Now that I have more time on my hands I finally wanted to fix the problem I had with SWL on my Win7 laptop.
LOTW software + certificates are working OK (1.14.3)
Swisslog (5.8) was installed and runs "as admin" and seems to work OK. After installing 1 QTH was created and for test purposes 1 QSO was entered. After closing down SWL, rebooting and starting SWL again all seems OK (my initial problem on the laptop was that QSO's were not saved).
In the MyQTH tab (Details/New) I'm not able to enter a LOTW station.
In TOOLS >> LOTW sync >> configuration >> passwords I can see 1 Certificate Callsign (OO4BAM) and I can enter the password and also the LOTW web user and LOTW web password.
In "Station/QTH" I see the MyQTH info but I can't choose a LOTW station (only NONE is available).
I have tqsllib.dll and tqsllib2.dll in the SWL directory as well as in the TrustedQSL directory
Any ideas?
EDIT: It seems that this would do the trick:
Quote:"Start the TQSL program and select Station ¦ Add Locations."
I missed that while looking for a solution...

This is going to take a while in order to get my 27 certificates recognized in SWL and than import/exporting the QSO's from my main PC to the laptop.
Thanks in advance.