RE: QRP - One more option in Statistics...
Hi Manuel,
There is no Power field for a simple reason: on every QSO you associate a My QTH. In every MyQTH you define a callsign, a location, your working conditions (transceiver, power, etc) and an event (regular operation, a contest, etc).
Let me show you my own configuration: I use the same transceiver and antenna with a power amplifier. So I have created 2 different working conditions: one with the regular 100W and another, with the same transceiver antenna, but with 1000W. When I use the Power amplifier, in the MyQTH tab I select the working conditions of the power amplifier. This way, I know the working conditions I have used on every QSO! In a logbook view having the working conditions field, you can filter to know which QSOs I have made using the amplifier or not, by simply selecting the corresponding working conditions in the drop down list in this field. I suggest to use short names. In my case I have:
- IC-756Pro3 + MQ26SR
- IC-756Pro3 + MQ26SR + L4B
The first one is my transceiver and my quad antenna (100w). The other condition I have added my linear amplifier (Drake L4B).
In your case you only have to add your QRP working condition and set there the used power output. If you use different power outputs, you will have to define several MyQTH. When working QSOs, the selection is very simple! Go to the MyQTH tab in the Add QSO window and select the appropiated working condition. The same way as you select your MyQTH or event. All QSOs you save from that moment will be associated to the selected MyQTH/Working conditions/Event combination. You only have to change one of these fields if you change your MyQTH (callsign,location), your working conditions (if you use different equipment, different power oputput, etc) or if you are woking your regular operation, a contest etc( Event).
This feature is unique in Swisslog and you won't find it in any other program. As you can see you can keep your QSOs perfectly classified to know from which callsign or location, working conditions or event you have worked it. With the powerful functions of the logbook view you can select the QSOs you need with a few clicks.
Regarding the statistics, when you want to see a statistic report you can select from which My QTH (callsign, location...), working condition or event you want to see the report. If you need to know how many DXCC you have worked, confirmed by using your QRP working condition, simply check the QRP working condition in the statistic selection dialog. Could not be easier!
Best 73
Jordi, EA3GCV
Current developer of Swisslog