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Full Version: One computer, different users, different Swisslog databases and logins online
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Hello Jordi. 

I am now in Svalbard, and at my clubstation we have several computers in a network. On the main computer, there are several user profiles, and I encourage the users to use Swisslog for logging. But I encounter one irritating issue. I used the the windows user JW5E to log this weekend's "Jamboree on the air" qsos. All fine. I then logged out after closing all programmes, and logged into my personal windows user, JW6VDA, to continue operating with my personal callsign.  

Opening Swisslog, the database for JW5E was displayed. I then had to open the JW6VDA database, and change the user cridentials in LoTW and Clublog to get synch with LoTW and Clublog working for myself because it seems that all user cridentials for LoTW, QRZ.COM, e-qsl and Clublog are connected to the Swisslog installation itself and not the individual databases. 

 And of course, going back to the windows profile of JW5E, I have to repeat the operation, to get the JW5E log database up and running again. This is apparently connected to the default installation of Swisslog, but is there any way of avoiding this cumbersome procedure? 

73 de Tom JW6VDA
Hello Tom,

The LoTW passwords (for every certificate and LotW web access login details) are saved in the SWL_LOTW.INI file in the LOTW folder. The station location name associated to every MyQTH is saved in every entry of the My QTH table. 

If you share a computer, your TQSL must contain all certificates and station locations with the exact name as it was defined the first time in Swisslog (for all callsigns). So if you change your database, Swisslog will restore all password certificates from the SWL_LOTW.INI file and if TQSL contains the right station locations, Swisslog will find them in TQSL. In such case, you will only need to change the login details in the LoTW Web User / Password fields. That's all. Swisslog supports multiple callsigns belonging to the same holder. Your case is very specific because you want to use your own LoTW account and also your Club LoTW account which, of course, have different login details.