Dear Joirdi,
I have an issue with telnet. In the telnet control window I can see, that the server I am connected to shows many automatic reconnects. My internet is stable so that should not be the problem. The issue appeared after the softwareupgrade to 5.109.
73, Gun de OE3GCU
Dear Jordi,
many thanks for the quick reply an your support! I have the beta version running now but it did not solve the issue. I am connected to 3 different servers (WT3Q, 9A0DXC and N6WS-6) at the same time. And all server have the same behavior. There are about 4 reconnects in 1 hour.
Best 73, Gun
Hi Gun,
First of all, comnecting to several servers it's a waste of resources. All servers they have the same info. Although Swisslog permits to connect to several Telnet servers at once, it will load CPU unnecessarily. Connect only to one server. You will get the same info with no overload.
Make sure you have added exceptions to the Swisslog folder in your antivirus and allow SwisslV5.exe all incoming/outgoong traffic in your firewall. These tend to create many weird issues because look out too much Swisslog activity. So adding exceptions is a MUST.
I use intensively current beta version everyday with no issues, with 4 monitors, 8 statistic quick views, 1 dx message windows,2 Band maps,2 wsjt band maps and other functions. All at the same time with about 30K qso and all working flawlessly.
Best 73
Hi Jordi,
thanks for your suggestions! Now I am connected to just one server and I did temporary deactivate the firewall and the protection on my PC - I dont know why but it did not help - is very strange. It look like that I am the only one with that issue so it must be related to my computer. Anyway many thanks for your great support!!
Best 73, Gun
(22-04-2024, 07:07 PM)oe3gcu Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Jordi,
thanks for your suggestions! Now I am connected to just one server and I did temporary deactivate the firewall and the protection on my PC - I dont know why but it did not help - is very strange. It look like that I am the only one with that issue so it must be related to my computer. Anyway many thanks for your great support!!
Best 73, Gun
I have the same issue with versions 16/04/2024 and 12/04/2024.
I use 'HB9DRV-9'. Reconnecting server by hand in Telnet Control Window helps because auto reconnect doesn't find out always that server is not available and shows 'connected'. In earlier version I never had problems with that and there was no change in my PC environment.
Hi Jordi,
I have same issue with telnet cluster. A lot of reconnection on all tested cluster. I also check rxclus, ve7cc, writelog and n1mm software and i didn't have any problem.
Best 73,
Miro, S52RA
Hi all,
First of all it's very important you connect only to one or maximum 2 Telnet servers. When you are connected to more than 2 servers, other servers will disconnect you automatically. Keep in mind that all servers share most information and "they" know if you are already connected to other servers, disconnecting you if they detect you are already connected to others.
Autoreconnect is a desired feature. Seems some Telnet servers disconnect users after a short time or after many hours. There is no logic on this. I connect to EA4URE-5 and I have very few reconnections. I have tested with N6WS-6 and HB9DRV-9 and I get many reconnections. It all depends on the server not Swisslog. The Telnet code is the same since years ago, no change! I have found this info from N1MM users which complain about this random issue:
But practically speaking, user don't have to worry about reconnections. I have tested during hours and even after many reconnections the connection status is Connected and spots are populating properly. I use EA4URE-5 and I also have some reconnections sometimes but the connection is kept ON and receiving spots during all the session.
If you experience reconnection issues, change to another Telnet server. You won't miss out spots for connecting to another server. All of them share practically the same info.
Hi Jordi,
I spent a lot of time to test some combination. Run latest SWL on win 10, win 11 and kubuntu, on all systems a lot of reconnection. I also uninstall latest win updates but still sam issue. From time to time after reconnection swisslog stop receive spots, I must manualy reconnect to receive spots. Same time I run other cluster software on same cluster with other call, no reconnection. Then I install swisslog version 5.106a and result is no reconnection. Something must changed in latest version.
Best 73
I do not have any issues since I use Beta version from 11th May 2024.
After running SWL for some minutes the older versions ( 16/04/2024 and 12/04/2024) telnet control windows showed server "connected" but there was no traffic. Only pressing the reconnect button started the traffic again and a lot of messages appeared.
Problem seems to be solved, make a try with the newest beta release.