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Today, suddenly there is no actual time any more. Both (Start and End ) are grey and showing 00:00
I've restarted the programm with no result. Changed UTC time difference and restored it. Nothing seems to work.

Anybody know a solution?
I have Version 5.107 and my OS is windows 10 Pro


I guess you have disabled realtime entry... you can switch from realtime entry to manual entry by double clicking in the DATE field (if you place the mouse pointer over the filed you will see a hint explaining this). When realtime entry is enabled the background colour of this field is yellow. White when it's in manual entry mode.

Best 73
(06-12-2023, 06:24 PM)EA3GCV Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,

I guess you have disabled realtime entry... you can switch from realtime entry to manual entry by double clicking in the DATE field (if you place the mouse pointer over the filed you will see a hint explaining this). When realtime entry is enabled the background colour of this field is yellow. White when it's in manual entry mode.

Best 73


Thank you! So simple. I feel stupid
I have no idea why this suddenly was unchequed.
You probably double clicked on the date field with no intention. Now you know how this works. The background colour helps a lot to now if you are in realtime entry mode or not

Best 73