Dear users,
I'm really proud in presenting you the new version 5.98. This version implementes exclusive functions such as eQSL full sync (supporting multi callsign configuration), a image viewer to display eQSL QSL and also the profile image for QRZ/QRZCQ, etc. and important corrections!
Please, it's very important you read the news and corrections,
you have to do some manual actions!:
It's been a hard work to implement the full eQSL synchronization. Since I started to develop Swisslog in november 2014 I started to work on this function. Now it's the result of many years of hidden work. You won't find any other logging application in the world doing the eQSL synch as Swisslog does it. Please read carefully the documentation to setup everything correctly and in just 2 clicks you will synch with eQSL!
I hope you will enjoy this version! Happy summer to everybody!
Best 73