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Update 27.1.2020 - 381 000 QSOs is the current database.
Hello, currently 317908 QSO in database (17.3.2017).

73's de Jukka, OH3OJ

P.S. Database with calls: OH3OJ, OH3OJ/P, OH3OJ/5, OH3OJ/8, OF3OJ, OG3OJ, OG30OJ, OI3OJ
(17-03-2017, 09:17 PM)OH3OJ Wrote: [ -> ]Update 4.6.2021 - 427229 QSOs currently in one database - still running smoothly in main operations.
Update 27.1.2020 - 381 000 QSOs is the current database.
Hello, currently 317908 QSO in database (17.3.2017).

73's de Jukka, OH3OJ

P.S. Database with calls: OH3OJ, OH3OJ/P, OH3OJ/5, OH3OJ/8, OF3OJ, OG3OJ, OG30OJ, OI3OJ
28.12.2022  now 465 000 QSOs in DB and still no major slow down  Shy

Happy New Year to all !
73's de Jukka, OH3OJ