since yesterday I have a problem to upload or download to LOTW.
I got such error report :
"Fehler beim Internetzugriff
Fehlernummer 10060
Fehlermeldung Socket-Fehler #10060 Verbindungszeit überschritten"
(it means socket error and connecting time is over....).
But I didn't changed my PC config and I ran the swisslog via admin.
Today I installed swiss 5.97a with the same error report.
Any suggestions what I can change?
Many thanks in advance.
73 Olaf dl7cx
The swisslog of my daughter (dn3cx) ran well without problems.
this is explained in the FAQ section of the website:
You have to add an exception to Swisslog in your firewall/antivirus to allow all incoming/outgoing communications. Many antivirus/firewalls often block outgoing/incoming connections of Swisslog (specially AVAST, AVG or Panda). So the best way is to add an exception in both firewall/antivirus and problem solved.
If after doing this you still have problems, please read this post:
Best 73
Hello Jordi,
many thanks for your quick answer. Of course I checked the rules before. i switched off firewall, antivirus and run with admin...but the same error message. I switched back to 5.96 and the same but also message password to LOTW is wrong...but TQSL works without problems. So last year I had the same problems. I reinstalled swisslog and after it the programm worked without problems.
I think I should do the same... to reinstall but PSE CAN YOU GIVE ME ANY SUGGESTION TO MAKE IT WITHOUT LOOSING INFO ABOUT MY QSO????
Now I have more than 85000 qso inside and the info for country etc. is hard to reconnect to the qso.
Which files are important to copy in the folder?
Many thanks
73 Olaf dl7cx
p.s. I did put the message in the ini.file "SkipSocketErrorMsg=1" but no other result.... socket error 10060 ....wrong password error and "Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 006605C9 in Modul swissIV05.exe und Lesen von Adresse 00000218.
Hello Olaf,
First of all: DON'T DOWNGRADE TO 5.96!! Current version not only has better features but important corrections with LoTW!
Then your problem is that your certificate passwords differ from the ones assigned in the Lotw configuration in Swisslog. Please check in TQSL that your certificates are password protected and make sure you have assigned the same certificate passwords in Swisslog (or if both are blank!). Also make sure to set the right web access user name and password. All these is needed to perform the full synch to LoTw. Some of these settings are written wrong and doesn't match. Review carefully because this is the source of this error.
Best 73
Sorry but no sucess. I didn't changed the configuation. I think I have this problem since I see the message "You can update to version 5.97" . Sorry but in the moment I know NO other way to reinstall. I use now again 5.97a but shows the old message: " socket erroe 10060" not anymore the password error.
73 Olaf
What sould I oberve then I reinstall swisslog 5.97a ? First I will delete swisslog from my computer and I hope that will works after a reinstall again like 2016.
But which files or folder I should copy and paste for the nessary dates for my big log (85000 qsos)?
Best 73 and thanks for any suggestions. Olaf dl7cx
Hi Olaf,
The Socket Error 10060 often is caused by a program blocking outgoing/incoming internet connections (such as firewalls/antivirus). If you want to make a very fresh installation and keep all your current configuration please read this post:
If you still are in trouble we can arrange a remote Teamviewer session. Send me a whatsapp message: +34656409020.
Best 73
Hi Jordi,
I had reinstall the swisslog programm. First i didn't copy the swis...ini in the folder and the programm worked good only the synchronising with lotw was broken after 11 000 qsos. So I made a new installation and i copied the swis.ini in the folder... so the same error message with socket error 10060 is shown... . So I will try again to completly new install without copy the old file in the programm. Only the log. I hope that I have success. 73 Olaf
Now new installation without copy the old .ini file in the folder. LOTW exchange are ok... so I think it works again. But I don't know how the old version "broke" without changes from my side????
thanks Jordi for your help an Merry Christmas. 73 Olaf dl7cx
Hello Olaf,
Really curious... something strange would be in your old INI however I would like to know the reaon of this issue...
Well, most important is that after a fresh install now is working all perfectly.
Mery Christimas!