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Full Version: Country name
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Good evening

I have a column in my logbook view with the DXCC.
However, only the acronym is displayed (e.g. I for Italy or HB9 for Switzerland).

Is there a possibility to show the full country name instead of the short sign?

Many thanks
Christof HB9TZU
Hello Christof,

Of course is possible but you have to play a little bit with your query. In order to do this you have add the INF_DXCC table then link the DXCC field from the QSO table to the DXCC field in the INF_DXCC table, then add the DXCC_NAME from the INF_DXCC.

You can see an example in View / Logbook view (select) then open any query from the DXCC folder then edit the query.

Best 73
Good evening Jordi

Thank you very much for your answer. I will try that tomorrow evening (now I am too tired... hi).

73 de HB9TZU
Good evening Jordi

So, after a few attempts, the display looks the way I wanted it to.

This seems to be a powerful tool. I think it's worth having a closer look.

73 de HB9TZU
Hi Christof,

Queries are a very powerful tool! It's intended for advanced users but you can do a lot of things. There are many predefined Queries which will fit most user's needs. Some of them are very complex. The best way to investigate is to play a bit with a predefined query then save it with another name. And of course read the Power Query help!

Best 73