15-05-2020, 05:22 PM
The Swisslog Country Database was updated 15 May 2020.
Corrections to one or more of: ITU zone, CQ zone, latitude/longitude and time zone for BY China, YB Indonesia, E51N North Cook, E51S South Cook,W USA, UAEU European Russia, UAAS Asiatic Russia, KC4 Antarctica. It is the generic data that has been added or corrected and specific stations within these entities will have different data when known.
The download is here: [attachment=317]
73 de Erik.
Corrections to one or more of: ITU zone, CQ zone, latitude/longitude and time zone for BY China, YB Indonesia, E51N North Cook, E51S South Cook,W USA, UAEU European Russia, UAAS Asiatic Russia, KC4 Antarctica. It is the generic data that has been added or corrected and specific stations within these entities will have different data when known.
The download is here: [attachment=317]
73 de Erik.