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Full Version: Update QSO with Data from Internet does not work
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Good day Swisslog user

I have some QSO's (212) in my logbook where the QTH is not entered. I would like to change this and have sorted by QTH under View: Logbook[].
Then I marked the QSO's where no QTH is entered. Then right-click and select "Update with Data from...." and Refresh selected QSOs.
In the right-hand area, I select City (QTH) and then Refresh QSOs.
Unfortunately, the QTH field is not updated and remains empty under View: Logbook[] even after refreshing (Refresh selected Data) the list.

If I double-click on a QSO without a QTH entry and switch to the Callbook tab in the QSO input window and click on Copy all, the QTH is adopted.

I am aware that not every OM has stored his QTH in the Internet (e.g. QRZ.COM). But if I mark several QSOs, the synchronisation from the
Internet does not work, if I update the QSO individually, the transfer works.

Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug in the programme?

73 HB9TZU Christof
Hi Christof,

Have you checked the Replace existing value checkbox beside the QTH field? I have tested here and works perfectly. Are you using latest version 5.103?

Best 73
Good evening Jordi

No, the checkbox "Replace existing value" was not activated yesterday.

I have just tried it with the activated checkbox "Replace existing value". With the 201 QSOs, the activated checkbox also showed no success.

To check, I exported the 201 QSOs to an ADIF file and then imported them into my old logbook. A QTH was then entered for 25 QSOs.
I assume that for the others there is already no QTH entry at QRZ.COM.

73 de HB9TZU
Hello Christof,

You don't need to export into ADIF to check this! after updating simply refresh the view. Of course if callsign is not found on QRZ, QTH won't be updated.

Best 73