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Full Version: Empty QTH field in new beta
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If write call in QSO entry window for moment show QTH fieldd (HomeQTH or /P) after that clear field and is impossible to save QSO.

Best 73
Miro, S52RA

Go to File / Compress database then check again. If a previous QSO exists with such call, probably the last or other QSO was not saved properly in the database. This often occurs under RF issues scenarios. Follow these steps :

- Go to View / Logbook view (selection)
- Select the view "All ADIF v3 fiels including Swisslog fields"
- Filter to select only QSOs with this callsign
- Export these QSOs into ADIF format
- Delete ALL the selected QSOs with such station
- Go to File / Compress database again
- Go to File / Import > ADIf then import the file you previously exported

Try to enter again this QSO. If you still have issues, you will have to send me your database (in ZIP or RAR format) to

Best 73
additional effect: entering a call sign in QSO entry window doesn't update distance field. But if it was saved reopening QSO entry window will update distance field to the correct value.
(31-01-2024, 02:33 PM)EA3GCV Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

Go to File / Compress database then check again. If a previous QSO exists with such call, probably the last or other QSO was not saved properly in the database. This often occurs under RF issues scenarios. Follow these steps :

- Go to View / Logbook view (selection)
- Select the view "All ADIF v3 fiels including Swisslog fields"
- Filter to select only QSOs with this callsign
- Export these QSOs into ADIF format
- Delete ALL the selected QSOs with such station
- Go to File / Compress database again
- Go to File / Import > ADIf then import the file you previously exported

Try to enter again this QSO. If you still have issues, you will have to send me your database (in ZIP or RAR format) to

Best 73

Hi Jordi,

I didn't find logbook with such name.
Very strange. I do nothing. Check in logbook all fields and I didn't find saved qso without callsign. I only sort logbook (Callsign) up and down. Now is all ok. Also show distance. Anyway thank you for your quick help.

Not always ok. If I enter calssign direct in qso entry window is ok. If I filled callsign from band map or dx messages window is not ok. Very strange.
But in beta from 21.1.2024 is all ok.

Best 73

I have uploaded a beta fixing this.

Best 73
(03-02-2024, 01:38 AM)EA3GCV Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

I have uploaded a beta fixing this.

Best 73

Hi Jordi,

Now is ok. Thank you.

Best 73, Miro S52RA
(03-02-2024, 09:50 AM)S52RA Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-02-2024, 01:38 AM)EA3GCV Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,

I have uploaded a beta fixing this.

Best 73

Hi Jordi,

Now is ok. Thank you.

Best 73, Miro S52RA
 Hi Jordi,

Same problem again in last three beta, but only if I log from band map and not always.

Vy 73 Miro, S52RA
Hi Miro,

I don't understand... other user having a similar issue when saving QSOs from WSJT-X, he got a warning message that the HomeQTH field is empty, and had to restart and now is all working well. I found a line in the code that set the HomeQTH field empty under certain scenarios. Now sets the word "unknown" to get rid of this error (HomeQTH must always contain a value). It doesn't matter logging from band map or any external program. So I guess maybe you have a problem in your database. Please send me your database in ZIP or RAR format to to take a look.