External database access timeout
Since I was in the Wish List section, here is mine (!):
Currently, if Swisslog is set to upload each new log entry to Clublog and access QRZ.com, initialising Save starts the process of accessing QRZ.com, retrieving data, sending to Clublog and then saving to the local database. In practically all instances the Clublog part happens quickly and seamlessly. But on a significant number of occasions, especially when QRZ.com is busy, there is a delay in retrieving QRZ data and hence logging the QSO. If working a pile-up, the next QSO can be completed, and therefore needs logging, before Swisslog has saved the previous one.
So my wish is that there be a (user-definable) timeout so that if the data retrieval from the external database takes more than x seconds, that the QRZ.com retrieval procedure is aborted and the QSO logged locally and to Clublog. Thus Swisslog is free to log the next QSO.
Sounds simple but ....... I know - not necessarily a practical proposition. But this is the Wish List!
73 de Erik EI4KF.