Save your desktop!
Hello all,
When you have finished to configure the functions you like to see in the Swisslog desktop (even with 2 monitors), it's highly advisable to save your configuration. Go to Options / Save desktop, give it a name and press OK. You can have as many different saved desktops as you prefer. This is very useful because:
- Maybe you want to have different desktop configurations according yours preferences of operation or if using one monitor, two monitors etc.
- If you have checked the option to Save desktop on exit, sometimes may happen that after startup your desktop has not been restored as you like (i.e.: after a crash). If you have saved your desktop you can restore it easily in Options / Restore desktop and everything will be in place as you like.
Desktop information is saved in the Swisslog configuration file SWISSLV5.INI (located where Swisslog is installed). I suggest to make regular backup copies of this file because it contains all Swisslog preferences!
Best 73
Jordi, EA3GCV
Current developer of Swisslog