Telnet 10 private buttons are now possible
Version 5.04 10/08/2004
- LOTW automatic synchronization improved / corrected.
- LOTW SAT QSOs are now exported correctly
- Function to Export and Import Information Tables from the SWLSTAT.MDB
- Customizable Button added to Telnet Window
- Statistic-conflict resolution improved
- Support for the Rotor OR2800PDC added
- Paper selection for Printer changed. Paper selected in Printer Dialog
overwrites the paper defined in the report
Version 5.03 27/07/2004
- Migration of DB did not work on all systems
- Connection to WinPR did not work. The Configuration of WinPR must be
- In WinPR select 'Einstellungen ¦ DDE'
- On the DDE Screen change all occurrences of 'SWISSLOG' to 'SWISSLV5'
see the on line Help
- Rezising columns in DX Window works again
- Quickinfo is OK again
Version 5.02 23/07/2004
- QSLR / QSLS was not correctly initialized in QSO Entry window
- Hamscope Interface improved
- DXCC not recalculated when date was changed
- DXCC not accepted when copied from info table
- Variable Statistic Field values not initialized correctly when no value
was found for QSO
- SV2AGV connect Via corrected
- QSO Entry Window did grow when refreshing DB Connection
- LOTW QSOs with the time 00:00:00 not imported
- LOTW new QSL where not imported
Now QSOs and QSL import is controlled separately. Additional Option for this
purpose was added
- Scan for ICOM TX Address did not always work
Version 5.01 15/07/2004
- Invalid information displayed in the Diploma fields
- Statistic Quick-View
- 'Not needed' color is no saved
- mixed mode QSOs are now displayed when double clicking on a cell
- Second of the times are now exported into ADIF files. This is needed for
- The standard information table can now be updated
- Import of QRG from ADIF did not always work
Version 5.0 25/06/2004
Some general Information
Version 5 of SWISSLOG establishes the foundation for several new features I
plan to add in the future. The most important change in version 5 is the
separation of 'static' information from the 'dynamic' (personal) information
in the database. 'Static' Information includes things that are the same for
all SWISSLOG users – such as statistic definitions and information tables.
Dynamic information includes things that are specific to a particular station
like your QSO's.
'Static' information is now stored in a separate database named SWLSTAT.MDB.
The ‘STAT’ in the name stands for ‘static’, however it could also
stand for 'statistic' because the new database contains all of the statistic
definitions and the corresponding information tables. Which means, it
is no longer necessary to define or import statistics, or load information
tables. All the common statistics are now defined it the SWLSTAT.MDB. When the
Information tables do change or when new Statistics are added, I will
distribute a new version of the database, which will be available to everyone.
All of the Statistics defined in the Stat-DB are by default active –
currently there are over 70 statistics. This means every time you enter a QSO,
it is checked against all the active statistics to determine which statistics
are applicable. This feature required a complete redesign for this part of
New Functions
See the Help for details
Version 5.0 does not contain all of the new functions initially planned. I
underestimated the amount of effort required to implement the 'One Button LoTW
Support'. LoTW is very complex and was not easy to implement! However, it is
now fully functional and works well. Due to the extra time required for the
LoTW functions, I was not able to finish the Award administration as planned
– it will follow soon!
Watch the SWISSLOG homepage
for an announcement of new features.
Predefined Statistics
Statistics and information tables are now predefined in the SWLSTAT.MDB.
The SWLSTAT.MDB will be replaced whenever new Statistics or updates for
the Statistic tables are available.
A new user friendly dialog to select the
Statistic views is
Note: You will have to reselect the statistics to be displayed in the
Statistic-Quick Info and the
DX Message windows.
Fully integrated LoTW Support
LoTW Support of SWISSLOG
is fully integrated. Once setup, the synchronization of your log with LoTW
is fully automatic.
Important Information for
the Upgrade from previous Versions
- SWISSLOG Version 5 works with a copy of your Log database
Because of the fundamental changes in the database, SWISSLOG creates a new
copy of your log database. The new version 5 database has the same name as
your current DB with '_V5' appended. So if your current database is named
SWLOG.MDB the version 5 database will be called 'SWLOG_V5.MDB'.
QSO's that you add using SWISSLOG version 5 database will
be added to the previous database.
- SWISSLOG Version 5 can be used in parallel with older version
SWISSLOG Version 5 is installed in the current SWISSLOG directory. The
program name was changed to SWISSLV5.EXE. Therefore it can be used at
the same time as the previous version.
- Statistic Selections in the Statistic-Quick-Info and the DX-Message
windows have been changed
The ID's of the Statistics changed because they are defined in the
SWLSTAT.MDB. That means, the statistic lists stored in the previous .ini
files are no longer valid. Therefore, you need to reselect the Statistics
you want displayed the first time you run SWISSLOG.
- Statistic Field conflicts.
The fields used in private- and standard. statistic may conflict. Please
read Resolve Statistic Field Conflicts
Last modified:
23 dic. 2024