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Full Version: eqsl: SAT-QSO and submode and sat-name
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I made several QSOs via the grandious QO100 OSCAR.
In the logging / qso-entering window in Swisslog I used:
 Prop.Mode: SAT
 Sat-name: QO-100
 (all selected from the dropdown)

Now I uploaded all QSOs to eqsl from swisslog

After the upload I checked some QSOs in my eqsl-outbox:
   Not all do have the sat name correctly.

If I have to confirm QSOs manually in my inbox I click the green circle and I must enter the QSO time. But there is an error as I click save in eqsl:  "You must enter a Satellite Mode." .
OK - there is a field in eqsl to enter propagation mode, sat-mode (or sat-submode) and sat-name.
the sat-mode (SX, U, A etc) is not set. So I cannot confirm manually the qso. (btw. I do not know all modes on the OSCARs)

Should swisslog enter the correct sat-mode during upload?
Does swisslog doublecheck the band and satmode from eqsl during download? I have some strange 13cm qso confirmed with russia from Munich... nice.. but wrong.

Torsten, dg7ro
Hi Torsten,

eQSL requires the SAT-MODE which is something specifically for eQSL. LoTW doesn't requires this field at all. According to eQSL, SAT MODES allowed are the following:

A = Uplink: 2m Downlink: 10m
AU = Uplink: 10m Downlink: 70cm
B = Uplink: 70cm Downlink: 2m
J = Uplink: 2m Downlink: 70cm
K = Uplink: 15m Downlink: 10m
L = Uplink: 23cm Downlink: 70cm
LU = Uplink: 23cm Downlink: 70cm
LV = Uplink: 23cm Downlink: 2m
SX = Uplink: 13cm Downlink: 3cm
T = Uplink: 15m Downlink: 2m
UV = Uplink: 70cm Downlink: 2m
VU = Uplink: 2m Downlink: 70cm

However, I haven't found an official list for Satellite Modes... Band is always assigned for Uplink (transmission). This is a special eQSL note for satellites:

"SATELLITES: Prior to the SAT_MODE tag, we allowed specification of that mode inside a BAND tag, but after ADIF 3.1 we no longer support that. Use the SAT_MODE tag instead. Also be aware that if a SAT_MODE tag is supplied, then the PROP_MODE will automatically be set to SAT. It is possible to commit the error of supplying conflicting BAND and SAT_MODE tags, in which case the BAND overrides SAT_MODE. If you need to specify a different mode than one of those listed above, please contact technical support."

I don't know why eQSL requires to enter this data because there are "old" modes and "new" modes. I have extracted this list in this site:

Mode (old) Mode (new) Uplink Downlink
K 21 MHz 29 MHz
T 21 MHz 145 MHz
A 145 MHz 29 MHz
J VU 145 MHz 435 MHz
B UV 435 MHz 145 MHz
S US 435 MHz 2400 MHz
L LU 1268 MHz 435 MHz
LS 1268 MHz 2400 MHz
LX 1268 MHZ 10450 MHz
VS 145 MHz 2400 MHz

As you can see there is some controversy. Until I don't find any official satellite mode list I won't consider to add this field in Swisslog. I will apprecaite if someone can give me more info on this. Meantime, if eQSL requieres to fullfil this field, you will have to do it manually in your eQSL account.

Best 73
got an answer in the eqsl-forum:
"Manually, you don't have the choice...the system wants a sat-mode, you have to choose a sat-mode in the drop-down menu
Now, when you upload a file, here are the eQSL adif guidelines :
I made a test with XYL's account, one record with the sat mode, the other without
Both were accepted, both would count for a sat award since the prop mode = SAT"

.. not very helpful. I add the sat-mode in the adif file and upload these qsos manually.
Hi Tornsten,

I have edited a Satellite QSO in the eQSL account and you can manually set the SAT MODE (it's a drop down field). You can upload your SAT QSO with Swisslog normally then later edit them in your eQSL account.

In your reply in the eQSL forum you explain:

"But if I have to manually confirm the QSo by clicking the green circle I have to enter the mode - otherway eqsl does not allow me to save the qso (Error: You have to enter a Satellite Mode"

Why you have to manually confirm the QSO? Aren't you using the eQSL synch function of Swisslog? The eQSL synch of Swisslog perform all operations for you! (the same way is performed by the LoTW synch). No need to manually confirm anything, only reject QSOs not found in your log. The eQSL synch offers a very interesting option called "Get ONLY confirmed QSLs". If you check this option, Swisslog will only download confirmed QSL. It's very important to know the difference between Confirmed and Not Confirmed:

- Confirmed means QSLs that eQSL has found a match (+- 1 hour) with any of your uploaded QSOs.
- Not confirmed means QSLs requested in the Inbox but eQSL has not found any match in your uploaded QSOs.

If you don't check this option, Swisslog will give you a very detailed report showing these "QSO requests" not found in your log. You have to check these QSOs carefully in your log for any possible errors: maybe you did a type error and you need to correct something. Or maybe the QSO partner uploaded a QSO with a wrong band, mode, date, time or callsign, or simply is not in your log. In this case, you will have to review your Inbox/Archive in your eQSL account and reject the QSLs manually, indicating the reason. But you don't need to manually confirm anything because Swisslog does this automatically for all matched QSOs.

PLEASE read carefully the "eQSL Support" chapter in the Swisslog help. You won't find any eQSL synch like this in any other software!

Best 73
Hi Jordi,

thanks for the detailed answer.
I use the up and download function for eqsl in the same way as the LOTW (important for dxcc hunting)
I normaly do not check the option you mentioned. Sometimes eqsl do not match my SAT QSOs. Why? I don't know - band.mode,time is ok. So I have to manually confirm this QSO and then I have to enter the SAT submode. It's not so often but from time to time - so I asked this question here.

oh.. wait - just found a strange behaviour:

I have unconfirmed eqsl QSOs (*).
These QSOs are not yet uploaded by swisslog

I did:
download via swisslog eqsl-sync all QSOs (not only confirmed).

Swisslog downloaded all QSOs
matched them against existing QSOs - also the not yet uploaded QSOs
set status to "confirmed"

Checking eqsl-inbox: there are still the QSOs not confirmed at(*)
Uploading from swisslog results in no-qso-upload - as they are already confirmed.

-> now I have to manually confirm this qso - or export from swisslog with adif and upload them.
Hello Torsten,

Do you mean that you have ALL QSO in your Inbox after you have synchonized to eQSL with Swisslog??? This is absolutely normal.  QSOs will remain in the inbox after being confirmed. You will have to "view" the QSO in the InBox then it will be moved to the Archive. You can move all your Inbox to the Archive by displaying all your Inbox then press the CHECK ALL button at the bottom then click "Move checked eQSL to ARCHIVE".  This is not a bug or malfunction. This is only a way eQSL offers users to handle the InBox and move then to the Archive when they are displayed. To check for your QSOs you have to check the OutBox not the Inbox.

But by using the eQSL synch of Swisslog you don't need to worry about that, because Swisslog will match automatically the QSOs found in your InBox with the QSOs in your logbook . Even you can display the eQSL card within Swisslog! So you don't need to go and check anything in your eQSL account unless you need to reject a QSO in your InBox (QSOs displayed in the Error list page)  Nothing else! The eQSL API doesn't implement a way to automatically move your Inbox to the Archive.

This is an excerpt of the "Error list page" in the Swisslog help. I suggest you read the eQSL support > eQSL Detail Description in the Swisslog help, because this is the only operation you need to perform in your eQSL account if you have QSO listed in this page:

"You will have to review manually all the QSO not found (you had previous QSO with that station, but this particular QSO has not been found) or Call not found (you never had a QSO with a station). Check these QSOs carefully in your log for any possible errors: maybe you did a type error and you need to correct something. Or maybe the QSO partner uploaded a QSO with a wrong band, mode, date, time or callsign, or simply is not in your log. In this case, you will have to review your Inbox/Archive in your eQSL account and reject the QSLs manually, indicating the reason. If you don't do this, you will get the same errors if you synchronise again to get all QSLs."

If this is not your issue please send me screenshots and a detailed report but you have to check the inbox/outbox AFTER you perform the eQSL synch abd taking into consideration all the above. 

Best 73
I will ty to make it clear with screen shots:

at the beginning:
in eqsl:
see attachment - pict1

in swl:   ->pict2

now I start the sync:
-> pict3

no - errors.
import: no erros.

this qso is not confirmed - ok - works as designed - I understand this:
pict 4

now I try to download all eqsls and let swl deside to match:
-> pict5

no errors, 3 eQSLs downloaded.
imported in to swl:
> pict 6 - attachment2

now it is confirmed in swisslog - works nice!

in eqsl this qso is not yet confirmed in my inbox - ok - clear as I did not upload the QSOs. it's ok.

now I try to upload my QSOs to eqsl:
-> pict7

- 6 QSOs will be uploaded without errors.

no I check the eqsl:
- still i inbox not confirmed
- in outbox: g4vvp is not uploaded.
- in archive: g4vvp is not archived.

so SWL does not upload confirmed QSOs . In my inbox there will stay this QSOs until I confirm it manually.
After I confirmed it , this QSO shows up in my outbox.

ps: I tried to use inline pictures  in the forum editor - but this did not work.
Hi Tornsten,

First of all, are you using latest 5.99g version? This is very important!

Secondly: Why don't you activate realtime logging to eQSL? you are doing lots and unnecessary steps!! Go to Options / Online logbooks then enable realtime logging. When you save the QSO in Swisslog it will automatically be saved in eQSL. No need to perform eQSL sync every time. If you don't enable realtime logging, when executing the eQSL synch function it will upload all pending QSOs (the ones with the eQSL Status field blank) and will download all QSLs and compare to your logbook to check confirmations. It's very strange that after performing the Step 3 (pic3) the QSO has no Uploaded status / eQSL sent / eQSL sent date in the eQSL fields. Seems your QSOs are not uploaded.

In your screenshots I don't see the QSO Time to see if there is any mismatch on time field. However, this happens because your QSOs aren ot uploaded in eQSL, that's why don't appear in your Outbox and that's the reason it's not matched with the QSL in your Inbox, because it's not found in your eQSL logbook!

Summing up:

1. Make sure you have the latest 5.99g
2. Enable realtime eQSL logging.
3. After saving a QSO, the eQSL Status field must be set to UPLOADED, the eQSL Sent indicator must be checked and the eQSL Sent Date set to the current date. You can see this easily in a logbook view having the eQSL fields (like the "Status Online Logbooks" query from the Logbooks folder. Or you can edit this new QSO and check in the INFO QSL tab.
4. If it's uploaded then after executing the eQSL synch function will check for all the eQSL confirmations in the Inbox. If a match is found then the eQSL Status will be set to "Confirmed" and you won't see the REJECT symbol in this QSO in your InBox.

If step 3 fails then there is a problem there! Contact me via whatsapp to arrange a Teamviewer session to check online what may happen.

Best 73