RE: DX-message reset list
Thank you for your suggestion! I will try to add the Dx message window Walter implemented in version 6 (which was never released officially). It has interesting features such as Autofilters. It doesn,t have the function you are asking but with Autofilters you may get a better experience. If other users will find interesting your suggestion I will try to implement it in a future version. Meantime, I add it to the wish list.
I,'m working in a new version with WSJT-X and HB9HQX JT65 implementation. When I finish I will try to add this new Dx message window. As an advance I can tell you that version 5.94 will implement WinKeyer support and Dx Lab Commander support. It will take time to release v5.94 but I think will worth it!
Best 73
Jordi, EA3GCV